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AP Psychology Testing tips.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Psychology Testing tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Psychology Testing tips

2 From today until the exam
10-Hour Plan Study content not practice tests Solid understanding of concepts/terms keeps you from second guessing yourself To ease your anxiety- the format is exactly the same as you have worked with all year.

3 Test Schedule & Scoring
Multiple Choice Free-Response 70 minutes 100 questions 67% of final score 50 minutes 2 questions 33% of final score

4 Multiple-Choice Read each question carefully. Don’t “read” into question. Easier questions will be first. 5 choices: eliminate 2-3 answers if you can Watch (and eliminate) any answers that have nothing to do with the question If you have no idea what the correct answer is- try to approach by using common sense/logic Expect a WIDE range of topics

5 Free-Response Two different types of questions. One will be unit based and the other will cross units. One will ask you to design, analyze or critique an experiment or study. The other will ask you to describe, identify, explain, show or discuss. Underline the verbs so when you refer to the question, you will know what you are being asked to do. Each question will have the following directions: You have 50 minutes to answer BOTH of the following questions. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the question posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. This is the EXACT SAME language you have seen all year. Start by reading BOTH questions. Do the easier one first. Make sure you understand the question.

6 Free-Response You DO NOT need an introduction or a conclusion!
Answer each section in order. Leave space (so you can go back) Leave space between sections Define and give examples. Explain using complete sentences ( the Genie example) NO FLUFF! It takes time and doesn’t award points Points are awarded for correct responses. No points are taken away unless you contradict yourself. If you are stuck (and have the time) look for answers within other questions on the test. You will not lose points for spelling or grammar. (As long as you make your point clear)Write neatly. Prove context for each part of the question. “the population in my study would…..” Watch your time.

7 Watch to bring… 2 #2 pencils 2 large erasers 2 black pens
Watch (with no alarm or internet) Water

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