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Re-Engineering the Connected Car

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Presentation on theme: "Re-Engineering the Connected Car"— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-Engineering the Connected Car
Figure 1: A Basic Mock-Up of the Product Jaime Avalos Siyuan Chen Bryan Egner David Eyster David Pierce

2 Table of Contents Introduction Project Background Project Objectives
Conceptual Design Descriptions Research and Analysis Evaluation Detailed Design Conclusion Sources and References

3 1.0 The IoT is a global network infrastructure, linking the physical and virtual world.
Exciting Possibilities: Sharing Information Machine to Machine communication (M2M)

4 Figure 1: A Basic Mock-Up of the Product
1.0 AT&T commissioned the development of a product relating to the IoT and M2M communication that would enhance daily life. Figure 1: A Basic Mock-Up of the Product Connectivity Brainstorming Evaluation

5 2.0 The IoT is versatile and can be used to enhance the performance, safety and luxury of vehicles
Sensors Internet Protocol Address: IPv6 Bluetooth Wi-Fi

6 3.0 Results of the first survey allowed for development of customer needs and specifications

7 3.0 Results of the second survey allowed for a final decision to be made

8 3.0 These specifications were drafted after input from market research
Profit Optimization Maximize revenue for AT&T IoT or M2M Must be emphasized Practical Has to be used in day-to-day life Driver focused Driver safety Enhances Car/ Smartphone Must be more than a smartphone Extra Ports Minimum of 5 wireless device connectivity Durable 5-7 year life expectancy

9 4.1 During the Design Process five concepts were developed
Smart-Pen Car-Device Interface Integrated House Automated Driving System Building Safety Sensors

10 4.2 Careful customer and analysis review helped select the optimal concept.
Smart Pen: Livescribe Smart-Pen, $169-$249 Car- Device Interface Integrated House: Nest Automatic Driving Navia Livescribe’s Smart-Pen A thermostat from Nest Navia’s autonomous car

11 4.3 The Evaluation compiled research and specifications to select the concept
Cost Internet Connectivity Production

12 Initial Idea Screening
Table 1 Smart Pen S/C Interface Integrated House Autonomous Car Safety Sensors Cost -1 1 Internet-Connectivity Technology Available Comfort with Idea Intrusive Sustainable Intuitive/Easy to Work Sum 4 6 2

13 Initial Weighted Screening Matrix
Table 2 Smart pen Smartphone/Car Interface Integrated House Computer Steered Car Building Safety Sensors 0.5 Cost -1 1 Internet- Connectivity Technology Available Comfort with Idea Intrusive Sustainable Intuitive/Easy to Work Net Score 3 4 2

14 Refined Screening Matrix
Table 3 Smart Pen Smartphone/Car Interface Integrated House Autonomous Car Safety Sensors Cost -1 1 IoT or M2M Practicality Durability Adaptability Marketability Intuitive Sum 4 6 2

15 Refined Weighted Matrix
Table 4 Smart Pen Smartphone/Car Interface Integrated House Autonomous Car Building Safety Sensors 1 Cost -1 IoT or M2M Practicality Durability 0.5 Adaptability Marketable Intuitive Weighted Sum 2 5.5 1.5 4.5

16 5.0 The Detailed Design process led to the creation of a Systems Diagram
Utilizes AT&T’s telecommunications network Turns car into a Wi-Fi hotspot Devices can interface with the car

17 Figure 1: A Basic Mock-Up of the Product
The goal of the project was to develop a product relating to the IoT and M2M communication that would enhance daily life. 1.0) IoT and M2M communication represent exciting new possibilities 2.0) Description of technology relevant to the project 3.0) The process of compiling customer needs into specifications 4.0) Brainstorming and evaluation of solutions 5.0) Creation of the Systems Diagram Figure 1: A Basic Mock-Up of the Product

18 7.0 Sources Chui, Michael, Roger Roberts, and Marcus Löffler. "The Internet of Things."McKinsey & Company. McKinsey & Company, Mar Web. 20 Apr "Contact Us." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 11 Feb Web. 20 Apr "European Commission : CORDIS : Newsroom : A New Vision for the Internet."European Commission : CORDIS : Newsroom : A New Vision for the Internet. European Commission, n.d. Web. 20 Apr "Internet of Things (IoT)." Cisco. Cisco, n.d. Web. 19 Apr "IP Address - Internet Protocol (IP) Address." What Is IP Address (Internet Protocol)? Webopedia. Quinstreet Enterprise, n.d. Web. 20 Apr Rivera, Janessa, and Rob Van Der Meulen. "Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020." Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By Gartner, 12 Dec Web. 18 Apr Waters, Darren. "Connected Cars 'promise Safer Roads'" The University of Auckland, 07 Oct Web. 20 Apr "Wi-Fi." What Is ? Webopedia. Quinstreet Enterprise, n.d. Web. 20 Apr Wigmore, Ivy, and Margaret Rouse. "Internet of Things (IoT)." What Is ? N.p., July Web. 19 Apr Gerhardt, Bill. "IoT at Mobile World Conference with Cisco and SAP." Cisco Blog RSS. Cisco, 04 Mar Web. 20 Apr Koslowski, Thilo. "Forget the Internet of Things: Here Comes the ‘Internet of Cars’ | Opinion | WIRED." Conde Nast Digital, 02 Jan Web. 20 Apr

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