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CST Surveys Results and participant perspectives 9/29/17.

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Presentation on theme: "CST Surveys Results and participant perspectives 9/29/17."— Presentation transcript:

1 CST Surveys Results and participant perspectives 9/29/17

2 Overview Conversation will be segmented into three major themes:
Data acquired regarding: Learning package comfort Documented needs on topics and tools Most desired formats

3 Learning package comfort


5 Variation among packages
We will investigate the difference in variance between the two packages with the most, and least variance.

6 Documented low comfort
Most Variation: Leadership Documented low comfort Least Variation: CFA

7 Rationale for responses
Focused Experience. “I don't feel as comfortable with CFA package because other consultants at the RPDC had more expertise and presented this package. I have been in their training and have observed them presenting on three occasions over the past 5 years.” General Confidence. “I have had numerous opportunities in the past presenting these packages to teams which has helped me build capacity around the content. Although each experience has unique challenges, overall, I feel comfortable presenting the content of these foundational packages.” Inconsistency and Complexity. “The reason I feel less comfortable in coaching CFA is that there are inconsistencies across the state in the thinking around formative assessment.”

8 Rationale for responses
Lack of Experience (many of these). Example: “I have worked with several schools in implementing ACL. I have seen the Metacognition and Leadership packages but have not delivered them. I am new to the SBIC package.” Background and Interest. “Leadership is my background, so I have a passion for working on building leadership skills with both teacher leaders and administration. I am probably less "confident" with some of the specific effective learning practices, but did training with Metacognition last year and really enjoyed that work. I'm fascinated with the coaching model, and would like to learn more.” Motivated to Build Depth of Knowledge. “Although my past experience includes working as an instructional course I believe additional training around School-based Implementation Coaching would be very beneficial. I need to build capacity around modeling, feedback, and developing coaching plans.”

9 Documented needs on topics and tools



12 Potentially not needed
Most Variation: Developing Growth Mindsets Least Variation: Developing Collective Efficacy


14 Rationale for responses
Growth Mindset. “I feel that I have some of the tools but it doesn't hurt to look at more.” “Would like to increase my coaching toolbox.” Tools to Support Facilitation. “Team protocols are always helpful when coaching to give examples for starting points and discussion among team members to facilitate their processes. These give more ownership to teams and allow coaches to talk less.” Consistency. “Wanting to have common understanding and consistent use of tools among cadres.” Alignment. “Believe an alignment of packages and what needs to happen first before fidelity of other work can happen, collective teacher/ administrator efficacy is a need everywhere we are supporting.”

15 Most desired formats


17 “Research says face to face is the most effective--our cadre really wants to share. High on their lists.”

18 Analysis and Interpretation

19 As a group, facilitate conversation around the following aspects of the data (phrases shown can help to get started): 1. GENERALIZATIONS and EXCEPTIONS (usually … but …) 2. CONTRADICTION (on the one hand … on the other hand …) 3. SURPRISE (I’d expected … but….) (I didn’t expect … but ….) 4. PUZZLE (Why…?)

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