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Communities Partnership

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1 Communities Partnership
1 SAFER Adur & Worthing Communities Partnership

2 2 Partnershippriorities 2016/17 VULNERABILITY
Tackle key drivers to protect & build resilience REDUCE ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR ALCOHOL & DRUGS Managing harm and behaviour caused by such use Partnershippriorities 2016/17 MAKE OUR ROADS SAFER EMERGING/EVOLVING CRIME Tackle & reduce the impact

3 Tackle key drivers to protect & build resilience
3 Focus on Child Sexual Exploitation Human Trafficking Serious sexual offences Repeat / Vulnerable Victims Community Tensions VULNERABILITY Tackle key drivers to protect & build resilience ACTION POINTS Increase awareness of issues that affect vulnerable people – Behind Closed Doors event Co-ordinate locally the work around Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Raise awareness of human trafficking and CSE through training of front line workers Identify pathways for support for those who have experienced vulnerability or those who are reporting Produce and ‘E-Safety’ policy and deliver training to front line workers

4 REDUCE ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Focus on young people addressing disorder and supporting positive requirements ACTION POINTS Deliver prevention & intervention to tackle and reduce Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Co-ordinate enforcement activity across multi-agency remits Review the Early Intervention Project (EIP) Review the Designated Public Place’s Order considering the need for utilising new legislation around Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) Raise awareness of Community Trigger for persistent ASB & Hate incidents Target support to reduce harm for the most vulnerable victims and witnesses Reuce youth crime and ASB in families being managed through the ‘Think Family’ programme Develop a local network of stakeholders to share ASB expertise & practical implementation of problem solving

5 Managing harm and behaviour caused by such use
5 ALCOHOL & DRUGS Managing harm and behaviour caused by such use Focus on young people and the street community ACTION POINTS Extend existing services for alcohol to include drugs across both Adur & Worthing Embed commissioned Tier2 services for young people to deliver interventions to help them make informed decisions in order to reduce risk and harm Support test purchase operations to address sale of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Work with licensees to implement ‘Enough is enough campaign’ Build on & develop the strategic approach to the street community Commissioning a female outreach worker to address the dangers faced by women in the street community Commission a pilot programme promoting abstinence and developing skills / tools to recognise and control addictive behaviours Support the Public Health Plan to influence the number, nature, suitability and activity of premises licensed to sell alcohol

6 6 MAKE OUR ROADS SAFER Focus on road traffic deaths, serious injuries, targeting high risk groups, e.g. cyclists, those who drive after drinking or taking drugs ACTION POINTS Support and empower neighbourhood panels to address road safety issues that affect their place Develop and deliver a drink / drive morning after campaign Raise awareness of drugged driving Support the ‘Safe Drive, Stay Alive’ campaign Deliver a twilight campaign focussing on young people and cyclists Support local businesses to comply with their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives around road safety and staff

Tackle & reduce the impact Focus on domestic burglary, theft from person, theft of cycles, cyber crime and business crime ACTION POINTS Proactively plan and deliver initiatives / projects at key peak seasonal times to address priority crime e.g. Op. Tinsell Tactically respond to emerging issues utilising a multi-agency response Involve the local community in problem solving with a particular focus on young people Understand how crime affects business and implement initiatives to address the issues to build economic resilience Develop an understanding of issues affecting our community in the digital world e.g. IT junctions Deliver training to young people through our front line worker about cybercrime and e-safety

8 8 New policing model Internal financial constraints
Lack of or reduction of external funding Availability of resources Short termism Breakdown of partnership involvement / support Failure to link effectively to other departments New Police Commissioner Risks

9 9 Questions?

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