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Meeting Scientific Committee M5 – Bozen/Bolzano

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1 Meeting Scientific Committee M5 – Bozen/Bolzano
„Evaluation of School Leadership and teaching Practice” (EOSLATP) ES01-KA     Meeting Scientific Committee M5 – Bozen/Bolzano

2 The School system in South Tyrol
Bozen, March, 20th 2017 Dr. Ursula Pulyer Department of Evaluation

3 Basics

4 Welcome!

5 Ötzi the Iceman Archaeologic sensation, media star, research topic, museum object

6 Evaluation Inspection German Italian Support Ladin internal external

7 Klaus, Ivan, Rosmarie, Helga, Ursula, Manuela, Eva, Rosanna

8 inhabitants 70% German, 26% Italian, 4% Ladins Approx. 100 („German“) Schools

9 Historical overview (1)
1918 – End of world war I 1920 – South Tyrol officially becomes part of Italy

10 Historical overview (2)
1922 – Fascism takes over in Italy 1923 – „Lex Gentile“: Aboliton of German as a teaching language Italianisation – Outvoting Catacomb schools 1939 – Option treaty to solve the „South Tyrolian issue“

11 Historical overview (3)
during world war II/ Occupation: German language courses / German schools under survey of National Socialist authorities after 1945 – Re-establishment of German schools 1946 – Treaty of Paris: provides an autonomy for South Tyrol 1948 – Constitution for Italy: provides an autonomy for the region „Trentino – Tiroler Etschland“

12 Historical overview (4)
1962 – Introduction of lower secondary comprehensive school („middle school“) 1972 – 2nd Autonomy Statute: extensive authorisation respective the self-administration for both provinces, Bozen (Bolzano) and Trento


14 Population of South Tyrol
Population (stand ): Percentage of foreigners (stand ): 8,9 Percent – about Percentage of the three language groups (census 2011): German 69,4 % Italian 26,1 % Ladin 4,5 %

15 School boards and schools
3 Pedagogical institutes (BIB) 3 Departments of Evaluation Educational system School districts Primary schools, lower secondary schools Upper secondary schools, vocational schools Nursery schools

16 School system 5 years primary school + 3 years lower secondary school = 8 years „Comprehensive school“ + 5 years upper secondary school (permeability) = 13 years of school (final examination) or + professional school Compulsory education until 18


18 School districts Example school district Meran Obermais:
850 pupils of lower and upper secondary school 130 teachers 9 schools (7 primary schools, 2 lower secondary schools) 1 school principal – 1 vice school principal (deputy) Assistants of the school principal School office Responsible persons of single „school houses“, working groups, parents representatives….and more.

19 School subjects Article 19 (2nd Autonomy Statute, 1972) – mother tongue principle (teaching language is the pupils mother tongue) German, History, Geography, Mathematics, Natural sciences, Sports, Art, Technology, Religion, Music, English, Italian Required minima Room for manoeuvre because of the autonomy of schools

20 General guidelines, school curricula, school programme
General guidelines for main subjects and interdisciplinary fields (competences) School curricula: What to do to achieve competences School programme: programme of emphasis, autonomous decisions, positions

21 Inclusion Make yourself heavy

22 Developments / Specifics
Autonomy of schools (since 2000) School programme Inclusion Special needs education: Teacher Special needs education: Teacher assistants

23 Testing Schulstufe Fach Klassenstufe Partner Grundschule Mathematik
INVALSI Deutsch 3. GS VerA 3 Italienisch 4.GS BIB/Uni Jena (Auswertung) 5. GS Mittelschule 1. MS VerA 6 3. MS VerA 8 Englisch Oberschule 2. OS 5. OS BIB

24 Evaluation Enacted by law (Italian/local)
Autonomy requires Evaluation (since 1997 respectively 2000) Phase I: (extensive and broad) Phase II: ab 2013 (“slim”) internal, external, participative monitoring

25 internal & external Evaluation

26 External Evaluation Questionnaires according to the framework Interviews alike Anchor questions

27 Participative Evaluation
Initial position – Kick off Criteria for internal Evaluation Evaluation in agreement with the schools Changing external Evaluation

28 By chance, depending on special people, sporadic, not co-ordinated, neglected, optional, marginally important, individual responsibilities Systematically, institutionalised, long term, systematically planned, visible, meaningful, within a specific frame, part of comunication, co-ordinated

29 Developing Criteria For internal Evaluation…..
How can we show/notice quality in internal evaluation? What should be done at schools in order to fulfill certain needs? What should schools provide for? Documentation?

30 Internal Evaluation Criteria
Transparent communication of the quality concept Visibility of a quality circle Presence of a representative of the evaluation/ school employee in-charge of the evaluation Balanced/consistent reference/ connectedness to/with the areas of the quality framework Regular inclusion of all the school members (professors, parents, students and other important school-related people)

31 Internal Evaluation Criteria
Usage of the appropriate instruments of evaluation Sufficient database (quotas of questionnaires) Analysis of the evaluation's results and derivation of policies (monitoring) Outside and inside communication of policies Appropriate dealing with data with regard to privacy

32 Culture of evaluation at schools
Is there an evaluation group at my school? Is the cost relatable to the benefits? Do standardized procedures with regard to results exist? Is the internal evaluation a natural part of my daily work? Am I attending/visiting the lectures of my colleagues? Am I receiving feedback? Do I conduct surveys? Do evaluation topics get selected systematically? Do different target groups/ interest groups get surveyed/questioned? Do results get incorporated and communicated? Are results being followed by specific actions? Do I know certain actions as a result of evaluation?

33 Quality of Education Quality Framework


35 Participative Evaluation
Appreciating internal Evaluation 20 Schools 2016/2017 Inspecting internal Evaluation in August Meeting and Agreement External Evaluation (Either complete or partly) Qualitative Interviews (Grounded Theory) Deciding on the concept

36 Advanced Coffee break until 11.00

37 Thank you for listening!

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