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Remote Access Lecture 2.

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1 Remote Access Lecture 2

2 Security Protocols IPSec L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
SSL – Secure Socket Layers Kerberos SSH – Secure Shell RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial-in Service

3 Encryption Process of encoding data using a mathematical algorithm that makes it difficult for unauthorized users to read the data if they intercept it. Encryption requires a key (math. Algorithm) to read the data. Two types of encryption Symmetric – same key is used to encrypt/decrypt Asymmetric – two keys – public key encrypts the message; the private key decrypts. Key – binary number made up of a large number of bits 56 bit encryption – 256 128 bit encryption – used online

4 IPSec LANs or WANs using TCP/IP only Encrypts data Provides
Verification – data is from intended source Protection – an intermediary did not alter the message Privacy – unreadable by others Operates at the network layer Security operates at the higher layers

5 PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol Dial-up Provides secure tunnel
Other connectivity protocols like PPP can be used inside the tunnel PPTP control connection – between client IP and server IP - created using TCP Uses port 1723

6 L2F Cisco proprietary protocol
Permits tunneling over insecure networks

7 L2TP – Layer 2 Tunneling Combination of PPTP and L2F Two phase process
Authenticates computer Authenticates user Operates at Layer 2 Protocol independent Will not work with NAT Requires digital certificate key attached to the message Offers greater security than PPTP

8 SSL Used on the Internet – HTTPS (port 443) Three services
Server authentication Client verifies server identity Client authentication Server verifies client identity Encrypted Connection Uses public key encryption

9 Kerberos Provides client/server applications w/authentication
Server and clients must prove identities to one another Each communicating party is issued a “ticket” which is embedded in messages and used to identify the user Open source

10 SSH - Secure Shell Secure replacement for Telnet
Entire session is encrypted Provides interoperability between LINUX UNIX Windows 9x/NT/200x Macintosh Freeware: PuTTY

11 ICA – Independent Computing Architecture
Allows clients to access and run applications on a server using the server’s resources. (dumb terminal) Thin client – only a small piece of software is needed on the client system. Platform independent Example: Citrix

12 RADIUS – Remote Auth. Dial-in User Service
Client/server protocol Consists of Central server Database Authentication – using PAP or CHAP – identifies users Authorization – gives users’ access Accounting – tracks user accesses, failed attempts, time, etc. One or more dial-in servers

13 RADIUS Central server has database to determine user
RAS 1 RAS 2 Client dials in; could hit remote access server 1 or 2

14 Types of Access Dial-up VPN VPN Sessions Modem to modem Authentication
All O/S support VPN Provides low-cost (as compared to leased line) secure network connection Point to point dedicated link over a public IP network Creates a connection between two computers Uses PPP VPN Sessions VPN client initiates connection to server Server authenticates VPN clients Protocols – PPTP or L2TP

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