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Adding components in Revit

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Presentation on theme: "Adding components in Revit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding components in Revit

2 Under Architecture, select place a component.

3 Select load Family.

4 For bathroom, under plumbing, select fixtures.

5 Select the fixture you would like to add, such as a toilet.

6 1. Place the toilet in the bathroom. 2
1. Place the toilet in the bathroom. 2. Rotate the toilet by selecting it and then using the rotation tool.

7 Add furniture by selecting load family and then furniture.

8 Add appliances, by selecting load family and then specialty equipment.

9 For cabinets To add cabinets, you must select load family and then casework. You will also have to load the counter tops separately. In addition, you will need to add a sink from plumbing and fixtures.

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