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Physics Review – Team Challenge!

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1 Physics Review – Team Challenge!
Unit 2

2 Question 1 True or False: Inertia is an important part of Newton’s 3rd Law.

3 False: Inertia is Newton’s 1st Law
Question 1 True or False: Inertia is an important part of Newton’s 3rd Law. False: Inertia is Newton’s 1st Law

4 Question 2 What is the force of gravity acting on a 15kg object?

5 Question 2 What is the force of gravity acting on a 15kg object?
Fg = mg Fg = 148 N [down]

6 Question 3 A 6kg object experiences a net force of 10 N down. What is the object’s acceleration?

7 Question 3 Fnet = ma a = 1.6 m/s2 [down]
A 6kg object experiences a net force of 10 N down. What is the object’s acceleration? Fnet = ma a = 1.6 m/s2 [down]

8 Question 4 A mass of 3500 kg and a mass of kg are sitting 1200 m apart in space. Calculate the force of attraction between these two masses.

9 Question 4 Fg = [Gm1m2] / Δd2 Fg = 3.9 x 10-9 N
A mass of 3500 kg and a mass of kg are sitting 1200 m apart in space. Calculate the force of attraction between these two masses. Fg = [Gm1m2] / Δd2 Fg = 3.9 x 10-9 N

10 Question 5 A car is coasting to a stop along a flat dirt road. Draw a FBD for the car.

11 Question 5 A car is coasting to a stop along a flat dirt road. Draw a FBD for the car. Fn Ff Fg

12 Question 6 Calculate the magnitude of the net force acting on an object with the following FBD. 6N (left) 8 N (right) 5 N

13 Question 6 Calculate the magnitude of the net force acting on an object with the following FBD. 6N (left) 8 N (right) = c2 5.4 N = c The net force is 5.4 N 5 N

14 Question 7 Describe the motion that is occurring for the following object. 7N 7N

15 Question 7 Describe the motion that is occurring for the following object. 7N 7N Constant velocity or not moving

16 Question 8 The force of gravity acting on an object is N. The Force of kinetic friction acting on the same object is 4 N. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction.

17 Question 8 The force of gravity acting on an object is N. The Force of kinetic friction acting on the same object is 4 N. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction. μk = Ff / Fn μk = 4 / 10 μk = 0.4

18 Question 9 Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration acting on the following object: 3N 5 N 8N 3N

19 Question 9 Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration acting on the following object: Fg = mg 3 / 9.81 = m Fnet = ma 3 N = (3N / 9.81) a 9.81 = a Therefore the acceleration is 9.81 m/s2 3N 5 N 8N 3N

20 Question 10 A boy pushes a book across the table. Name one action and reaction force pair in this situation.

21 Question 10 A boy pushes a book across the table. Name one action and reaction force pair in this situation. Force of boy on book Force of book on boy

22 Question 11 The famous scientist who first came up with the idea of Inertia was named…?

23 Question 11 The famous scientist who first came up with the idea of Inertia was named…? Galileo

24 Question 12 Draw a FBD of an arrow at the top of its flight.

25 Question 12 Draw a FBD of an arrow at the top of its flight. Fg

26 Question 13 True or False: A Newton is equivalent to

27 Question 13 True or False: A Newton is equivalent to False: 1 N =

28 Question 14 Two blocks are attached by a sting and hang motionless over a two frictionless pulleys. If each block experiences a force of gravity of 100 N [down], what is the magnitude of the force of tension acting in the string? 100N 100N

29 Question 14 Two blocks are attached by a sting and hang motionless over a two frictionless pulleys. If each block experiences a force of gravity of 100 N [down], what is the magnitude of the force of tension acting in the string? FT = 100N 100N 100N

30 Question 15 A 0.9kg toy car is attached by a rope to a small 0.2kg object. The rope is placed over a pulley and the mass is hung over the edge of the pulley. Assuming that there is no friction on the table, or in the pulley, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the cart and hanging object. 0.2 kg

31 Question 15 A 0.9kg toy car is attached by a rope to a small 0.2kg object. The rope is placed over a pulley and the mass is hung over the edge of the pulley. Assuming that there is no friction on the table, or in the pulley, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the cart and hanging object. a = 2.18 m/s2 0.2 kg

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