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Development needs of FAHVS, UAP Peshawar

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1 Development needs of FAHVS, UAP Peshawar
Prof M Subhan Qureshi Prof Umer Sadique


Livestock Population (million) Species Pakistan KP % share of KP Cattle 29.56 5.96 20.16 Buffalo 27.33 1.92 7.02 Sheep 26.48 3.36 12.69 Goats 53.79 9.59 17.83 Total 137.2 20.83 15.19 Source: Livestock Census 2006

4 Livestock Institutions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Region Vet Edu R&D Centers Hospital/Disp/Centers Govt Farms Emerging industries KP 3 9 679 4 FATA - 444 2 Total 1123 6 Institutions on Board DSP SMEDA KPCCI SDFA

5 Land Utilization in KP Total Land Area 8.34 Mil Hectares Un-Cultivated 6.49 Cultivated 1.85 Irrigated 50% of cult Barani 50% of cult Bureau of Statistics, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 2013 Possesses huge development scope, especially for meat production

6 Demand for Animal Products National and International Obligation
Urbanization Awareness Rise in Purchasing Power Demand for Animal Products Demand for Animal Products Population Growth Halal Market Quantity Quality Off campus On campus National and International Obligation

7 KP Livestock Sector Issues
Biorisk issues and re-emerging livestock diseases Unemployed outgoing graduates Widespread breeding of genetically inferior dairy animals Inadequate feed resources (short by 30%) Poor marketing infrastructure Extinction of local breeds Environmental pollution

8 Conti… Inadequate institutional infrastructure
Low investment by government Outdated regulatory framework Low quality feed contaminated with mycotoxin Live birds/livestock transportation and poor marketing Trans-boundary diseases Inadequate institutional infrastructure

9 Comparative status of leading veterinary educational institutions in Pakistan
Name of University Number of Faculties Number of Departments Number of Institutions Number of Centres UVAS 5 21 3 5 + LTP UAF 2 8 SAU 1 13 UAP 4 UAP is standing at the weakest wicket inspite of extraordinary achievements on Academic and Industrial fronts

10 FAH&VS STRENGTH Faculty members 52 PhD 24 PhD study abroad 09
Degree program Under graduate Post graduate Laboratories Poultry farm complex Semen production unit 01 Dairy technology centre 01

11 FAH&VS Strength Conti…
A Dairy farm A Feed mill A Veterinary Teaching Hospital Allied Institutions (VRI, Hari Chand Cattle Breeding farm, Jaba Sheep farm, Surezai Livestock dairy farm, ATI etc)

12 FAH&VS Equipments Spectrophotometry ELISA Chemistry analyser
Automatic haematology analyser Ft-NIR Automatic tissue processor PCR Microscope with CCTV camera Incubator Diagnostic tools (X-Rays, Ultrasound, Lab tests etc)

13 Industrial linkages established
International Conferences and Industrial Exhibitions held under the Dairy Science Park, registered with the Government of KP 2011 Peshawar Peshawar 2015 Peshawar Istanbul Quality Control SOPs and certification Commercial Farms Meat Factories Dairy Factories Postgraduate research on industry issues Biorisk Management collaboration with RI, KMU and US organizations Convinced the provincial government on: Establishing a Slaughter House for exploring Halal meat export potential Self employment of youth through DSP Board, under KP Assembly Act

14 ESTIMATED COST(Rs. million)
Entrepreneurship Development Fund Rs.1000 million Total Cost: Rs.1900 million

15 Thanks for Your Patience

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