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Altered States of Consciousness Sensation and Perception

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Presentation on theme: "Altered States of Consciousness Sensation and Perception"— Presentation transcript:

1 Altered States of Consciousness Sensation and Perception
Unit 1 Review The Brain Altered States of Consciousness Sensation and Perception 10 20 30 40

2 What is the PNS? CNS? Category

3 Draw a simple diagram of a neuron and label the following
Axon Dendrites Myelin Sheath Category

4 Describe the case of Phineas Gage How and why did his personality change?

5 What are the “three brains?” What is each responsible for?

6 Insert Text for Question
Category 1 – 50 points

7 What are drugs?

8 How are hypnosis and biofeedback similar?

9 What are the various theories proposed for why we dream
What are the various theories proposed for why we dream? Which are no longer accepted by modern psychology?

10 Create a table of the cycles of sleep
Include physical as well as mental changes

11 Insert Text for Question
Category 2 – 50 points

12 What are rods and cones?

13 What is the “Cocktail Party Effect?”

14 Describe the concept of gestalt Provide an illustration example

15 What senses do humans possess?
Briefly describe the functioning of each

16 Insert Text for Question
Category 3 – 50 points

17 What was the name given to the 6,000 mile journey Chinese communists made?

18 What conditions in Germany and Italy helped fascism take hold?

19 Describe some of the key traits of fascism

20 Describe Hitler’s ideology and his goal for Germany’s future written in “Mein Kampf”

21 Insert Text for Question
Category 4 – 50 points

22 Insert Text for Question
Category 5 – 10 points

23 Insert Text for Question
Category 5 – 20 points

24 Insert Text for Question
Category 5 – 30 points

25 Insert Text for Question
Category 5 – 40 points

26 Insert Text for Question
Category 5 – 50 points

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