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Music is a crucial tool for Evangelization

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2 Music is a crucial tool for Evangelization

3 What is Breaking Bread Digital Music Library?
It’s a comprehensive online subscription that complements our existing subscription, with all the songs from Breaking Bread, Respond & Acclaim and Choral Praise, Third Edition, in one convenient place. It’s an investment into our music program that supports faith and worship by appealing to the wide musical tastes of our community.

4 Changing pastoral music needs are our reality
Multiple staff members accessing music and creating worship aids Less staff time to prepare music for prayer and liturgy Increased variety of musicians, singers and accompanists needing access to music scores in their key Increased desire for musical styles – contemporary, choral, traditional, cantor-solo resources Expanded availability of digital devices (iPads, tablets) that can display music PDFs Excessive time and resources spent photocopying and collating music

5 Solution: Breaking Bread Digital Music Library
Access from computers or mobile devices Songs in multiple formats — keyboard, guitar, choral, assembly and more Unlimited reprint permissions for accompaniments and assembly editions Zero usage reporting, which saves time One affordable annual price Multiple users on single account Easily share music with all musicians Updated annually

6 Unlimited Access and Resources
Give all ministry teams access, including RCIA, Confirmation, sacramental preparation, adult education, religious education, parish missions, etc. Equip worship community to learn new songs, Mass settings, psalms and seasonal service music. Create specific worship aids for weddings, funerals, baptisms, Confirmation, Holy Week, Christmas, etc.

7 Breaking Bread Digital Music Library
Financial Investment Price is customized based on existing subscriptions Breaking Bread Digital Music Library Annual Payment $0.00 Please contact a Product Specialist at or to discuss pricing and insert your financial information. Monthly payment options are available.

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