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Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS)-Compilation

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1 Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS)-Compilation
CARICOM REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS November 21-25, 2016 St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS)-Compilation Economic Accounting Division

2 Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) I
FATS measure, the commercial presence abroad of service suppliers and are therefore closely related to statistics on FDI. FATS variables are to be compiled only with respect to affiliates in which the direct investor holds a controlling interest. Data on the activities of foreign-controlled affiliates in the compiling economy are usually referred to as inward FATS.

3 Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) II
Those data relating to the controlled foreign affiliates of the compiling economy that are established abroad are referred to as outward FATS. FATS cover a broad range of business variables including sales (turnover) and/or output, employment, value added, exports and imports of goods and services, and number of enterprises.

4 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Universe
FDI: The direct investor makes an international investment to obtain control and a lasting interest in an enterprise abroad Owns >10% shares, voting power or the equivalent Direct investment enterprise Associate Subsidiary Branch between 10 and 50% more than 50% wholly or jointly unincorporated enterprise individuals enterprises associated groups of individuals/enterprises governments... Country A Country B Direct investor FATS

5 Data Sources Business Register, key variables include:
Number of employees; Date of birth; Name of establishment; Street address and other contact details; Ownership structure (%age of foreign ownership and country of foreign ownership) The media Tax department Website of business associations Companies Office of Jamaica Regulators/Associations for e.g. Financial Services Commission (FSC)

6 -sales turnover and/or output
(FATS) Variables I Priority variables -sales turnover and/or output -employment -value added -exports and imports of goods and services -number of enterprises

7 (FATS) Variables II Long-term variables -assets
-compensation of employees -net worth -net operating surplus -gross fixed capital formation -taxes on income -research and development expenditure -purchases of goods and services

8 (FATS) Compilation See Worksheet

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