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UCAS Application Process

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Presentation on theme: "UCAS Application Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 UCAS Application Process
Kelly Hedge-Holmes

2 Content What is UCAS? Online Application Deadlines Applying
What happens next? UCAS extra, clearing & adjustment Results time UCAS Summary Pre-entry Programmes

3 Universities & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
Deal with the majority of full-time applications for Higher Education degrees and diploma courses (University & College) UCAS Conservatoires UK Admissions Service (formerly CUKAS) *currently rebranding, so you may still see ref to CUKAS Deal with the majority of applications for music and arts based courses

4 UCAS Homepage

5 UCAS online application
Online system easy to use Support & advice available from UCAS Make changes to your application at any stage before it is sent Track your application once sent Make changes to address details Add new choices (if you haven't used all 5) Reply to your offers Fee of £23 (£12 if applying to just one course)

6 Deadlines UCAS Conservatoires: 1st October or 15th January
(Cost = £20) UCAS: 15th October, by hours For Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Oxbridge applications 15 January, by hours All other applications 24 March, by hours Some art and design courses Your school/college may have its own dates to meet these deadlines – follow! ** by hours on each of the deadlines!

7 Applying When you register with UCAS you’ll receive a personal ID. Be sure to make a note of that as you’ll need it whenever you get in touch with UCAS.

8 Choosing the right course
Depending on the subject ,you may be able to select up to 5 courses at 5 institutions; only 4 choices for Medicine, Dentistry and Vet. Medicine We only see the applications you make to our institution, we do not see your other choices Research entry & subject requirements before choosing Are there additional admissions tests? (LNAT, UKCAT, interview or audition) Is work experience required for the course? It is important to use all of your choices available to you. If you want to study business, then check all of the places you can study business at. Look at the course content – you may like/not like parts of a course. Some courses offer additional credits if you study abroad/take on a work placement. PLEASE NOTE: Contact individual institutions regarding applying to multiple courses within the same school or faculty. It may be that you can apply for one subject, but on arrival you can change subjects…..e.g English Literature with French – you may then change to study English Language and French. This may not apply to popular/high demand subjects – priority will be given to those students who applied using the specific UCAS code. Universities will not see what other courses you are applying for, unless they are at the same institution. So it doesn’t matter which order you put the courses in!

9 Care Leavers Care Leavers
If you’ve spent time in care, there is a lot of support to access University of Glasgow: Pre-entry and application guidance Possible adjusted offer of entry Bursaries and funding advice Guaranteed accommodation Other universities may offer similar support To access this extra support you need to tick the UCAS Care Leaver checkbox (this will be treated confidentially and positively) University of Glasgow Care Leaver Support Coordinator is Dan Keenan Care Leavers You will find this in the ‘additional information’ section of your application

10 Personal Statement Your chance to make your application personal; it might be the only written work the university sees! Limited space - only 4,000 characters (including spaces and punctuation) Look on for more tips What should go in to your personal statement … Along with your educational experience the biggest part of your application is the personal statement. The personal statement is a mini-essay where you try to sell yourself to your university. It’s your chance to make your application personal and if your uni doesn’t have interviews then it might be the only piece of personal work they get to see. It’s quite small, only 4,000 characters long. And that includes things like spaces, commas, full stops. It’s a good idea to write it early in Microsoft Word and use the word check function to check how long it is so you don’t get an unpleasant surprise when you put it into the UCAS site! Discuss your skills, experiences and anything extra that makes you special. Are you a member of a club? Part time job? Work experience? These things make you unique and make you stand out from the crowd. You’ll get assistance through the process and there are excellent help resources on the ucas site.

11 The work experience that demonstrates your maturity and work ethic.
The skills, hobbies and interests that make you stand out from other applicants and that make you a good candidate for your course. The awards you have received that show you have succeeded at a high level. The work experience that demonstrates your maturity and work ethic. Your participation in the Top-Up (or other) Programme to prove your awareness of and preparedness for university. Along with your educational experience the biggest part of your application is the personal statement. The personal statement is a mini-essay where you try to sell yourself to your university. It’s your chance to make your application personal and if your uni doesn’t have interviews then it might be the only piece of personal work they get to see. It’s quite small, only 4,000 characters long. And that includes things like spaces, commas, full stops. It’s a good idea to write it early in Microsoft Word and use the word check function to check how long it is so you don’t get an unpleasant surprise when you put it into the UCAS site! Discuss your skills, experiences and anything extra that makes you special. Are you a member of a club? Part time job? Work experience? These things make you unique and make you stand out from the crowd. You’ll get assistance through the process and there are excellent help resources on the ucas site.

12 may reject your application!
Plagiarism Copying other people's work is considered a serious matter at university… admissions staff take it seriously too! UCAS will: check all personal statements and flag applications with evidence of copying check against current and previous statements advise you and the university ask you to explain and possibly rework your statement may reject your application!

13 What happens next? 3 possible outcomes:
UCAS will send your form to all universities to which you apply University staff view your application 3 possible outcomes: Conditional offer The institution has offered you a place on the condition that you gain certain grades in the specified exam(s). Unconditional offer You have the required grades to gain entry to the course to which you applied. Rejection Your application was unsuccessful

14 These are binding agreements!
Being made an offer If you receive conditional or unconditional offers, you must decide on a firm and insurance choice within the deadlines specified by UCAS. These are binding agreements! BUT there are further opportunities to apply for other courses or Universities later on…

15 UCAS UCAS Extra Adjustment Clearing February – June
Apply to one course if you received no offers or changed your mind Adjustment Available from mid-August Apply to new universities to “trade up” if you exceed your conditions Clearing August-September Find a place at universities with course vacancies UCAS Extra –if you have not been made any offers, or declined the ones you have been made you can apply one course at a time until you accept a course. Adjustment – not all uni’s offer this. You have to check on-line/with institutions to see if they have the course you wish available. This is not used very often in Scotland

16 Results Time If you have achieved the grades for your firm choice, you will be automatically accepted to that institution. If you have not achieved the grades and your firm institution does not wish to still consider accepting you, you will move to your insurance choice. If you have not achieved the grades required for either your firm or insurance choice, there are options available to you through Clearing.

17 Pre-Entry Programmes Top-Up programme Preparation for Higher Education
Can adjust entry requirements, help you to prepare and succeed Reach (Access to the Professions) Medicine, Law, Dentistry, Vet. Medicine Help with preparation, application & admission UoG Summer School 1st year university experience Reach: For professions, can help with admissions, tell us if you aren’t doing it. Summer School: First year university experience on campus, can help with admissions. More details incoming. Care Leavers: Must check box on UCAS indicating you are a care leaver. Financial and accommodation support available as well as advice. Contact Dan Keenan.

18 Summer School 2017 Financial Support 6 weeks, early June – mid July
Classes at University of Glasgow Open to S5 and S6 pupils May form part of a conditional offer with reduced entry requirements Great preparation for university life Financial Support Talent Scholarship, Bursaries & Funds For students who may face financial difficulties. The who, where, what… 6 week programme: June 10th – July 19th Mention the two induction days too. All classes held at University of Glasgow Costs: free for those attending from our target schools. ILA for leavers after 6th year, travel costs covered

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