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Work-packages for , detailed description

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1 Work-packages for 2011-2016, detailed description
R. Corsini, 13thCLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board Thursday 19 May 2011 Work-packages for , detailed description

2 General R. Corsini, 13thCLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board
Thursday 19 May 2011 General

3 CLIC general WP: CLIC-001 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Task1: Study support Task2: Travel Task 3: activity managers Task 4: office material, computers Task 5: fellows Present level of fellows constantly for CLIC 50% financed through GET, 50% from CERN fellow budget -> 1.7 MCHF/year Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 2000 10000 M>P (kCHF) 1700 8500 P from M (FTE) 1 6 my P - CERN staff(FTE): 6 36 my P- fellows (FTE)

4 Beam Physics R. Corsini, 13thCLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board
Thursday 19 May 2011 Beam Physics

5 Integrated Baseline Design
BPH-BASE Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Overall Parameters Objectives: Propose a staged approach to CLIC (in collaboration with physics) Define the overall parameters for the different CLIC stages Update and optimise the overall parameters Proposal Baseline parameters Improved baseline parameters -early 2012 -mid 2012 Baseline Design Objective: Develop and document the CLIC baseline design (optics, performance specifications) Optimise the baseline design for physics findings, cost, performance and technical risk Activities: (largely in workpackages) Main beam sources Damping ring complex Ring to main linac transport Main linac Beam delivery system Experimental area and post collision line Drive beam complex Overall integration Baseline design Improved baseline designs -2013

6 Integrated Baseline Design (cont)
BPH-BASE Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Hardware performance Objectives: Provide hardware performance specifications Contribute to the development of performance models of key hardware in collaboration with hardware experts Follow hardware progress and integrate feedback from hardware Documents Reports documenting the models Design changes Cost Provide input for the cost estimate Contribute to a cost model to optimise the machine in collaboration with the cost effort and other working groups Identify cost saving options and follow costing progress and integrate feedback Documents on number of components and layouts Cost model Improved baseline designs tbd Tbd

7 Integrated Baseline Design (cont)
BPH-BASE Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Static tolerances, beam-based alignment and tuning Objective: Estimate the static tolerances Develop an integrated concept to mitigate static imperfections imperfections Activities (largely in other packages): Study impact of static imperfections Develop alignment and tuning procedures Study performance of procedures Reports specifying the static tolerances Alignment and tuning procedures Reports evidencing that the beam performance can be met with this system Dynamic effects and feedback Estimate the dynamic tolerances Develop an integrated concept to mitigate dynamic imperfections Study impact of dynamic imperfections Develop feedback layout and controller Study performance of feedback Reports specifying the dynamic tolerances Feedback layout

8 Integrated Baseline Design (cont)
BPH-BASE Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Operation, commissioning and reliability Objectives: Develop the commissioning scenario Develop the operation strategy Develop a model of the operation Identify and address key availability and reliability issues Report describing the commissioning scenario Report describing the operation strategy Report describing the operation model Reports addressing key reliability issues Address key beam physics issues Identify, prioritise and address key performance issues Activities (work is mainly done in the other workpackages): Identify and prioritise key performance issues Updated list of key performance issues and their study status

9 Integrated Baseline Design (cont)
BPH-BASE Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Code development Objectives: Develop the codes necessary to study the integrated machine performance Develop codes to address specific issues Activities: Develop and support CLIC codes: PLACET GUINEA-PIG / GUINEA-PIG++ SIRE FAST-ION / Resistive wall wakes HTGEN / PLACET-HTGEN MAPCLASS HADES / CALYPSO Codes that are not unique for CLIC: HEAD-TAIL BDSIM (Royal Holloway) / PLACET-BDSIM Up to date codes Difficulties in sources, damping ring is very tight CERN: BE-ABP, BE-RF, TE_ABT, TE-MPE, EN-MEF, needs to be located at CERN Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): Tbd (0.35) SYMME resources depend on outcome of bid

10 Integrated Dynamic Studies
BPH-LUMI Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Determination of feedback layout Objective: Provide a consistent feedback design across the areas Description: Integrate area feedback systems into one coherent set of feedback systems Baseline feedback layout Controller design Develop, adjust and optimise controller for performance, cost and risk Code, report System identification Provide error estimate for controller system model Report Mechanical stability Develop mechanical model and feedback on hardware development Magnetic stray fields Objective: Develop a concept to mitigate the impact of static and dynamic magnetic fields Description: Participate to the determination of the level of fields Determine the impact of the fields on the beam performance Define further work depending on the outcome of the above studies

11 Integrated Dynamic Studies (cont)
BPH-LUMI Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Phase and amplitude stability Objective: Develop an integrated concept to mitigate drive and main beam phase and amplitude errors Description: Determine the impact of hardware on beam phase and amplitude stability In collaboration with hardware experts identify critical hardware and required R&D Identify and follow relevant beam tests Design feedback and feed-forward systems Optimise beam line design for stability Report on concept of stabilisation Report evidencing that the beam performance can be met with this system Operation, commissioning and reliability Objective: Develop the commissioning scenario Develop a model of the operation Address key reliability issues Report on the commissioning scenario Report on the operation Report on reliability CERN: BE-ABP, TE-MPE, EN-MEF, SYMME, Needs some increase Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 6 (1.5) 36 (9) SYMME resources depend on outcome of bid

12 Background BPH-BCKG Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule
Beam-beam background Provide beam-beam background data base to detector studies Code, database Halo generation Estimate halo generation in main linacs and other machine areas Code, report, database Muon generation Determine generation of muons in BDS and resulting flux at the detector Report, data base Synchrotron radiation background Develop code to estimate synchrotron radiation in detector, in particular photons bouncing down the beam pipe Estimate the synchrotron radiation background Code Report Aarhus, JAI, CERN: BE-ABP, TE-MPE Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 4 (0.5) 24 (3) Need to increase resources

13 Polarisation BPH-POL Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule
Exploration of available tools Identify available tools report Luminosity weighted polarisation Study error of polarisation estimate at IP Tool development Develop tools as needed Report describing model -2014 Polarisation preservation Study of polarisation preservation Report -2016 Polarisation instrumentation Study of specific polarisation instrumentation lines Optics, report Linked to integrated luminosity studies Aarhus, JAI Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 1 (0.3) 2 (0.3) ? Need to identify a responsible for this work

14 Main Beam Source BPH-SRC Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Beam line design Objectives: Provide optimised polarised electron beam line design Provide optimised unpolarised positron beam line design Provide a conceptual design for a polarised positron source Activities: Develop polarised electron source Develop re-injector linac Improve injector linac Improve spin rotator Develop unpolarised positron source Develop primary electron linac, Improve pre-injector Improve bunch compressor Develop transfer lines Develop diagnostics lines Explore polarised positron source

15 Main Beam Sources (cont.)
BPH-SRC Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Component specifications Activities: Follow hybrid target tests Follow and iterate on adiabatic matching device Correction techniques Activities: Provide a feedback to control the bunch charge Performance studies Activities: Study different options for polarised positron production EN-STI, LPSC-IN2P3 Grenoble, JLAB, SLAC, Mainz, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, ELETTRA, LAL, KEK, ANL, BNL, CI, Karkhov, CERN: BE-RF, BE-ABP, EN-STI Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 800 1100 1500 1400 1600 7500 Personnel (FTE): 6 (1) 36 (5) Some review necessary; based on my assessment which differs from the one of Louis

16 Damping Ring BPH-DR Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule
Optics Provide optimised base line design Non-linear optimisation, correction systems and magnet/wiggler field quality Methods and diagnostics for linear and non-linear correction DR transfer systems: transfer line and injection/extraction optics, kicker impedance and double kicker system Absorption schemes, beam loss handling, failure scenarios Delay loop design Designs, reports Vertical emittance minimisation Beam dynamics methods and tolerances for reaching sub-pm vertical emittance Report, experiment Dynamic tolerances and feedback Determine dynamic tolerances and requirements for the feedback Report

17 Damping Ring (cont.) BPH-DR Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Collective effects Intra-beam scattering: Lattice optimisation and experiments for theory/code benchmarking Electron cloud: simulations and proposal and evaluation of experiments for instability and mitigation Fast beam-ion instability: Simulations, lattice optimisation and experiments for theory/code benchmarking Space charge: Space charge simulations with radiation Impedances: Calculation of high-frequency effects of resistive wall, impedance database, feed-back system specs and multi-particle simulations for instability thresholds Coherent synchrotron radiation: Experiments and simulation to remove risk due to uncertain CSR model Data base, reports on simulation studies, reports on experiments JAI-DIAMOND (R. Bartolini), IFIC Valencia (A. Faus-Golfe, PhD student), ATF (J. Urakawa), BINP (K. Zolotarev, E. Levichev), PSI-SLS (A. Streun), INFN/LNF (M. Biaggini), Australian Collaboration for Accelerator Science (M. Bolland,K. Wooton), CESRTA (M. Palmer), SOLEIL (R. Nagaoka), Un. Of Roma (M. Milliorati, A. Mostacci), Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 10 (1+0.5) 12 (1+0.5) 62 (6+3) Resources have some uncertainty since general collaboration is included

18 RTML BPH-RTML Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule
Beam line design Objective: Design and optimise the RTML beam lines Activities: Address BC2 RF Develop missing beam lines Pre-linac collimation Diagnostics and correction lines Improve arcs Integrate findings from the other tasks Lattice deck Hardware specifications and tolerances Objective: Provide hardware performance specifications that are agreed with the hardware experts Activities: Collect and structure the hardware specifications for the different sub-areas Agree with hardware experts on the hardware specifications taking into account trade-offs for technical challenges and cost issues Documents with component specifications

19 RTML (cont.) BPH-RTML Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule
Correction techniques Objective: Provide the correction techniques to meet the beam performance Activities: Develop and document correction and tuning procedures for the different sub-areas to meet the design goal Develop and document feedback system layouts to meet the design goal Provide tolerances for the hardware specifications Provide feedback to the lattice design reports RTML performance evaluation Provide the evidence that the RTML baseline can meet the design goals Evaluate CSR and SR effect simulations Wakefields Develop integrated longitudinal model JAI, Valencia, has been kept at low level for CDR Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 4 (0.35) 24 (2.1) CERN staff is marginal

20 Two-Beam Acceleration
BPH-ML Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Optics Objective: Provide optimised main beam line and drive beam decelerator design for cost reduction/performance improvement Activities: Adjust lattice design to different gradients/energies Optimise the focal strength for best performance/cost Improved optics, report Correction techniques Study impact of hardware implementation details on beam-based alignment performance Update the feedback design report Feedback layout, report Performance studies Improve the main linac modelling (e.g. multi-pole wakefields, multi-bunch wakefields, shape distortions,…) Improved PLACET code

21 Two-Beam Acceleration (cont.)
BPH-ML Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 3 (0.4) 4 (0.4) 23 (2.4) Resources need to be reviewed

22 Beam Delivery System BPH-BDS Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Beam line design Activities: Provide optimised design for cost reduction/performance improvement - Develop alternative with QD0 in the tunnel (L*=6m) - Develop alternative that is better suited for tuning - Develop designs for different energies as needed - Improve collimation system design Improved optics, reports Hardware specifications Activities: Include hardware details in lattice design Crab cavities Collimators Detailed design Correction techniques - Improve tuning and alignment algorithms - Perform tuning studies with realistic signals - Update the feedback design - Define how to operate the collimators Procedure, report

23 Beam Delivery System (cont.)
BPH-BDS Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Performance studies Activities: Profit from the ATF2 experimental programme to evidence the CLIC BDS performance Determine collimator wakefields - Evaluate collimation system efficiency with simulations Test results, reports Simulations, reports JAI, Cockcroft, SLAC, Needs some increase, mainly for collimation system Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 6 (0.6) 36 (3.6) CERN staff is marginal

24 Drive Beam Complex BPH-DRV Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Optics design Provide optimised arc and combiner ring optics Provide design of satellite removal for thermionic injector Phase stability study Explore photo injector as alternative Improve drive beam linac optics Provide baseline design of extraction line Design, Reports, Tuning procedure Imperfections and correction techniques - Beam-based alignment studies - Develop feedback against beam phase and amplitude jitter - Study operation of drive beam linac with klystron/modulator failures Design Model, reports Concept, report Performance studies Study the impact of SR and CSR on the beam Determine level of SR and CSR on the beam line components Improve design to mitigate SR and CSR effects report

25 Drive Beam Complex (cont.)
BPH-DRV Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Integrated studies Understand impact of tails in collaboration with two-beam acceleration Code, reports, conceptual design of collimation Ankara Frascati?, CERN: BE-ABP, BE-OP?, Needs significant increase Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): 3.4 (1.1) 6 (1.1) 33.4 (6.6)

26 Beam & System Tests R. Corsini, 13thCLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board
Thursday 19 May 2011 Beam & System Tests

27 CTF3 WP: CTF3-001 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
CTF3 consolidation & upgrades Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Enable CTF3 continued operation until 2016 with performances compatible with the experimental program (system performance) Deliverables Schedule Energy upgrade Required for long string of modules. Useful for TBL deceleration demonstration, TBL+ high power testing, drive beam transport in modules, beam tests. 2 new modulators/klystrons (3GHz, 45 MW) and associated infrastructure. M budget: 2.5 MCHF 1st MDK: 2012 – 2Q 2nd MDK: 2013 – 1Q Repetition rate upgrade Required for TBL+ high power testing. Useful for operation. Additional shielding, pulsed charge power supplies for MKS, interlocks. M budget: 3.5 MCHF Interlocks: 2011 – 3Q MKS PS: 2012 – 1Q Shielding 2013 – 1Q Consolidation, stability, operation Required for continued CTF3 operation Consumables (klystrons), spares (TWTs), feed-backs, diagnostics and control system maintenance and improvements, operating support. M budget: 9 MCHF Distributed Effect of beam-loading on breakdown Assess the break-down rate behaviour in beam-loaded X-band structures Re-furbish CTF3 dog-leg, RF network Experiment report. M budget: 0.5 MCHF 2012 – 1Q 2013 – 1Q Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is integrated to WPs CTF3-002, CTF3-003 and CTF3-004 (see above) Lead collaborator(s): CERN: BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, BE/OP Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 3500 3000 2000 15000 Personnel (FTE): 20 15 85 Resources comment: First new MKS (girder 14), klystron spares and spare TWT delayed from 2011 to 2012 for budget reasons. Most resources will necessarily come from CERN. Other comments: Basically uncompressible if any CTF3 program is preserved.

28 CTF3 WP: CTF3-002 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Drive Beam phase feed-forward and feedbacks Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Understand sources of drive beam phase jitter, develop and test feed-forward system to stabilize drive beam phase (performance, risk) Deliverables Schedule Drive Beam phase monitors Understand sources of drive beam phase jitter. Used in feedbacks and feed-forward test. Drive Beam phase monitor prototype, phase monitor small series (2-3), electronics and acquisition. M budget: 0.5 MCHF Monitor proto: 2011 – 4Q Monitor series: 2013 – 2Q Feed-forward kickers Required to demonstrate feed-forward performance. Two strip-line kickers. M budget: MCHF 2012 – 4Q Feed-forward pulsers Fast amplifiers for the two kickers. Fast electronics. M budget: MCHF 2013 – 4Q ? Infrastructure and operation Required for testing. Cabling, infrastructure, controls, operational support. M budget: 0.5 MCHF Distributed Link to other WPs/activities: This WP depends on WP CTF3-001 Lead collaborator(s): INFN/LNF, Oxford Un./J. Addams, CERN: BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, BE/OP… Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 500 900 1100 300 200 3000 Personnel (FTE): 4 20 Resources comment: total and repartition to be reviewed with INFN-Frascati & Oxford. Likely delay of material resources Other comments: First review with Oxford at UK kick-off. Problem with schedule – agreed on strategy (first stage at reduced performance, possibly with commmercial ampli (commercial 25 kW ampli 800 k$), compromise on power/bandwidth.

29 CTF3 WP: CTF3-003 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
TBL+ Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Contribute to high-power testing program of accelerating structures, understand break down behaviour of PETS-structure system and conditioning scenarios (performance, cost) Deliverables Schedule Upgrade of TBL drive beam line Provide high-power slots for testing. 4 PETS in mini-tanks with input couplers, waveguide network, supports and cables. M budget: 750 kCHF First 2 PETS: 2012 – 2Q Addit. 2 PETS: 2013 – 2 Q RF Test stands RF conditioning and high-power testing of structures. waveguide network, supports and cables, instrumentation and control for 4 slots First 2 slots: 2012 – 2Q Addit. 2 slots: 2013 – 2 Q Operation Support testing. Maintenance, operating support. Annual reports on testing results. M budget: 1 MCHF Distributed Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is partly overlapping with WPs CTF3-000 Lead collaborator(s): CERN: BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, BE/OP Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 950 200 2500 Personnel (FTE): 4 2 14 Resources comment: Material budget for full eight slots – (four slots 1.5 MCHF less) Other comments:

30 CTF3 WP: CTF3-004 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Two-Beam module string Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Understand behaviour and limitations of a few generations of CLIC two-beam modules in a real accelerator environment testing them with beam (performance, cost) Deliverables Schedule First phase Test behaviour of a single complete Two-Beam Module. One Two-Beam Module type 1 installed and tested in CTF3 M budget: 0.5 MCHF 2012 – 2Q Second phase Test behaviour of a module string with a minimum number of interconnects. Two-Beam Module string (type 101) installed and tested in CTF3 M budget: MCHF 2013 – 2Q Third phase Test behaviour of a module string, new generation. Two-Beam Module string, new generation (3 modules) M budget: 0.75 MCHF Modules: 2016 – 2Q Operation Provide operational support M budget: 1 MCHF 2012 to 2016 Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to WP CTC-004 – only installation/operation budget foreseen Lead collaborator(s): Uppsala, IRFU/Saclay, CERN: BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, BE/OP Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 700 600 500 3000 Personnel (FTE): 3 15 Resources comment: Only resources for installation/integration/services/running in CTF3 are accounted for here. Resources for module construction in CTC-004 700 500 400 Other comments: total CTF3 manpower (2012) 31 FTE, 30 only CERN in 2011.

31 CLIC 0 WP: CLIC0-001 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Drive Beam Front-End Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Assess CLIC drive beam injector/front-end performance, provide focus for development and industrialization of CLIC large series components (1 GHz MDKs and accelerating structures), constitute first building block of CLIC 0 (risk, cost) Deliverables Schedule Design & preparation Overall optimization of CLIC injector, study of implementation Detailed design of facility, implementation plan 2012 – 4Q Gun Provide gun Thermionic electron gun, HV deck and front-end controls M budget: 1 MCHF 2013 – 4Q RF structures Provide structures for bunching system and acceleration. Three 500 MHz wide-band sub-harmonic bunchers, one single-cell pre-buncher, one travelling wave buncher, 6 accelerating structures M budget: 1.7 MCHF SHBs: 2014 – 2Q PB, buncher: 2014 – 4Q Structures: 2015 – 4Q RF high-power system Provide RF high-power system 500 MHz sources (TWTs?), Four15 MW 1 GHz Modulators-Klystrons, waveguide networks, operational support M budget: 16 MCHF TWTs: 2014 – 2Q 2 MKS proto: 2014 – 4Q MKS series: – 4Q 6 in 2016 – 4Q RF low-power system Provide RF low-power system low-power systems , 500 MHz and 1 GHz, operational support Protos: Q Series: 2015 – 4Q Magnets Provide magnets Solenoids, quadrupoles (about 12), four bending magnets, H-V dipole correctors M budget: 2 MCHF Solenoids/corr.: 2013 – 4Q Quadrupoles: 2015 – 4Q Bends: 2015 – 4Q Vacuum Provide vacuum system Vacuum chambers, pumps, gauges, control system, operational support Distributed 2013 – 2016

32 CLIC 0 WP: CLIC0-001 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Drive Beam Front-End continued Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Assess CLIC drive beam injector performance, provide focus for development and industrialization of CLIC large series components (1 GHz MDKs and accelerating structures), constitute first building block of CLIC 0 (risk, cost) Deliverables Schedule Diagnostics Provide diagnostics BPMs - electrostatic (~4), BPMs - magnetic (~ 5) - transverse profile monitors (3), time resolved energy spectrum measurement, operational support. M budget: 1.3 MCHF BPM e: 2013 – 4Q BPM m: 2014 – 4Q Monitors: 2013 – 2015 Spectro: 2014 – 4Q Controls Provide controls Injector control system, operational support. M budget: 1 MCHF Distributed 2013 – 2016 Civil Engineering & infrastructure Provide building and infrastructure Shielded hall, Cooling and ventilation, electrical equipment, cabling. M budget: 4 MCHF 2013 – 4Q Cabling Distr – 2016 Commissioning & operation Provide commissioning and operation Distributed Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to WP CTC-004 Lead collaborator(s): CERN: BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, BE/OP Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 1000 (500) 4000 (3000) 8000 (4250) 9000 (4250) 8000 (5000) 30000 (17000) Personnel (FTE): 10 20 80 Resources comment: technical manpower partly shared with CTF3 500 3000 4250 5000 Other comments: Modulator/Klystrons are on the critical path. Lower efficiency prototypes (direct scaling from ILC/X-FEL?) could arrive earlier, allowing to keep the schedule. Discussion with RF group needed. Option: delay program. First stage with minimum number of 1 GHz klystron prototypes (4), short pulse + compression. Full upgrade in (GAIN 13 MCHF)

33 CLIC 0 WP: CLIC0-002 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Drive Beam photo-injector option Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Assess potential of photo-injector option as alternative for the CLIC drive beam front-end Deliverables Schedule Laser and photocathode development RF & beam dynamics studies Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to WP CTC-004 Lead collaborator(s): CERN: EN/STI, BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, BE/OP Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 300 1500 Personnel (FTE): 2 10 Resources comment: Need review/discussion with EN/STI. Resources only for basic program – no RF gun + parallel installation in front-end Other comments: Modulator/Klystrons are on the critical path. Lower efficiency prototypes (direct scaling from ILC/X-FEL?) could arrive earlier, allowing to keep the schedule. Discussion with RF group needed.

34 BEAM TESTS WP: BTS-001 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Accelerator Beam SystemTests Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Perform CLIC-related beam tests in existing test facilities and operational accelerators, not CERN–based. Deliverables Schedule ATF and ATF2 Provide coordination and operational support for beam tests in ATF and ATF2 facilities. Damping Ring beam facilities Provide coordination and operational support for beam tests relevant for CLIC damping rings, in various facilities (CESR-TA, SLS, ANKA…) FACET/SLAC beam facilities Provide coordination and operational support for beam tests carried out at SLAC (FACET, ASSET…) Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to several work-packages in CTC and Beam Physics. Lead collaborator(s): CERN BE/ABP, KEK, Cornell, PSI, ANKA, SLAC… Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 500 2500 Personnel (FTE): 2 10 Resources comment: Tentative. Include material contribution to experimental programs outside CERN for experiments concerning CLIC

35 BEAM TESTS WP: BTS-002 Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Deliverables Schedule
Sources Beam System Tests Purpose/Objectives/Goals: Perform CLIC-related beam tests, source related, in existing test facilities and operational accelerators, not CERN–based. Deliverables Schedule Polarized electron source Tests at SLAC, J-LAB, Grenoble. Limited tests (laser/cathode) at CERN … Conventional positron source Test of hybrid target at KEK, development of adiabatic matching device? Link to other WPs/activities: This WP is linked to … Lead collaborator(s): CERN:EN/STI, KEK, SLAC, JLAB, Grenoble… Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 200 1000 Personnel (FTE): 4 20 Resources comment: Need review.

36 Technical Systems R. Corsini, 13thCLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board
Thursday 19 May 2011 Technical Systems

37 CTC-001 DR SC wiggler WP: CTC-001 Purpose/Objectives/Goals
Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Choice of cooling technique/topology of wiggler winding: ho.r or ver. racetrack Careful designs of liquid helium bath colled wiggler or cooled by conduction cooling Designs Task2:Choice of Sc cable (NbTi/Nb3Sn) Higher field from Nb3Sn, more expensive and more difficult to machine Task3: Production of prototype(s) Construction of one hor. and one ver. Racetrack wigglers from NbTi cable in 2 cryostats (in Novosibirsk through ANKA) ; one ver. Racetrack coil from Nb3Sn at CERN. 3 prototype coils, 2 full cryostats First complete magnet end 2012 for installation in ANKA (Karlsruhe) Task 4: Experimental program at ANKA Confirmation of simulations, choice for task 1 and 2, measurements of heat loads etc Lead collaborator(s): ANKA/KIT; Novosibirsk Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): (1) 200 700 2000 Personnel (FTE): 1.2 0.2 0.6 2 8 To be ready for beam in ANKA in the year 2012 this program will need a temporary loan of a PM wiggler for ANKA (CERN charge to find one)

38 CTC-002 Survey and Alignment
WP: CTC-002 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: development of sensors and actuators Development of calibration benches Validation through inter-comparisons Qualification in accelerator environment, development of low cost versions, preparation of industrialization Low cost precise and accurate sensors (WPS, inclinometers,…) Low cost linear actuators and cam movers Task 2: tunnel metrology Development of laser based alternatives Consolidation of stretched wire solution Simulations + experimental validation of laser based and stretched wire solutions. Task 3: active pre-alignment of TBA modules Validation on two beam modules in lab and CLEX Adaptation to new designs and new configurations Increasing performance of fiducialisation techniques & strategies Mock-ups with associated technical reports on experimental tests Task 4:active pre-alignment & monitoring in MDI Development & qualification of solutions for: the determination of the position of QD0 w.r.t the 500m last meters, the relative monitoring of QD0 through the detectors, the re-adjustment within 6 DOF Lead collaborator(s): CERN (Helene Mainaud-Durand et al.)- NIKHEF Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 500 700 800 3800 Collaboration:NIKHEF 3 my KCHF material additional M>P (KCHF) 330 390 1890 P<M (FTE) 3 3.6 15.6 Personnel (FTE): 6.3 8.3 8.9 7.3 45.4

39 CTC-003 Quad stability WP: CTC-003 Purpose/Objectives/Goals
Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Technology development Rad hard sensors+actuators, vibration measurements and studies Task 2: Application to MB Quads Prototypes for TBA module program, reports on experiments Task 3: Application to FF Quads Prototypes for FF mock-ups program, reports on experiments Task 4: Integration Controler designs, contribution to ATF2 experiments for feed-forward on ground motion. Lead collaborator(s): LAPP – Lavista, SYMME, ASL, irfu CEA saclay Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 500 650 800 3850 M>P (kCHF) 300 1500 P<M (FTE) 3.2 19.2 Personnel (FTE): 7 8 9 48

40 CTC-004 two-beam module development
CLIC Linkperson: G. Riddone WP: CTC-004 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Prototype design and fabrication Engineering design of the two-beam modules, including eng. design of fully integrated components. Fabrication and assembly of components Girder R&D, integration of all module technologies 4 two-beam modules to be mechanically tested in a lab (generation 1) 3 two-beam modules to be mechanically tested in a lab (one future generation, second in ) 3 two-beam modules to be tested with RF and beam in CLEX (generation 1) 2 two-beam modules to be tested with RF and beam in CLEX (future generation) Task 2: Finite element simulations Thermo-mechanical simulation of two-beam module behavior under different load conditions: estimation of resulting forces, deformations and stresses. Application of results to engineering design Technical report with results of simulations; feedback to taks 1 Task 3: Experimental comparison of predicted and modeled performance Experimental tests of technical system performance (vacuum, cooling, alignment,..) Experimental of overall module behavior under different load conditions Comparison measured with expected results Review of results and application to the engineering design Realization of tests Analysis of results

41 CTC-004 two-beam module development
WP: CTC-004 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 4: Alternative designs Study of alternative module layout Longer girders, common DB-MB girders, different materials Longer RF structures Permanent DB magnets Mini-pumps replacing vacuum reservoir New engineering design for the different options Task 5: Industrialization Towards cost optimization: reduction of interconnections reduction of components and module types Reduction of machining and assembly steps New module layout New procedures Lead collaborator(s): CERN (G. Riddone) , collaborators (HIP-K. Osterberg, NTUA-E. Gazis, CIEMAT-F. Toral, NCP-A.Nawaz, Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 1000 2000 2250 11000 M>P (kchF) 570 600 3000 P<M (FTE) 8 10 50 Personnel (FTE): 12 15 16 14 86 Other comments: total modules considered for construction: (see task 1); All deliverables for modules (Alignment, Stabilization, BI, vacuum, RF structures etc) paid by TBA module budget.

42 WP: CTC-005 Warm Magnet Prototypes
Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Normal conducting Magnet Design Catalogue First optimization of magnet designs for size, weight, power consumption, cost of series production. Release a detailed study (the “Catalogue”) for all magnet sub-systems in CLIC. Follow sub-systems design evolution Task2:Prototypes and small magnets series for CLIC Module Test programs (LAB and CLEX) Design and procure prototypes and magnets for Modules to be installed in Lab and CLEX test programs (EM vesrions) Minimum of 2 MBQ Type1 and 1 of Type4, 6 units of DBQ (EM version) needed for CLEX operation. Task3:Hybrid Permanent magnet high gradient Quadrupole design and short prototyope Design of QD0 magnets and anti-solenoid system for CLIC Experiments for integration studies in MDI (see aklso WP CTC-007) Short prototype construction and eventually full size prototype construction. Beam test for validation if possible Task4: Drive Beam Quadrupole Tunable PM prototypes Design and procurement of prototypes magnets for DBQ based on alternative design (Tunable Permanent Magnet) 2 prototypes (High Gradient and Low Gradient range). The Low Gradient prototypes will be compatible with CLIC Modules layout for eventual test inCLEX Program Lead collaborator(s): CERN-(M. Modena et al.); UK collaboration Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 2200 Personnel (FTE):

43 CTC-006 Beam Instrumentation-task1
WP: CTC-006 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Refinement of specifications - From parameter to Functional specifications R&D on intensity, polarization and luminosity measurements Development of Damping ring instrumentation in collaboration with B-factories and light sources Functional specifications Prototype of each monitor End of 2016 Lead collaborator(s): CERN (T. Lefevre et al) – B-factory and Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): Resources comment: No Manpower assigned to the development of intensity-polarization-luminosity monitors for the moment

44 CTC-006 beam instrumentation -task2
WP: CTC-006 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 2: BPM development Demonstrate the high resolution of CLIC cavity BPM prototype (linac and BDS) and its read-out electronic - lab and beam test Build and test DB decelerator strip line BPM and its read-out electronic – lab and beam test – Iteration for Cost optimization Develop of narrow-band high frequency (1-2GHz) combiner diagnostic for Damping ring delay loop and test on CTF3 RF simulations for estimation of wakefield effects and interference due to the presence of high field in PETS and Acc. Cav. Prototype of 14GHz cavity BPM Prototype of a DB decelerator BPM Prototype of a combiner BPM End of 2015 End of 2014 End of 2013 Lead collaborator(s): CERN (L. Soby, S. Smith et al) – RHUL (S. Boogert et al) – Fermilab (M. Wendt) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): Resources comment: Manpower budget used to paid Project associate in This includes the CLIC-UK funding

45 CTC-006-beam instrumentation task3 (1/2)
WP: CTC-006 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 3: Emittance measurement - Design and integration of Laser Wire Scanner in BDS and Drive Beam complex Technology development for high power fibre laser - Study alternative option for high spatial resolution non-destructive profile monitors (UV Diffraction radiation) Develop and test imaging techniques for the high energy spread beam at the end of the DB decelerator Experimental validation of a CLIC Laser Wire Scanner on ATF2 with BPM - Experimental validation of a CLIC UV DR monitor on CESRTA - Experimental validation of a DB decelerator imaging system on CTF3 End of 2016 End of 2013 End of 2014 Lead collaborator(s): CERN (T. Lefevre et al) – RHUL (G. Blair , P. Karataev et al) – CESRTA (M. Palmer, M. Billing) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): Resources comment: This includes the funding of CLIC-UK packages

46 CTC-006-beam instrumentation task3 (2/2)
WP: CTC-006 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 3: Emittance measurements Development of 20fs time resolution longitudinal profile monitor using EO techniques Development and test of cheap high resolution bunch length monitor based on Coherent Diffraction Radiation Prototype of each monitor End of 2014 End of 2016 Lead collaborator(s): CERN (T. Lefevre et al) – RHUL (P. Karataev et al) – U. Dundee (A. Gillespie) – Daresbury (S. Jamison) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): Resources comment: This includes funding for CLIC-UK packages

47 CTC-006-beaminstrumentation-task4
WP: CTC-006 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 4: BLM development Monte carlo Simulations Develop a BLM only sensitive to charged particle for the Damping rings Develop and Qualify a cost effective detector technology for CLIC modules Functional specifications Prototype of each monitor End of 2016 End of 2014 End of 2015 Lead collaborator(s): CERN (T. Lefevre et al) – B-factory and light sources Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE): Resources comment: Including funding for project associate

48 CTC-006-beam instrumentation-TOTAL
WP: CTC-006 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule TOTAL Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 600 1200 6000 M>P (KCHF) 245 400 2000 P<M (FTE) 2 6 6.5 33.5 Personnel (FTE): 9.85 10.9 9.9 7.7 7.2 52.8

49 WP: CTC-07 MDI activities
Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Detailed studies for MDI integration QD0 and anti-solenoid system integration and stabilization, (pre-)alignment integration, pre-isolator, IP-feedback, push-pull studies, backgrounds, radioprotection, safety, luminosity monitoring, polarization, shielding, anti-solenoid, vacuum, L*, cryogenics, services, cavern layout, post-collision line integration, costs, data-transfer to experiments, environmental noise, stray fields, access, interlocks, surface buildings. Feasibility Report of MDI stability by end 2012 Designs end 2014 Feedback from calculation of experiments background to machine design Task2:Experimental work/Prototyping QD0 prototypes, field measurements, validation of quad stability with beam Prototype by 2012, measurements and Improvements until 2016 Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 50 100 200 900 M>P (kCHF) 25 75 150 675 P<M (FTE) 0.2 0.5 1.5 6.5 Personnel (FTE): 0.8 1 2.3 11

50 WP: CTC-008 Beams disposal (post collision line and dumps)
Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1:Post Collision Line Design Detailed designs by simulations/calculations Feasibility Report of MB water dump by end 2012 Feedback from simulations on experiments background to dump line design. Integration study with BDS. Designs end 2014 Task2: Luminosity instrumentation Choice of luminosity instrumentation; Evaluation of expected performance Report on choice; simulations; signal quality of Luminosity signals. Feedback to beam dynamics. Task3: Water dump designs: studies /design of MB dump studies/design of DB dump - preparation of CLIC0 Detailed designs by simulations/calculations. Collaboration with ILC Specifications for DB dumps (full DB power?) Designs, engineering for CLIC0 dump Lead collaborator(s): Possibility in Minsk (SOSNY institute) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 200 180 900 M>P (kCHF) 170 120 600 P<M (kCHF) 2 12 Personnel (FTE): 2.2 13.2

51 WP: CTC-009 MP-OP Time 18 ms; post pulse analysis; confirms OK
Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1:Studies and Designs Detailed designs of subcomponents (masks). Simulation on radiation levels. Implementation of MP consequences for equipment (2ms fail-proof) and personal safety. Designs Safety Procedures and agreements Task2:Development of a Machine Model Reliability model of the machine, definition of SIL levels for components. SIL level specifications Provide models for integrated studies Task3: Experimental verification Implementation of a model MP system in CTF3 for validation of the “Next Pulse Permit” concept. Working prototype of MP system integrated into the control system. Task4: Definition of operational scenario Coordinated discussions between RF experts, Beam dynamics experts and equipment experts in order to define a commissioning and operations scenario: writeup of results Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 1570 Personnel (FTE): Time 18 ms; post pulse analysis; confirms OK 2 ms: Machine save by construction

52 CLIC Civil Engineering and Services (CES)
WP: CTC-010 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Site Studies Develop Site Criteria Environmental Impact studies : Site layout, shaft positions, geological investigations etc Choice of cooling technique (towers, water from lake) Strategy for electrical network 1.Site selection matrix 2.Outline document for Environmental Impact document 3.Internal Siting Studies report 4. Issue of Site Studies report to external authorities Mid 2012 : Deliverables 1 & 2 Mid 2013 : Deliverable 3 End 2016 : Deliverable 4 Lead collaborator(s): CERN (J.Osborne et al); FNAL (V.Kuchler); KEK (A.Enomoto), DESY (W.Bialowons), JINR (G.Shirkov) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF)*: 100 kCHF 100 KCHF 100KCHF 100kCHF 600KCHF M P (kCHF) 60 300 KCHF P (FTE)  M 1 4 my Personnel (FTE)**: 1.5 2 9 my Resources comment: GS (J.Osborne) will co-ordinate the CES Work Package. Possible input from EPFL for environmental studies. Continued collaboration / resource sharing with ILC foreseen via Worldwide Laboratories Other comments: *Material Budget is for external consultancy services (e.g. geologist, environmental experts, design engineers, architects) **Personnel inside CERN will come from several departments, but mainly GS&EN. This staffing estimate needs to be discussed other departments.

53 WP: CTC-011 Controls WP: CTC-011 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Task1: Timing reference , timing distribution and 10 fs synchronization Review of specifications, design of fine-timing system, first practical realization Specifications, Designs, Lab set-up of master-clock and distribution system, Provide models for integrated studies Task2 : Module read-out Design of a generic read-out system for all TBA module systems: low power, rad-hard, compact. Prototypes tested in CTF3 Task3: Design of complete control system Design of system, better cost estimate, interface specifications for equipment Designs, interface specifications Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 1030 Personnel (FTE): Collaborations (some planned) university of ANKARA, DESY, LNBL, PSI, LAPP

54 WP: CTC-012 RF systems WP: CTC-012 Purpose/Objectives/Goals
Deliverables Schedule Task1: Prototypes of 15 MW 1 GHZ klystrons for DB generation Contracts with at least 2 industry partners for the development of one (each partner) working 15 MW klystron at 1 GHz and 70% efficiency. 2 working prototypes, options for the procurement of more units Task2 : Designs of DB accelerator/cavities Overall DB design as a large power plant Designs Task3: DB LLRF design Design of LLRF system for DB with optimization for phase and amplitude stability Designs, measurements at other plants, modelization tools Task 4: Further designs on DR RF system and feasibility review 2012 Task 5: If Task4 shows critical design, build real DR RF system in hardware Get circular lightsource (352 MHz Rf or 499 MHZ RF) to accept installation of a 1 GHz/1.5 GHZ high power system as 3rd harmonic Rf system and validate assymetric filling with high beam loading experimentally. Design of Rf system, construction and installation in a circular light source. Extensive machine experiments. Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 4000 M>P (kCHF) Personnel (FTE): P<M (FTE) Just starting activity, needs people from BE-RF, needs dedicated WG with people from TE-EPC and EN-EG

55 WP: CTC-013 powering (1/2) WP: CTC-013 Purpose/Objectives/Goals
Deliverables Schedule Task1:Modulators for DB generation Revision of specifications, design for highest efficiency for various pulse lengths, prototyping Modelization tools Measurements at existing plants, development of high precision measurement systems 2 working modulators for DB klystrons Task2 : Contribution to Designs of whole DB complex Overall DB design as a large power plant (building, energy supply, cooling, interface to French power plants). Main electricity consumer: modulators for klystrons. Designs of modulators/racks/controls/infrastructure Task3: Powering schemes for CLIC complex Follow up of CLIC design changes, designs for powering systems, space reservation, cost estimate Designs and updated cost estimate Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): (task2) M>P(kCHF) (task2) P<M (FTE) (task2) Personnel (FTE): (task2) Just starting activity, needs dedicated WG with people from BE-RF and EN-EL

56 WP: CTC-013 powering (2/2) WP: CTC-013 Purpose/Objectives/Goals
Deliverables Schedule Task4: Module Magnets Powering Schemes Alternatives electromagnets/permanent magnets with trims; optimization of total energy consumption; machine protection optimization Designs Task5:Rad Hard trimmers for strength Design of trimmers for magnets in main tunnel (powered in series). Rad hard design and qualification Design and qualification Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 3500 Personnel (FTE):

57 WP: CTC-014 vacuum systems
Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1 Vacuum system for TBA modules Designs, interconnections, vacuum systems, production of quadrupole vacuum chambers for up to 16 modules Task 2 Contribution to RF structure production Cleaning procedures, testing, procedure for structure production Task 3 Vacuum chambers with low SEY (in particular for DRs) Designs, experimental tests of coatings at CESR-TA Task 4 Vacuum design for CLIC Specific designs for injectors, MB transport, combiner rings, DB transport and BDS/MDI Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 1500 Personnel (FTE): Needs completion

58 WP: CTC-015 Magnetic Stray fields Measurements
Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Simulation Study of stray fields on machine parameters, distinction between static effects and dynamic effects Reports Done in BD team Task 2: Measurements in accelerator environments of magnetic fields down to limits established in task 1 Measurements on correlation between dynamic field changes as function of the distance of the measurements. Reports, feedback to BD Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 500 Personnel (FTE):

59 CTC-016 DR Extraction System (1/2)
WP: CTC-016 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: DR extraction kickers Demonstration of power supply capable of generating pulse with extremely low ripple and droop Preparation and Participation in ATF2 beam tests Prototype inductive adder, possibly with sophisticated control system for droop and Ripple cancellation. Beam tests; Report Prototype inductive adder available mid 2013 for installation in ATF2…. Lead collaborator(s): CERN (M. Barnes & J. Holma); LLNL (E. Cook) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): 160 kCHF 120 KCHF 80 kCHF 60 kCHF 540 Personnel (FTE): 1.5 1.2 0.6 5.4 Resources comment: M foreseen; P: possible if present people stay. R&D at CERN with collaborators from LLNL. Other comments: The importance for CERN is: comparison and choice of technologies, validation of prototype in an operational facility. Extremely challenging technical specifications to be demonstrated: possible fallback solutions should also be investigated, including sophisticated control system for droop and ripple cancellation – but manpower and resources are limited.

60 CTC-016 DR extraction system (2/2)
WP: CTC-016 Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 2: DR extraction kickers Demonstration of low beam coupling impedance, high field uniformity, impedance matched, striplines. Prototype striplines, designed at University of Valencia and manufactured at TRINOS vacuum projects. Prototype striplines available mid 2013 for installation in ATF Lead collaborator(s): CERN (M. Barnes); University of Valencia (A. Faus-Golfe & C. Belver Aguilar) Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): CDTI CDTI + small contribution? 40 KCHF 20 kCHF ?+60 KCHF Personnel (FTE): 1.2 1.2* 0.6 0.4 3.4 Resources comment: M foreseen; P: possible if present people stay. R&D at University of Valencia & manufacturing at TRINOS-VP. * Does not include manpower in Spanish Industry. Feedthru Ceramic support Other comments: The importance for CERN is: optimization of design of striplines for CLIC damping ring (e.g. cross-section, coverage angle, taper, beam pipe dimensions), verification of beam impedance; R&D mainly carried out by collaborators. Prototyping in Spanish industry. Main costs for R&D and manufacture are paid by CDTI, Spain (IDC ): small contribution may be requested from CERN. Extremely challenging technical specifications to be demonstrated.

61 CTC-016 Other BT tasks WP: CTC-016 Purpose/Objectives/Goals
Deliverables Schedule Task 3: Other BT tasks .Overall assessment of necessary BT equipment Study on critical items Design for DB extraction system Design for MB recombination system (1 GHz DR RF) Studies and designs Lead collaborator(s): CERN (BT group); Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Material (kCHF): Personnel (FTE):

62 R. Corsini, 13thCLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board
Thursday 19 May 2011 RF

63 X-band Rf structure Design
WP: RF-design Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Design of accelerating x-band structures Contribution and follow-up to parameter evolution of CLIC project; optimization of designs for gradient and low breakdown rate: Optimize heat treatment and chemistry, optimized conditioning, machining stresses, roughness and BDR, wakefield measurements, pulsed surface heating investigation, couplers, special rf tests etc. Better designs, new designs for new construction scenario or energy staging Task2: Design of PETS Refinement of designs, optimized ON/OFF Task3: Design of auxiliary components WFM, Rf networks, breakdown monitors Task 4: test definition and analysis Contribution to definition of high power test program, contribution to data analysis, integration of test results Link to other WPs/activities: Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) 150 200 250 300 1350 M>P (kCHF) P<M (FTE) 3 4 5 6 27 Fellows (FTE) 19 CERN Personnel (FTE): 2 10 Resources comment:

64 X-band Rf structure Production
WP: RF-xprod Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Construction of baseline accelerating structures Test structures for statistical and long term high-power testing with all damping features and high power couplers (for SATS and Test modules in CLEX)  we have to make sure that we count all the structures. including those for the CLEX modules 3 generations of test structures, total quantity 48, total cost ~6 MCHF. 12 in 2013 24 in 2015 12 in 2016 Task 2: Supply of small series development prototypes and/or medium power test structures Test structures for full features (4), wakefield monitor equipped (4), optimized high-power design (8), different machine energy optima (4), optimized process (8), develop DDS (2) and choke (2), compressor (2) Typically 12 variants in series of 4 structures each, total quantity 40, total cost ~6 MCHF. 8 structures per year Task 3: Supply baseline PETS (note: most PETS fabrication accounted elsewhere, e.g. TBL) PETS for statistical and long term high-power testing 4 PETS, total cost 0.2 MCHF. 3 in 2013 1 in 2015 Task 4: PETS for ON/OFF testing PETS for on/ off test 2 generations 0.1 MCHF Task 5: Alternative fabrication method Explore alternative fabrication methods Structure fabricated with alternative procedure Task 5: Baseline to pre-series development Take the fully tested x band rf Systems and evolve their production techniques to an industrialized process 2015 onwards Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) 3000 3100 3300 34000 15800 M>P (kCHF) 500 600 700 P<M (FTE) 6 8 9 30 Fellows (FTE) CERN Personnel (FTE): 2 10

65 X-band Rf structure High Power Testing
WP: RF-xtesting Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule High power testing of x band structures Establish in collaboration with designers and producers a test-schedule for the facilities at CERN, KEK and SLAC Organize manpower for the tests define consolidation and repair needs lead the data analysis of the tests suggest changes to designs and/or fabrication Structure Tests Analysis of results Link to other WPs/activities: Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) 150 200 250 1200 M>P (kCHF) P<M (FTE) 3 4 5 24 Fellows (FTE) 18 CERN Personnel (FTE): 1 2 8 Resources comment:

66 Creation and Operation of x-band High power Testing Facilities
WP: RF-Testfac Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: High-power test stands 6 new klystron-based test stations with approximately 140 MW peak power each. 6 test stands. Cost of 0.5 MCHF per modulator, 1 MCHF per 50 MW klystron, 0.5 MCHF infrastructure. Total cost 12 MCHF plus operation. 2 in 2013 2 in 2014 2 in 2015 Task 2: Medium power, high rep rate test stand 2 test stands with 4x80 MW 100 Hz slots based on four 5 MW klystrons. 2 test stands. Cost of MCHF per modulator, 0.1 MCHF per 5 MW klystron, 0.25 MCHF infrastructure. Total cost 1.8 MCHF. 1 in 2013 1 in 2014 Task 3: Test stand operation Operation of high power test facility at CERN: Provide high uptime, schedule maintenance and repair periods. Link to other test facilities. Maintenance of installation, crews for maintenance Link to other WPs/activities: Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) 3000 3200 2900 4900 2000 16000 M>P (kCHF) 100 200 500 1400 P<M (FTE) 2 3 7 21 Fellows (FTE) CERN Personnel (FTE): 1 5 Resources comment: Rf engineer to lead work package is critical missing post

67 Basic High Gradient R&D & Outreach
WP: RF-R&D Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 2: dc spark test areas 10 kHz range, scanning, fully instrumented dc spark systems 2 systems for a total cost of 0.5 MCHF Task 3: Theoretical and experimental studies of high-gradient and high-power phenomena Basic understanding of high-gradient and high-power phenomena including breakdown, pulsed surface heating, high-power rf design dynamic vacuum and dark current. Task 4: Application of high-gradient and high-frequency technology to other projects Create technology base for compact normal conducting accelerators. Task 5: Beam-based experiments e.g. FACET Define and follow up beam based experiments such as long-range wakefield measurements. FTEs accounted elsewhere Link to other WPs/activities: Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) 200 1000 M>P (kCHF) 150 750 P<M (FTE) 2 Fellows (FTE) CERN Personnel (FTE): 0.5 2.5 Resources comment:

68 Creation of an “In-House” TBA Production Facility
WP: RF-xTBA-Fac Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables Schedule Task 1: Collect requirements for an CLIC x-band CERN production site; identify possible locations Project proposal, site proposal 2011 Task2 Detailed list of requirements, balance between continuous outsourcing and CERN in-sourcing (include alignment and stabilization?), metrology, brazing, high precision machining, surface treatment Choice of location, budget approval including EN part 2012 Task 3 Construction of site Staged completion of site Task4 Construction of x-band structures and TBA assemblies Parts for needed x-band structures, metrology and assembly of TBAs Link to other WPs/activities: Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) 200 2000 4600 +ENpart M>P (kCHF) 100 800 P<M (FTE) 3 2 10 Fellows (FTE) CERN Personnel (FTE): 1 5 Resources comment: WP leader from EN department

69 Miscellaneous RF WP: RF-misc Purpose/Objectives/Goals Deliverables
Schedule Task 1: Main beam rf systems for injector and booster linacs. Design main beam injector and booster linac rf systems and launch appropriate hardware studies and tests. Link to other WPs/activities: Lead collaborator(s): Resources: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total M (kCHF) M>P (kCHF) P<M (FTE) Fellows (FTE) CERN Personnel (FTE): 0.5 2.5 Resources comment:

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