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Research Methods in Psychology PSY 311

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1 Research Methods in Psychology PSY 311
Week 1: Introduction Dr Sabahat Çiğdem Bağcı

2 Session Overview Introduction to psychology as a science
Quantitative vs. Qualitative research Characteristics of quantitative research

3 Psychology as a science
Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes. When we try to understand events in the world around us, we sometimes turn to Folk wisdom (halk arası inanış) Common sense (sağduyu) Action research: Researcher involved in implementing a change in conditions and monitors the effects

4 Goal: Find objective answers to important questions
Objectivity Goal: Find objective answers to important questions What are the factors that cause aggression? How can we reduce drug addiction? How do babies learn to talk?

5 Psychological research methods
To understand our world we can look for insights and explanations through psychological research methods. A good psychologist asks good questions gather useful information arrive at appropriate conclusions, and develop and ask further questions based on the information collected.

6 Scientific method The scientific method is a system of investigation in which a person makes careful observations of a phenomenon, proposes theories to explain the phenomenon, makes hypotheses about future behaviors, and then tests these hypotheses through more research and observation.

7 Old – new facts Scientific research empirically based
Although sometimes it is possible that some statements become entirely or partially incorrect in later studies (Stangor, 2011) Old facts discarded – new facts accepted until new data arrive

8 Theory vs. Hypothesis A theory is an explanation for a phenomenon based on careful and precise observations. A hypothesis is a prediction about future behaviors that is derived from observation and theories.

9 Goals of psychology Controlling What Happens
Describing What Happens Explaining What Happens Predicting What Will Happen Controlling What Happens

10 Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
“A research strategy that emphasises words rather than quantification in the collection of data” Interested in how individuals interpret their social world inductive approach “A research strategy that emphasises quantification in the collection of data” seeking to directly measure the social world deductive approach My idea of democracy might be different from George bush’s idea of democracy My idea of motivation might be different from Frederick Taylor’s idea of motivation (Bryman, 2001)

11 Induction and Deduction
Induction/ Deduction/ Qualitative Quantitative Theory Hypothesis Data 1 2 3 4 5 Theory Data 1 2 3 4 5 Epistemology: concerns the nature and production of knowledge Ontology: refers to the existence of things and the nature of the world Because of some more deep rooted distinctions, concerns regarding the compatibility of quantitative and qualitative research

12 Assumptions of Quantitative RM
Objective, measurable reality Regularities in events / differences / relationships, that can be represented by numbers Make causative statements and develop predictions Findings can be generalised

13 ‘Good’ Research Based upon sound theory
Testable & replicable hypotheses developed Appropriate research design adopted Suitable data collected Sufficient and relevant sample of observations Data collection has validity and reliability Appropriate analysis of data Correct statistical tests selected and conducted properly Correct implications drawn from findings Sufficient: enough numbers to generalise/satisfy the power assumptions of tests Sample: Sampling from populations/avoiding a biased sample Validity: Extent to which your conceptualisations & operationalisations are an accurate reflection of the real world Reliability: Extent to which your measurements are consistent and free from error Reliability:

14 Assumptions about Statistics

15 Quantitative Research

16 Course structure Tuesdays – Theoric Thursdays – Applied (SPSS)
Books from the library Reading ref on course online Slides uploaded on course online

17 policy Instructor’s office hours: Friday (only by ) address: Please try not to me if you can ask someone else If this is urgent, quote ‘urgent’ in your mail subject.

18 Week Topic 1 Introduction: Psychology as science, marking, syllabus No lecture 2 Basics of quantitative RM – variable types, main research designs sampling Basics of quantitative RM - hypothesis testing, inferential tests first look at SPSS and data entry 3 Means, standard deviations, distributions Exercise on SPSS 4 Distributions and z-scores Descriptives on SPSS, compute means, reverse coding, Assignment I 5 One sample t-tests, paired samples t-test, Assignment I due date T-tests II (application) 6 Independent samples t-test Workshop I, Assignment II 7 Revision, Assignment II due date Midterm exam 8 Correlations Correlations II (application)

19 Week Topic 9 Simple regression Simple regression II (application) 10 ANOVA tests ANOVA tests II (application) 11 Workshop II Workshop II continued 12 Non-parametric tests Assignment III (in class) 13 Multiple regression I Multiple regression II (application) 14 Workshop III Workshop III continued

20 Assessment 30% Midterm exam 30% Coursework assignment 40% Final exam

21 Grading 100-90 => AA 89-85 => BA 84-80 => BB 79-70 => CB
69-60 => CC 59-50 => DC 49-40 => DD 39 and below => F

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