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Automated Guided Vehicle Optimal Control Problem

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Presentation on theme: "Automated Guided Vehicle Optimal Control Problem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automated Guided Vehicle Optimal Control Problem
Preliminary Research Reijer Idema

2 Automated Guided Vehicle Optimal Control Problem
Supervisors: P. Wesseling Kees Vuik ir. Patrick H.F. Segeren René Jager

3 FROG Navigation Systems
AGV : Automated Guided Vehicle industrial transport public transport entertainment FROG : Free Ranging On Grid grid of magnets

4 FROG Navigation Systems

5 Problem Formulation (Textual)
Suppose an AGV has to perform an action in the world. Find the best control input for the AGV to achieve the action.

6 Example Problem 1/3 Vehicle model: point mass throttle on/off instant steering orientation = path direction Vehicle task: hallway (2D) collect at A deliver at B

7 throttle: steering wheel: collect/deliver: N/A position: orientation:
Example Problem 2/3 Internal state space: throttle: steering wheel: collect/deliver: N/A External state space: position: orientation: velocity: collect/deliver: N/A

8 begin position/orientation end position/orientation
Example Problem 3/3 Task: begin position/orientation end position/orientation Internal Constraints: [no jumping] [no sharp corners] External Constraints: keep clear of obstacles

9 Constraint Projection

10 Problem Formulation (Mathematical)

11 NURBS curves Local search methods Tools Path description:
Solver Algorithm: Local search methods

12 parametric curve: C(u) = (x(u),y(u)) piecewise rational function
NURBS Curves NURBS: Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline: parametric curve: C(u) = (x(u),y(u)) piecewise rational function

13 B-Spline Definition

14 Knot Vector Properties
Knot vector: U = {u0,…,um} knot multiplicity k non-periodic: u0 = … = up = a um-p = … = um = b consequence: C(u0)=P0, C(um)=Pn

15 Basis Function Properties
Basis function: Ni,p(u;U) depends only on degree p and knot vector U local support property: partition of unity non-negativity polynomial on each knot span C on the interior of a knot span Cp-k at a knot with multiplicity k

16 Cubic Basis Functions

17 C on the interior of a knot span Cp-k at a knot with multiplicity k
B-Spline Properties B-Spline: C(u;P,U) piecewise polynomial C on the interior of a knot span Cp-k at a knot with multiplicity k local modification scheme moving Pi modifies C(u) only on [ui,ui+p+1) strong convex hull property

18 NURBS Definition

19 C on the interior of a knot span Cp-k at a knot with multiplicity k
NURBS Properties NURBS: C(u;P,U,W) piecewise rational C on the interior of a knot span Cp-k at a knot with multiplicity k local modification scheme moving Pi or changing wi modifies C(u) only on [ui,ui+p+1) strong convex hull property

20 Homogeneous Representation
A rational curves of dimension d can be represented by a non-rational curve of dimension d+1 using homogeneous coordinates.

21 knot insertion and knot refinement knot removal degree elevation
B-Spline Operations 1/2 knot insertion and knot refinement knot removal degree elevation degree reduction point inversion and point projection reparameterization conversion to and from piecewise power basis form

22 control point and weight modification relatively easy calculations
B-Spline Operations 2/2 control point and weight modification relatively easy calculations high level shaping tools warping, flattening, bending and constraint based curve shaping curve fitting interpolation and approximation

23 Research Planning 1/3 Task: path from A to B Vehicle model: point mass 2D work area orientation = path direction disconnect velocity Extensions: vehicle body higher dimensions (crabbing, etc.)

24 Research Planning 2/3 Internal constraints: general description constraint preserving operations External constraints: hull curve collision free path

25 Research Planning 3/3 Cost and heuristics: cost function time, energy consumption heuristics straight, circular corner Solver algorithm: highly constructive local search

26 Q & A ?

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