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Communications Director

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1 Communications Director
Get Your Message Out Using Social Media John Dipko Communications Director Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development NASWA September 27, 2016 Oklahoma City, OK

2 WI DWD Social Media Overview
Wisconsin DWD Communications & Social Media DWD Agency Website Facebook: 1,944 “Likes” vs. 1,053 in January 2015 Twitter: 1,294 followers vs. 535 in January 2015 YouTube: 6,453 Views Avg. View: 1.10 minutes Facebook: 10,109 “Likes” Twitter: 2,262 followers

3 WI DWD Social Media Handbook
DWD Communications Policy: Integrates Social Media Collaboration with Webmasters and SMEs Ensure timely, accurate, consistent, relevant information across platforms Integrated with other strategies Aligns social media strategies with other agencies & workforce partners

4 WI DWD Social Media Handbook
DWD Communications Policy: Integrates Social Media Policy crosswalks to Handbook with Social Media & IT Security Standard Handbook issued 2014, updated in 2015 “Best Practices” covers business vs. personal use Approvals to launch a new social media account for DWD use Provides ideas for content

5 WI DWD Social Media Handbook
Outlines Content Creator Roles & Responsibilities Reviews applicable policies that intersect with social media Regular consultation with Communications Office Administrative access to social media sites, including log-in credentials Outlines open records retention requirements with social media content Ensure DWD Brand consistency

6 Social Media Coordinator
Designated by the Communications Office: Oversees & Manages Content The Coordinator may delegate posting authority to other social media content creators within a given program area. Advantages of a Social Media Coordinator: Centralizes and streamlines processes Consistent messaging and content Access to all social media platforms/pages Monitors adherence to House Rules (Facebook)

7 WI DWD Social Media Case Studies
Facebook: DWD-approved site for Wisconsin Promise: Boost helped drive enrollment; one of several strategies that helped WI meet enrollment goal. Twitter: Job Center Access Point events in Milwaukee  part of overall awareness-building/outreach plan; coordinating Tweets with WI Governor’s Office, e.g., #WIWorking, #AccountableGov, #StudentSuccesss, #RewardingWork YouTube: Video overviews of enhanced features for  1,482 views since April 2016

8 WI DWD Social Media Future Considerations Requests to launch
LinkedIn pages Integrate with External partners Monitor emerging platforms Drive customer service improvements

9 Questions? John Dipko Communications Director
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development

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