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Battle of Britain -air battle for Britain-

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1 Battle of Britain -air battle for Britain-
The second World War defense of the UK by the Royal Air Force against the German Air force (Luftwaffe) Date: 10 July- 31 October 1940 Location: Britain airspace Result: British victory Battle of Britain -air battle for Britain- Angel G10A WWII’s defense of the UK by the Royal Air Force against an onslaught by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) 1st major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces& largest sustained bombing campaign to that date. On June 17, 1940, the defeated French signed an armistice and quit WWII. Britain now stood alone against the power of Germany’s military forces, which had conquered most of Western Europe in less than 2 months. The primary objective of the Nazi German force was to force Britain to agree to a negotiated peace settlement& to destroy Britain air defenses. The Luftwaffe first attacked the RAF airfields and infrastructure, then they targeted factories involved in WWII aircraft production and ground infrastructure, and lastly they aimed for areas of political significance and using the terror bombing strategy. The keystone of British defense was the use of Radio Direction Finding( later called radar, for radio detection and ranging). This allowed the British to intercept incoming German aircraft. The failure of Nazi Germany is considered its first major defeat and one of the crucial turning points in the war. If Germany had gained air superiority, Adolf Hitler might have launched Operation Sea Lion, a planned amphibious and airborne invasion of Britain. Video clip:

2 The Battle of Midway - US vs. Japan-
A decisive naval battle in the Pacific Theater of WWII. Date: 4- 7 June 1942 Location: Midway Atoll Result: American victory The Battle of Midway - US vs. Japan- Angel G10A The United States Navy under Admirals Chester Nimitz, Frank Jack Fletcher, and Raymond A. Spruance decisively defeated an attacking fleet of the imperial Japanese Navy under Admirals Isoroku Yamamoto, Chuichi Nagumo, and Nobutake Kondo. “The most stunning and decisive blow in the history of naval warfare.” Japan had reached its first goals quickly, taking the Philippines, Malaya, Singapore, and Indonesia. The Japanese started hoping another demoralizing defeat after the previous attack on Pearl Harbor, would force the U.S. to capitulate in the Pacific War and thus ensure Japanese dominance in the Pacific. A month after the Battle of the Coral Sea and 6 months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The U.S. Navy destroyed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers and a heavy cruiser. The Japanese planned to bring America’s carriers into a trap and sink them& they also tried to take Midway Atoll to build defenses far from their homeland and prepare to invade Fiji, Samoa, and Hawaii. After the defeat, Imperial Japanese Navy forces retired. Japan could not build up its forces again. Japan’s loss of 4 out of their 6 carriers, and of hundreds of their best air pilots stopped the expansion of the Japanese Empire in the Pacific. The Americans began to slowly advance towards Japan. Video Clip:

3 Battle of the Bulge - The Allied forces vs. Germany-
The attack surprised Allied forces. The worst battle in terms of casualties for the U.S.& it also used up huge amounts of Germany’s war making resources. Germany’s goal was to split the British and American Allied line in half, capture Antwerp, and then encircle and destroy 4 Allied armies. They hoped this would force the Allies to negotiate a peace treaty, so Hitler could focus on the eastern front of the war. The attack was planned in secret and the Allies were overconfident and too focused on their own attack plans. The Germans attacked a weakly defended section of the Allied line and took advantage of the overcast weather conditions, which made the Allies’ air forces unable to fly. Violent resistance blocked German access to key roads. The thick forests helped the defenders. This slowed down the German advance and allowed the Allies to add new troops. Improves weather conditions permitted air attacks on German forces, which led to the failure of the attack. Before the attack started, English speaking German soldiers dressed in American uniforms went behind the lines of the Allies and caused havoc by spreading misinformation, changing road signs and cutting telephone lines. Those who were caught were shot after a court martial. By mid- January 1945, the effect of lack of fuel was becoming evident as the Germans had to simply abandon their vehicles. The largest battle fought by the Americans in WWII. 600,000 American troops were involved in the battle and the Americans lost 81,000 men while the Germans lost 100,000 killed, wounded and captured. Video Clip: A major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg on the Western Front toward the end of WWII in Europe. Date: 16 December January 1945 Location: The Ardennes: Belgium, Luxembourg Result: Allied victory, German fail Angel G10A Battle of the Bulge - The Allied forces vs. Germany-

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