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How to describe a graph Otherwise called CUSS

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1 How to describe a graph Otherwise called CUSS
Do after Features of Distributions Activity

2 5. In context You must write your answer in reference to the specifics in the problem, using correct statistical vocabulary and using complete sentences!

3 Keep the CUSSing short!!!!! Unfortunately, everything you’ve been trained in your English class IS NOT what you do here 4-7 sentences TOPS Concise, to-the-point sentences

4 Make overall conclusions
Listing values (mean, range etc) is not enough – you must lead the reader to understanding what the data is saying Use the word “approximately” liberally

5 Comparing Multiple Graphs
Use explicit comparison words such as “higher than”, “approximately the same” WHILE using specifics of the numbers, if they are easily determined. Compare all of the CUSS attributes

6 Evidence suggests that a high indoor radon concentration might be linked to the development of childhood cancers. The data that follows is the radon concentration in two different samples of houses. The first sample consisted of houses in which a child was diagnosed with cancer. Houses in the second sample had no recorded cases of childhood cancer. (see data on note page) Create parallel boxplots. Compare the distributions.

7 What is missing with this CUSS?
Cancer No Cancer 100 200 Radon Context is missing with each sentence and there is no overall statement. ie. Overall, the homes with no cancer appear to have lower Radon levels than homes with cancer. What is missing with this CUSS? The median radon concentration for the no cancer group is lower than the median for the cancer group. The range of the cancer group is larger than the range for the no cancer group. Both distributions are skewed right. The cancer group has outliers at 39, 45, 57, and The no cancer group has outliers at 55 and 85.

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