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FLORA Flora refers to vegetation

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1 FLORA Flora refers to vegetation
FLORA Flora refers to vegetation. It can mean all the vegetation (plant life) in a particular region or period. I chose this topic because I am fascinated by the variety and the beauty of flora in Trinidad and Tobago, but also saddened by the treatment of this flora and the fact that it is disappearing because of our careless actions. I want us to work together to preserve our flora. Tsian Lee Wen 1M Pg .1

2 Present condition of flora
The endemic flora of Trinidad and Tobago includes a total of 59 species of vascular plants belonging to 34 plant families. This is less than 3% of the total vascular plant flora of Trinidad and Tobago. Thirty-nine of these species are endemic to Trinidad, 12 are Tobagonian endemics, and six are present on both islands. Eighteen (18) species have been classified as critically endangered, 16 as endangered, 15 as vulnerable and three as near threatened . pg.2

3 Importance of flora Possibly the most important role of flora (plants) in the environment is the production of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide (to make oxygen) from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. They release water which cools the air and they also breakdown the soil to make it suitable for their roots and for other plants and animals. They also provide food for animals and humans. pg. 3

4 Challenges faced by Flora
Many flora in Trinidad are in danger of disappearing. Some of the reasons are:- Fire can turn plants into piles of ashes. Polluted air from factories and cars can choke the life out of plants. This is a very serious problem. Digging up plants and trees for housing can cause plants to lose the space they need to live and thrive. Plants are constantly being destroyed by animals. Caterpillars and beetles often eat leaves or burrow into trees. pg .4

5 Challenges to Flora (cont’d)
Some flora are becoming rare because of their beauty. People pick them to decorate their houses. An example of this is the Hibiscus which years ago were seen abundantly. Due to the being attacked by the Cryptolaemus montrouzieri or Mealybug picking to beautify homes and use in the preparing of some medicinal treatment it is now in danger of becoming extinct. Even though we use medicine made from plants, this practice has put many species into danger. Plants, particularly trees are cut down for making furniture. pg.5

6 What can happen if flora disappears?
Since flora provides us with a great deal of oxygen, the more it decreases the less oxygen we have for survival. Disappearance of flora can cause serious flooding, erosion and landslides. It may even cause birds and insects to suffer due to a lack of food and water. This upward facing Heliconia for example acts as a cup, and is a natural source of rain water for birds and insects. pg. 6

7 What can we do to save the flora and our natural environment?
Create save zones for our local flora . Impose strict fines for picking or destroying the local flora. Replant what has been cut down and plant more of what is already there. Educate our people on the importance of preserving our flora. The government can create greenhouses to grow endangered plants. pg. 7

8 Saving flora and natural environment (cont’d)
We can stop the bush fires. We can save trees by recycling used paper such as newspapers, magazines, boxes, toilet paper tubes and other products made from them. We should not throw or leave garbage on the ground, in parks or public areas. We can treat our environment with love and care. This will ensure their survival and our own. pg. 8

9 REFERENCES/ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/flora 2
REFERENCES/ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. Mohammed, Stephen Naturalist Vol 4 No Nov./December 3. World Book, Inc. (2000)World Book’s Childcraft: The World of Plants No pg.9 .

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