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TLC CASA “Bringing Brighter Futures to Children”

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1 TLC CASA “Bringing Brighter Futures to Children”


3 In Georgia, approximately 7,485 children at any one time are entangled in the foster care system because they are victims of abuse or neglect. At any given time, more than 13,000 abused and neglected children in Georgia are in foster care because they are unable to live safely at home

4 About Us Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is central to fulfilling society’s most fundamental obligation by making sure a qualified, compassionate adult will fight for and protect every child’s right to be safe, to be treated with dignity and respect, and to learn and grow in the security of a loving family.

5 “TLC CASA is a volunteer-powered program which provides representation in juvenile court for child victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. The program recruits, screens, trains, and supervises adult community members who volunteer their time to serve as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs), with full legal authority set forth by the State of Georgia. CASAs provide advocacy to child victims to ensure that they remain at the forefront of the court proceedings and find a safe, permanent home as quickly as possible.”

6 Our Mission Stop further victimization of children
Educate the community about the needs of abused and neglected children Advocate for resources and services for children Help the legal system to be more child focused

7 Our ultimate goal is to ensure that every child has a safe, supportive, loving, permanent home as quickly as possible.

8 TLC CASA Serves.. Bleckley, Candler, Dodge, Emanuel, Jefferson, Johnson, Laurens, Montgomery, Pulaski, Telfair, Toombs, Treutlen, Twiggs, Washington, and Wheeler Counties

9 TLC CASA Staff Sherri Howard - Director
Marie Townsend - Advocacy Coordinator Sandy Cox - Visitation Coordinator Teddy Drakes - Access & Visitation Coordinator Marsha Sears - Visitation Supervisor Brenda Adams - Visitation Supervisor Delicia Jett - Parent Advocate

10 How do I become a CASA Volunteer?
Complete an application, including 4 personal and professional references Undergo criminal background checks Be interviewed by a CASA staff person Complete 40 hours of training Be sworn-in by a judge

11 What are the Qualifications?
At least 21 years of age Pass criminal background checks Good verbal & written communication skills Ability to be objective & non-judgmental Available to attend all court hearings Commitment to CASA program for at least 1 year or preferably until case is resolved

12 What are a CASA Volunteers Responsibilities?
Visit the child Explain the role of a CASA volunteer Keep the child informed of all aspects of the court proceedings Gather independent information about the child to make recommendations to the judge in the child’s best interests Seek cooperative solutions with other participants in the child’s case, including the child’s attorney Interview the parents, guardians or caretakers, social worker & other service providers Review records related to the family Prepare written reports for court hearings

13 Attend & participate in court hearings & other related meetings
Identify potential resources within the family & community to meet the child’s needs Keep all records & information confidential Monitor provisions of service plans & court orders Ensure the child’s wishes are known to the judge Advocate for the child in the community Consult with local CASA program staff for support and guidance Maintain focus on the child until permanency is achieved

14 Benefits Help to change a child’s life for a brighter future.
You can help to end the cycle of abuse and neglect. An opportunity to learn about the juvenile court system and become actively involved in your community.

15 Success Story Two boys, Michael* and Max*, entered foster care at ages seven and nine, moving 20 to 30 times, from foster homes to psychiatric residential facilities, throughout 19 counties in Georgia. CASA volunteer Molly was not assigned to them until they were teenagers. By that time, they were on a downward spiral, with few placement options and bleak futures. However, Molly was not deterred. For over two years, she championed Michael and Max by using tough love to earn their respect and trust, as they approached their 18th birthdays. She helped them to understand their limitations to tackling the world on their own. Today, both Michael and Max have signed themselves back into foster care and have earned their GEDs. Max began college recently.

16 Success Story Two boys, Silas* and Alexander*, were initially adopted. However, after being physically abused, they were placed in foster care in different homes. Six years later, CASA volunteer Laurie was assigned as their CASA volunteer. She quickly established a rapport with the boys and found out their wishes. She began investigating and coordinating with various stakeholders on how best to meet their needs. Laurie worked diligently with the group home where Silas resided to facilitate weekly visits between the siblings, which progressed to weekend visits and motivated Silas to modify his behavior in order to be placed in the same foster home as Alexander. Laurie also understood the boys’ wishes to be adopted again. She worked with the Department of Family and Children Services and State adoption roundtable facilitators to have Silas and Alexander placed back on the adoption registry. Just 16 months after Laurie was assigned as their CASA volunteer, they were adopted!


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