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Beam-Beam status in SixTrack (1)

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Presentation on theme: "Beam-Beam status in SixTrack (1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beam-Beam status in SixTrack (1)
comparison between the old and new implementation: differences in the input files -> 3 examples (HO 4D, HO 6D, LR) made by Javier and used for comparisons. state of the differences in the output files for equivalent input -> small numerical differences found by Javier and Kyrre and compatible with expected floating point inaccuracy but not fully understood state of the full test suite with the new implementation -> not yet done, to be done by Javier with introduction from SixTrack team. Meeting 11/11/2015: Javier, Riccardo, Tatiana, Yannis

2 Beam-Beam status in SixTrack (2)
documentation: state of the user manual (description of the input files) -> description available in the Twiki, sign conventions not specified. Javier to produce drawings explaining the conventions and update of the user manual. state of physics manual (full description of the physics implemented) -> Leunissen’s paper explains most of the code. First version in the SixTrack Physics manual drafted by M. Fjellstrom from actual code in Javier to verify, complete missing equations and establish link with user input. developer manual (description of the internal variables). -> Written in the Twiki by Javier. Meeting 11/11/2015: Javier, Riccardo, Tatiana, Yannis

3 Beam-Beam status in SixTrack (3)
mask files: definitions of the quantities madx should now calculate for the new input.-> Will be available when the user manual will be completed. request to the madx team for implementing the necessary conversions -> Riccardo will send a ticket to madx team with the specification from the manual. update of the mask file -> Resources and time scale to be identified. crabbing and rf-curvature: new code allows full control of a 6D kicks. proof that a set of 6D slices with proper definitions of the parameters are equivalent to internal slicing in Sixtrack without crab cavities and for gaussian longitudinal profile. -> Resources and time scale to be identified. proof that this mechanism can be extended to include the effects of crab cavities with RF- curvature and non-gaussian profiles. -> Resources and time scale to be identified. Meeting 11/11/2015: Javier, Riccardo, Tatiana, Yannis

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