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Pre-class activities Quiz Announcements and Assignments for next week

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1 JS 113: Detection, Collection, Presumptive testing and Preservation of Biological Evidence
Pre-class activities Quiz Announcements and Assignments for next week Learning Objectives List the sources of Biological Evidence Discuss presumptive tests utilized on biological evidence Discuss proper collection of biological evidence Understanding how to avoid contamination Understanding how to detect and monitor for contamination

2 Announcements & Assignments
Assignments and Announcements Visit the following document on collection of biological evidence- Each team member should take a section and summarize it in 300 words. Write a total of 5 questions and answers based on your reading 10/31 Laboratory 5A – Serology – Presumptive Testing for biological fluids 11/05 Student Led Review for Exam 2 : C5-Org, 6 Inor, 8 trace, 9 drugs, 10 tox, 12 serology, 15 impression, Tom Abercrombie(with 9) and Sandra Sachs (with 10)lectures- Shoeprint lab (with 15), Trace lab (with 8) 11/07 Exam 2 References Forensic DNA Analysis. Rudin, N. and K. Inman. 2nd Edition ISBN: Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (December 21, 2001) C1 and C2 Forensic DNA Typing: Biology and Technology Behind STR Markers John Butler PhD ISBN: X Academic Press –Figure and references on DNA sources Saferstein R Chapter 3 Gary Sims- Personal communication Powerpoint slides on contamination Jeremiah Garrido- Santa Clara County Crime Laboratory

3 Biological Fluids ? What are they? Forensic Value ?
Cells Most commonly analyzed BODY FLUIDS Cell Types Blood White Blood Cells Semen Spermatozoa Saliva Skin Cell

4 The Nature of Blood Blood- A complex mixture made of cells, enzymes, proteins and inorganic substances Liquid portion (55%) : Water Solid portion (45%) : Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets Serum: Liquid containing antibodies that separates from blood when a clot forms

5 Nature of Blood: Function
Red blood cells (RBC): Transports oxygen from lungs to body tissues and in turn removes carbon dioxide by taking it to the lungs. Also contain Antigens: proteins found of the surface of RBCs that stimulates the body to produce antibodies against it Grouped into systems ABO blood typing

6 Antigen & Antibody Components of Blood
For every antigen there is a specific antibody Blood Type Antigens (on Red Blood Cells) Antibodies (in Serum) A Anti-B B Anti-A AB Anti-A nor Anti-B O A nor B Anti-A & Anti-B

7 Blood as Physical Evidence
Occurrence of a blood stain in a certain place on an item may substantiate an account of a crime Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation: Shape, position, size or intensity of a bloodstain may support a particular sequence of events DNA typing analysis can be used to eliminate whole groups of people as suspects

8 Shape, Position, Size ?

9 Neck incisions (scene)

10 Forensic Characterization of Bloodstains

11 Forensic Characterization of Bloodstains
Three ways of characterizing a possible bloodstain: Chemical Color Tests or Crystal Test Based on presence of hemoglobin Species Determination Based on Antigen-Antibody Reaction Individualizing bloodstain DNA analysis and calculating statistics

12 Forensic Characterization of Bloodstains: Is This Blood??
Chemical color tests Based on hemoglobin's peroxidase-like activity (Peroxidase: enzyme that oxidizes organic compounds) Ex: Lab/phenolphthalein, O-tol Crime Scene/Hemastix Advantage: very sensitive Disadvantage: false positive rxn Potato/Horseradish Strong oxidizers like bleach

13 Forensic Characterization of Bloodstains cont’d
Luminol Test Produces light rather than color Typically sprayed onto suspected stains to reveal stains & patterns LIGHT EMISSION

Can we say it’s human blood? LIGHT EMISSION

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