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Prince Kaleme Scientific Director, CRSN/Lwiro

2 CRSN-Lwiro

3 Introduction Created as “Institut pour la Recherche Scientifique en Afrique Centrale (IRSAC)” on 1st July 1947 The aim was to Encourage, promote, coordinate and conduct research in the Belgian Congo and Rwanda- Urundi

4 History Since independences, names and the scope of the institution changed. It was now limited to the DR Congo. In 1975, it became - “Institut pour la Recherche Scientifique (IRS)” with stations but reporting  Lwiro. In 1984, it was named : “Centre de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles (CRSN) ” with the aim to conduct, promote and coordinate research, science and technology in the DR Congo (formerly Zaïre). In 1994, stations Uvira and Mabali became autonomous 2008 – Goma Volcano Observatory --

5 Organization Five research departments: Department of Biology
Department of Geophysics Department of Documentation  Department of Environment Department of Nutrition

6 The role of the state in CRSN
CRSN is a state owned institution Guaranty for salaries Opportunities for capacity building Representation at government – some opportunities obtained OVG for surveillance of volcanoes (2002).

7 Problems with the state
No funds for research Very slow in cases of emergency Become active in case of catastrophes (Earth quakes, land slides, outbreak of epidemic - most of the time without funds)

8 Contribution to Congo basin conservation
Inventories in protected areas for postwar control or biodiversity assessment before the PA gazetting process: Mammals (large and small): species lists with distribution maps Plant diversity (±10000 plant specimens in the herbarium) Ornithology (850 specimens) Herps (reptiles and amphibians)

9 Activities to date Dept of Biology
Document biodiversity in the DRC and neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi) Postwar assessment of biodiversity in the DRC’s Protected Areas (PAs) Digitizing of maps and herbarium materials Database of existing specimens of mammals, birds, herps plants, insects, snails, etc.

10 Activities (cont’d) Department of Geophysics
Monitoring of the seismic activity of the western Rift Localize seismic hazard or landslide in the region and sensitize populations Recording and managing of climate data since 1953  network of rainfall stations (12) west of Lake Kivu

11 Activities (cont’d) Department of Documentation
Management of the Library Research in human sciences (archives, humanities …) Maintain map and important documentation of the region

12 Achievements Department of biology Department of Geophysics
Introduction of a fish species Limnothrissa miodon (Sambaza) from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Kivu in 1958 Knowledge of biodiversity and ecosystems Updated database of biodiversity and soon, land use in the Kivu (collaboration with JGI) Department of Geophysics Prediction of the 2002 volcanic eruption Mapping of the hazards (seismic and landslides) in the eastern DRC

13 Goals for the future Host the biodiversity database for the entire eastern DR Congo Produce complete lists of the species for different taxa Capacity building for biodiversity (this is ongoing with intern students) Lead the process for biodiversity databases for the country (teams work in isolation) Sensitization of local peoples and opinion leaders (governments) on research results for future actions

14 What challenges do we face?
Lack of funds from government Many collaborations have closed No capacity building policy from government No synergy with other agencies working for research Infrastructure Need to upgrade some facilities Need for rehabilitations  with recurrent earthquakes, some parts of complex need attention

15 Collaborations Past Current ICCN/ WCS/ WWF ICCN/ WCS/ WWF
CEMUBAC Kyoto University Kyoto University University of Wisconsin University of Tohoku IITA Field Museum/ Chicago ARCOS University of Barcelona

16 Thank you for your attention


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