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Wind & Ocean Currents

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1 Wind & Ocean Currents

2 The way that the wind flows over the Earth
How does wind happen? What are wind currents? The way that the wind flows over the Earth

3 Wind Currents What do you notice about the flow of the currents in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?

4 Earth’s Rotation Earth rotates in a counterclockwise direction, and has an effect on both wind, and ocean currents.

5 Which way does the wind flow over the Earth?
Wind Currents Which way does the wind flow over the Earth? *Clockwise in Northern Hemisphere *Counterclockwise in Southern hemisphere

6 Coriolis Effect The direction wind/water flows in relation to the Equator Wind currents affect climate Dominant air currents that affect climate are known as prevailing winds Prevailing winds are winds that blow in one direction more often than from other directions Prevailing winds bring air from one type of climate to another. The air moves east at the equator and circular at the poles

7 Ocean Currents A fast-moving river-like flow of water in the ocean created by the Earth’s rotation

8 Warm currents (red) and cold currents (blue)
Ocean Currents

9 Ocean Currents

10 East Australian Current
Moves warm water from the tropical Coral Sea where it splits from the South Equatorial Current down the east coast of Australia The powerful flow of the East Australian Current is like an undersea highway Many creatures can be found commuting in this current, including the Sea turtles It is the largest ocean current close to the shores of Australia It can reach speeds of up to five knots (5.75 mph) in some of the shallower waters along the Australian continental shelf

11 Warm Current and Cold Currents
Agulhas Current Indian Warm Alaska Current North Pacific Benguela Current South Atlantic Warm/Cool Brazil Current California Current Cool Canaries Current North Atlantic East Australian Current South Pacific Equitorial Current Pacific Gulf Stream Humboldt (Peru) Current Kuroshio (Japan) Current Labrador Current North Atlantic Drift North Pacific Drift Oyashio (Kamchatka) Current West Australian Current West Wind Drift Why do you think the U.S. Atlantic coast is warmer than the U.S. Pacific coast?

12 Warm Currents The GULF STREAM is a warm current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and moves north toward Europe The sea surface temperatures are warm, which keeps places like Europe warmer than other areas at similar latitudes Warm ocean currents attacking the underside of ice shelves are the dominant cause of recent ice loss from Antarctica

13 Cold Currents Cold water currents carry cold water away from the North Pole and the South Pole. Most of east coast is affected by warm water currents Most of west coast is affected by cold water currents

14 Currents Affect Weather
Ocean currents act like a conveyer belt They transport warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Without currents, temperatures would be different than they are Ocean Currents move food around for ocean life

15 Real-time image of the Earth that maps atmospheric and oceanic features 
orthographic=-95.31,23.78,848/loc= ,21.303 Looks at real time: air/wind velocity stream lines oceanic current stream lines wave height and direction

16 Make sure you put your name on it!
Ticket out the Door Answer the following questions on a ½ sheet of paper, and hand it to Mrs. Bishop as you leave at the END of class. Which direction does the Earth rotate? What two types of ocean currents are there? Describe the Coriolis effect. Make sure you put your name on it! 1. Counter clockwise 2. Warm and cold currents 3. As the earth spins in a counter-clockwise direction on its axis, anything flying or flowing over a long distance above its surface is deflected (moved in a different direction).

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