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IFTA Managers’ and Law Enforcement Workshop October 2011

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1 IFTA Managers’ and Law Enforcement Workshop October 2011
Jurisdictions Working Together IFTA Managers’ and Law Enforcement Workshop October 2011

2 Jurisdictions Working Together
Sandi Ackerblade Tax Administration Manager Ontario Ministry of Revenue Andrew Markle Motor Fuel & Tobacco Tax Inspector Ministry of Revenue |

3 Importance of effective communications
How we do it? Tools & Tips Questions? Ministry of Revenue |

4 Effective communications
Effective communication has a direct impact on our success in the Administration and Enforcement of Taxes Departments must work together to collect, recover and distribute tax dollars and ensure that they are recovered and distributed i.e. IFTA and IRP (International Registration Plan) Work with neighbouring jurisdictions in order to ensure that each jurisdiction receives their fair share of taxes i.e. Ontario works closely with Quebec Administrative/office support is vital for Auditors and Enforcement personnel in the field Ministry of Revenue |

5 How we do it? Establish contact names of your front line staff within your own agency Dedicated phone line for Agent and Inspector in the field to quickly access information Online Web information access for the public to provide direct access to tax information, related tax bulletins and Changes to tax laws Ministry of Revenue |

6 How we do it? Having access with a database with current information In Ontario: IFTA decal look up system for Ontario carriers only IFTA Clearinghouse database (for all jurisdictions) Yearly uploads to MTO of IFTA data for accurate IRP fee structure and licensing Establish contact names (enforcement & administration side) in neighbouring jurisdictions that can be accessed Ministry of Revenue |

7 Tools & Tips Good information database i.e. Clearinghouse
Accurate contact list of names Attending training workshops Networking with different jurisdictions Share best practice guides IFTA - Staff can serve as a liaison & valuable asset Ministry of Revenue |

8 Questions? More information
Online: Phone: ONT-TAXS ( ) Ministry of Revenue |

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