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Service Learning What is Service Learning? .

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Presentation on theme: "Service Learning What is Service Learning? ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Learning What is Service Learning? .
Service learning is defined as the explicit linkage of academic subject matter to community-based and student directed service projects. (National Youth Leadership Council, 2004) .

2 Service learning involves students in community
activities that compliment their classroom studies. Programs aim to help students increase their academic skills through understanding how what they learn can be applied to the real world. Service learning helps students become interested in their communities and learn how they can affect the quality of life in them. Corporation for National Service, Learn and Serve Grants Mary

3 What are the essential elements of Service Learning?
Community Need Youth Voice Meaningful Service Community Collaborations Alignment to Academic Standards Reflection Evaluation Recognition/Celebration Mary

4 What topics are possibilities for a service learning project?
Human Issues Educational Issues Changing Communities Environmental Stewardship Homeland Security Conflict Resolution Mary

5 What steps are involved in a service learning project?
1. Investigate Inventory student interest/analyze social issue 2. Prepare Acquire knowledge/organize plan/determine skills needed 3. Act Direct service/indirect service/advocacy/research 4. Reflect Process development/self-awareness/develop future plans 5. Demonstrate Total experience/meta-cognition/service accomplished Mary

6 What are the benefits of service learning for communities?
Resources match needs/issues Youth is introduced to leadership and community work Problem solving for community needs is increased Career options are explored Mary

7 Save the Last word for me
With Common Core State Standards, Why Service Learning Matters Even More By Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A. And Maureen Connolly, Ed.D., CBK Associates Save the Last word for me Mary

8 Service Learning: How does it incorporate the CCSS in a culturally responsive environment? Mary

9 Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Literacy Instruction:
Current Research “A way of looking at teaching that is grounded in an understanding of the role of culture and language in learning.”* Understanding the Role of Language in Knowledge Construction Developing Socio-cultural Consciousness Harnessing culture and language as resources for rigorous instruction Engaging in the Work of High Academic Expectations Viewing Oneself as an Agent of Change *Villegas, A. M., & Lucas, T. (2007). The culturally responsive teacher. Educational Leadership, 64(6), p.29 10:10- 10:15 Mary Think-write-pair-share

10 Websites
10:10- 10:15 Mary Think-write-pair-share

11 Thank you for your participation
Questions? 10:10- 10:15 Mary Think-write-pair-share

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