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Science Experiments Jackie Paxson

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1 Science Experiments Jackie Paxson

2 Experiment # 1: lava lamp
3.2.2.A4 Experiment and explain what happens when two or more substances are combined (e.g. mixing, dissolving, and separated (e.g. filtering, evaporation). What you need: clear cup, water, vegetable oil, food coloring, salt 1. Fill your clear glass about 2/3 of the way with water. 2. Pour vegetable oil into your cup.  What happens to the oil after you pour it in your cup? Why do you think this happens? 3. Add one drop of food coloring to the cup. What happens to the drop of food coloring? Why do you think this happens? 4.  Sprinkle salt into your cup and watch what happens! 5. Continue adding more salt and observe. 6. Allow time for your child to explore the setup on their own


4 In the beginning of the experiment, the oil settles above the water because it is less dense. When you add salt to the to the cup, the salt sinks to the bottom of the cup since it is heavier than the other two liquids. The salt carries a blob of oil with it. As the salt begins to dissolve in the water, it releases the oil which floats back up to the top.

5 Experiment # 2: what dissolves?
3.2.2.A4 Experiment and explain what happens when two or more substances are combined (e.g. mixing, dissolving, and separated (e.g. filtering, evaporation). what you need: 4 clear cups, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder, salt, spoon 1. Fill each glass with a different substance 2. make predictions about what will dissolve 3. add water to each cup individually 4. discuss what happened and if your observations were correct

6 baking powder baking soda salt cocoa

7 Experiment # 3: freezing/heating liquids
3.2.2.A3 Demonstrate how heating and cooling may cause changes in the properties of materials. What you need: 6 clear cups, oil, water, salt, vinegar, food coloring, paint, foil, pot 1. Fill each glass with a different liquid 2. cover the cups with foil and freeze over night 3. take the cups out and observe what happened 4. put frozen liquids in the pot one at a time and observe what happens to each liquid


9 water salt water oil vinegar

10 Experiment # 4: ice over night
3.3.2.A4 Explore and describe that water exists in solid (ice) and liquid (water) form. Explain and illustrate evaporation and condensation. What you need: glass of water, ice cube, dish 1. observe a glass of water 2. observe an ice cube 3. leave ice in a dish over night 4. discuss what you think will happen 5. draw what actually happened

11 1 2 3

12 Tips for teachers Allow room for discussion Don’t correct incorrect predictions Encourage further investigation Have everything premeasured Encourage the use of the senses (what does It smell like? How does it look? Do you hear anything? How does it feel?)

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