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Who founded Westminster Abbey?

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Presentation on theme: "Who founded Westminster Abbey?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who founded Westminster Abbey?
Henry VII William the Conqueror Edward the Confessor

2 The Parliament Buildings are called…
Buckingham Palace Westminster Hall The Palace of Westminster

3 What famous building is situated in the City?
a. The Bank of England b. The Houses of Parliament c. Buckingham Palace

4 On one side of the main hall of St
On one side of the main hall of St. Paul's Cathedral is a huge monument to… Edward the Confessor The Duke of Wellington William the Conqueror

5 What is the oldest building in the Tower of London?
The Chapel The Broad arrow Tower The White Tower

6 What Gallery is situated in the Trafalgar Square?
a. The Tate Gallery b. The Tretyakov Gallery c. The National Gallery

7 The Queen and Prince Philip have their private rooms in…
Buckingham Palace Tower The Palace of Westminster

8 You can see historic objects from many cultures in …
The Museum of Childhood The National History Museum The British Museum

9 What part of London is called “Theatre Land”?
The East End The City The West End

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