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Enriching archaeological data with processed digital photography

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Presentation on theme: "Enriching archaeological data with processed digital photography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enriching archaeological data with processed digital photography
Groningen Institute of Archaeology Jorn Seubers From pick axe to pixel Enriching archaeological data with processed digital photography 1 1

2 A brief history of photography in archaeology
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel A brief history of photography in archaeology Documentation Discovery Digital 4D 2 2

3 Photographical documentation
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Photographical documentation Documentation Discovery Digital Since photography became available at the end of the 19th century archaeologists have used it to record their sites and finds. 3D 3 3

4 Photographical documentation
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Photographical documentation Documentation Discovery Digital Of course with digital photography and modern cameras the quality of the photographs has improved. But the basic role of photography for documenting archaeology has not really changed. 3D 4 4

5 Photographical documentation: “less is more”
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Photographical documentation: “less is more” Documentation Discovery Digital For recording and publishing our data archaeologists have always preferred drawings. Archaeological drawing includes interpretation and observations of the archaeologist in the field that are not directly clear on photographs. For example information on specific types of soil or stone. In publications drawings are technical renditions of the result of excavations after all the work has been done. They are intentionally plain. 3D 5 5

6 Remote sensing archaeology: “more is more”
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Remote sensing archaeology: “more is more” Documentation Discovery Digital On the side of discovery of archaeology digital photography has seen a much stronger development of importance. 4D 6 6

7 Remote sensing / Archaeology from the sky
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Remote sensing / Archaeology from the sky Documentation Discovery Digital On the side of discovery of archaeology digital photography has seen a much stronger development of importance. Archaeological features are not always clearly visible from the ground, especially if they are very big. Remote sensing archaeology on the basis of photographs is trongly tied to the development of aviation, that developed especially rapidly during WO2; producing a large bulk of aerial photo’s of still largely pre-modern landscapes. 3D 7 7

8 Remote sensing / Archaeology from the sky
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Remote sensing / Archaeology from the sky Documentation Discovery Digital Contributions to the field are now made by high resolution satellite imagery, freely available aerial photography in online applications and detailed laser recording of the earths surface revealing archaeology in microtopography. The latest development is that archaeologists can create their own pool of photographic data with drones (that of course also have a part to play for documentation). This is specifically important because remote sensing depends mostly on crop marks and the way that vegetation reacts on differences in the soil. The visibility can be very temporary. 3D 8 8

9 Non invasive archeaology
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Non invasive archeaology Documentation Discovery Digital 4D 9 9

10 From pick axe to pixel Digital The fourth dimension Documentation
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel The fourth dimension Documentation Discovery Digital 4D 10 10

11 From pick axe to pixel Photogrammetry 4D Documentation Discovery
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Photogrammetry Documentation Discovery Digital Restrictions of storage and processing power are now applying much less to digital photography to a degree that processing photo’s into 3D models has become possible even for home users and even smart phones. It is easy, it doesn’t take much time and its free. 4D 11 11

12 From pick axe to pixel The fourth dimension 4D Documentation Discovery
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel The fourth dimension Documentation Discovery 4D 12 12

13 Enriching archaeological data?
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel Enriching archaeological data? Revisiting excavations on different moments in time during excavation in an accurate 3D environment (create cross sections and top views) Facilitating reconstruction and study of complex objects and contexts (for example architecture) Allow shared study of objects and contects without sharing the original 3D printing 4D 13 13

14 From past to virtual reality?
Groningen Institute of Archaeology From pick axe to pixel From past to virtual reality? 14 14

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