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EDUC 2130 Quiz #6 W. Huitt.

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1 EDUC Quiz #6 W. Huitt

2 Question #1 Which of the following is true?
Distributed practice is generally recommended over massed practice. Overlearning produces inhibition or fatigue effects thereby depressing performance. Massed practice means essentially the same thing as overlearning. Part learning usually increases retroactive inhibition between items on a long list.

3 Question #2 An important activity teachers can use to set the stage for students’ successfully learning desired academic material is to have students recall information previously learned that they can connect to the new information. present a brief overview that organizes the material that is to be learned. review the prerequisites for the new information. All of the above are correct. Only “a” and “c” are correct.

4 Question #3 Which of the following statements regarding assessments of learning is supported by empirical research? Assessments should be based on instructional objectives that are actually taught to students. Each assessment should cover only one level of Bloom et al.’s taxonomy of the cognitive domain. Engaging in too many assessments reduces instructional time; formal assessments should be limited to once every two weeks. Essays are the most appropriate form for measuring knowledge beyond the comprehension level of Bloom et al.’s taxonomy of the cognitive domain.

5 Question #4 Based on research findings, most experts believe that the major advantage of requiring teachers to write instructional objectives is improving student achievement. helping to coordinate teaching and assessment. decreasing the time it takes to complete a lesson. increasing students’ confidence about their ability to learn.

6 Question #5 Which of the learning theories would most likely be the source of the following statement: Students will be more motivated to perform academic tasks if they know precisely what is expected and if they are rewarded for correctly completing the task. Operant Conditioning Social Cognition Cognitive Constructivism Humanistic

7 Question #6 Which of the following statements concerning student knowledge of instructional objectives is CORRECT? Students should be told what they will learn, but not how they will be evaluated. Instructional objectives are meant to help the teacher get organized; telling students about them will only be confusing. Students should be told what the instructional objectives are; that will provide them with an advance organizer and let them know which activities will be rewarded. Students should be given a statement of instructional objectives; however this will only let them know which activities will be rewarded, not serve as an advance organizer.

8 Question #7 Basically, effective instruction means that
teachers have told students exactly what they need to know so that they will make good grades on weekly assessments. teachers have provided every student with a learning activity that will allow that student to maximize his or her potential. teachers have provided students with directed activities that will allow them to learn the required content or skills. teachers have followed the approved method of instruction used at his or her school.

9 Question #8 When comparing models of direct instruction
all models have some form of active presentation of new material to students. all models advocate an orienting activity of some sort before new material is presented. all models advocate periodic review as an important instructional event so that distributed practice is part of every lesson. All of the above are correct. Only a and b are correct.

10 Question #9 Mr. Rathbone, in conducting today’s lesson, reminded students of what they had learned yesterday. He said, “Yesterday we learned how to add the suffix ‘ed’ to a word ending in ‘y.’ Who will tell us how this is done?” Since today’s lesson – adding other suffixes to words ending in “y” – is a direct continuation of yesterday’s, this is an example of wait time. evaluation. delay interval. reviewing prerequisites.

11 Question #10 A major implication of the events of a transactional model of direct instruction is that the teacher is directly responsible for student learning. more attention should be placed on student learning style. more focus should be placed on student-teacher interaction. cooperative learning can be easily implemented during guided practice.

12 Question #11 Which of the following modifiers is INCONSISTENT with the goals of direct instruction? Academically focused Discovery oriented Sequenced Structured

13 Question #12 According to the empirical research on effective lesson planning, teachers should teach lessons directly related to stated learning objectives. identify student interests and develop a lesson that they will enjoy. follow the district guidelines for what lesson to teach on a given school day. give students a diagnostic test and develop lessons for which they have demonstrated the prerequisite skills.

14 Question #13 Retention of many kinds of knowledge is increased by practice or review spaced out over time. One of the implications for providing quality instruction is that students who are in year-round school programs will find it to be a problem. reviewing and recapitulating important information from earlier lessons enhances learning. when the teacher puts together a lesson plan, she/he will have more insight into how to construct it. reviewing and recapitulating important information from earlier lessons will bore students to the point of apathy.

15 Question #14 In conducting a learning probe, the teacher
gives students a homework assignment. asks students to pay attention to the relevant details. asks questions which are aimed at motivating students. poses questions to students to better understand their level of learning.

16 Question #15 Direct instruction would seem MOST appropriate for a
social studies unit to acquaint students with the culture of Chile, South America. mathematics unit on converting fractions to decimal numbers. literature unit on Shakespeare’s poetry. physical education class on canoeing.

17 Question #16 Which of the following is NOT recommended in assigning practice? Independent practice should be done without direct teacher involvement. Teachers should intermittently lecture during independent practice. Students’ work should be counted toward their grades. Students’ work should be collected and checked.

18 Question #17 For which lesson would independent practice probably be LEAST necessary? Examining social ethics. Multiplying two-digit numbers. Learning to use the rules of grammar. Learning how to use a word processor.

19 Question #18 Direct instruction is probably better than open education when students must develop problem-solving skills. develop self-motivational skills. master specific subject knowledge. develop positive attitudes towards citizenship.

20 Question #19 When using Bloom et al.’s taxonomy of the cognitive domain to structure verbal questions, the teacher should start with lower level, specific questions and then move to higher level, general questions. start with lower level, general questions and then move to higher level, specific questions. ask several questions at the same level and then ask several more questions at the next higher level. all of the above could be used, depending upon the content and age of the students. “a” is best used with younger students; “b” is best used with older students.

21 Question #20 Which of the learning theories would most likely be the source of the following statement: Transfer of new tasks will be better if, in learning, the learner can discover relationships for himself, and if he has experience during the learning of applying the principles within a variety of tasks. Operant Conditioning Social Cognition Cognitive Constructivism Information Processing

22 The End

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