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STOP What you are doing 7 And read Today's Announcements!

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Presentation on theme: "STOP What you are doing 7 And read Today's Announcements!"— Presentation transcript:

1 STOP What you are doing 7 And read Today's Announcements!
Only What you are doing 7 more! And read Today's Announcements! Wednesday,

2 Attendance Counts Every Day, Everyone
Students! Think one day out from school isn’t a big deal? If you miss 10 % of school days, you’ll suffer academically. That can be just one day every two weeks, and can it happen before you know it. These absences may be either excused or unexcused, but you’re still losing time in class and opportunities to learn. Every day you’re absent, it lowers your chance of graduating from high school. Remember. Attendance Counts Every Day, Everyone

3 Attendance counts. EVERYONE. EVERYDAY.
Attendance – Did you know? A student who is chronically absent in high school is 7.4X more likely to drop out! Attendance counts. EVERYONE. EVERYDAY.

4 5 Scary Things About School Dropouts!
1. 7,000 students drop out of school every single day. That’s more than 1 million yearly. 2. School dropouts are qualified for only about 10% of all jobs. 3. School dropouts cost the economy more than 150 billion dollars. This unfathomable hit comes from school dropouts’ lost wages, taxes and productivity over a lifetime. 4. A whopping 87% of school dropouts have experienced homelessness at some point of their lives. percent of school dropouts have a parent who has been incarcerated at some time during the school dropouts’ lives.


6 Register on College Website
COLLEGE VISIT DAY’S ARE BACK College Preview Days – Register on College Website Abilene Christian University – Wildcat Preview Day – Sept 9 Austin College – Sept 5 HARN – Mini College Fair- Sep 9 – Klein Collins during Lunch Sam Houston Mobil Go- Sep 27 – Klein Collins Texas Christian University – Monday at TCU- Sept 1 University of North Texas – Preview Weekend – Sep 30 This is not a complete listing. Seniors should contact their prospective college/websites for more information.

7 ASVAB Test October 25 7:30 am 10th, 11th or 12th grade
WHAT IS THE ASVAB TEST? A career exploration and aptitude test WHEN SHOULD I TAKE IT? 10th, 11th or 12th grade WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE MILITARY? The Department of Defense sponsors it and scores are used to determine acceptance and military jobs for new military recruits but that is not its only purpose! DO I HAVE TO BE INTERESTED IN THE MILITARY TO TAKE IT? Absolutely not! It is a tool for ANY student to assist in career planning, whether you are interested in the military or not! WHAT BENEFITS DOES IT HAVE FOR ME? A personalized career planning system and free access to career planning software. ASVAB IS FREE AND DURING THE SCHOOL DAY SIGN UP TO TAKE IT IN THE COUNSELING OFFICE….see Mrs. Grimm

8 Parking Lot Paw Time! Come one, come all!
It’s time to order your parking lot paw from Collins Crew. Paws are $10 They will be sold at all lunches from 9/12 to 9/16 Make checks out to KCHS

9 CLASS OF 2017! And So The Adventure Begins! Senior T-Shirts Sale
Tuesday, Wednesday next week During all lunch periods $20 – checks made out to TAP 2017, cash, credit or debit card accepted

THIS WEDNESDAY! In the Commons 6:00-7:30 PM ROOM 175 Last week to sign up!!!

11 Buy your KC Tigers Never Stop T-Shirts
Show your Tiger Pride! Buy your KC Tigers Never Stop T-Shirts this Tuesday and Wednesday at lunch for $15 Cash, credit or debit cards, or checks made out to TAP 2017 accepted


13 Interested in running for officer for the Science National Honor Society?
The opportunity to run for an officer position is available to prior members. Please come by Thursday (9/15) after school in Ms. Moore’s room 416 for an informational meeting. Questions? Please see Ms. Moore in room 416 or Ms. Rapini in room 438.

14 Lone Star College Leadership High School Lonestar
Lone Star College Leadership High School Are you a junior and interested in leadership development and community awareness? This might be a program for you! Application Deadline: September 23 See your counselor for more information!

15 Looking for scholarships?
Go to the counseling tab on the Klein Collins web site! E-scholarships usa is up and running! See your counselor for username and password The KCHS scholarship bulletin is always being updated!! So keep checking It out!!

16 Come Support the Klein Collins Men’s Soccer Program
Car Wash This Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. KCHS Parking Lot Get your car cleaned!

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