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Diane Elkins & Nick Elkins | Artisan E-Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Diane Elkins & Nick Elkins | Artisan E-Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diane Elkins & Nick Elkins | Artisan E-Learning
Does Eye Candy Matter? SU211 Presentation materials:


3 What do we already know?

4 Will they take and finish the course?  
Will they trust/use the content? Will they recommend it to others? Would they want to take another?

5 What do you think?

6 Four Possible Outcomes
There won't be much of a difference between the three.  Ugly will do noticeably worse than average; pretty will do noticeably better than average.  Ugly and average will be similar, pretty will do much better. Average and pretty will be similar, ugly will do much worse.

7 I plan to use some of these techniques in my work or personal life.

8 I would recommend this course to others

9 I would possibly be interested in other courses in this series.

10 Comments: Average good course! Great concrete tips!
i thought it was nicely chuncked! Like the flow; the fact that the learner has a choice on the order they learn things; and that it is quick! The way the content was presented was very engaging; although at first I was a little annoyed that it required so much of my involvement. (How sad that I expected to passively consume content!) Something more visually rich might've held my attention more -- or an example or two of how someone else has used this process/set of tools. Lastly; the My Summary was nice to refer back to; I'd like a way to "take it with me" at the end -- it to myself; print it; save it (something!) there is no option to skip if something doesn't apply - though you can just type something in and move on Very simple and nbot visualy interesting; but the content and exercises are worth some time/thought Reinfermed what I already know that but actually implementing. well designed to give the motivation i needed

11 Comments: Pretty Great course guys. I thought it was very well designed. I appreciated that it was quick -- it goes right along with the theme! I liked how I was able to put my own information into the course. It made it relevant and immediatly useful. I liked the course and found it helpful layout seemed appropriate Liked Thank you for making me see that I put obstacles in the way of setting priorities.

12 Comments: Ugly

13 Views vs. Completions Overall views: 537 Overall completions: 55
Completion percent: 10.2% Ugly views: 93 Ugly completions: 7 Ugly percent: 7.5% Average views: 177 Average completions: 27 Average percent: 15.2%

14 Anecdotal Findings What is pretty/average/ugly?
What is the impression of the company that created the course? How hard/easy is it to get people to take a course? What does your LMS really tell you?

15 What do we do with these findings?

16 Diane Elkins & Nick Elkins | Artisan E-Learning
Does Eye Candy Matter? SU211 Presentation materials:


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