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Sentence Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Types

2 That’s What it’s All About…
Agenda: Learning Targets: Introduction to sentence structure Practice writing using sentence variety Read Chapter 9 I can increase my sentence variety by using different sentence types in my writing. I can use active reading strategies to document my understanding of Chapter 9.

3 This is just for fun . . . A primer for the lesson today.

4 Sentence Structure (Syntax)
Grammar dictates how we construct our sentences as writers but we have a number of different choices about how we go about that. We make these choices to improve character development: “Quit my job I cannot.” instead of “I cannot quit my job.” Or to help you emphasize significant points in your work. “My sojourn in the corner was a short one. Saved by the bell, Miss. Caroline watched the class file out for lunch. As I was the last to leave, I saw her sink down into her chair and bury her head in her arms. Had her conduct been more friendly toward me, I would have felt sorry for her. She was a pretty little thing” (Lee 29).

5 Sentence Structure (Syntax) Application
Tape or glue in the handout on sentence structure (syntax). Tape or glue in the table.

6 Sentence Structure (Syntax) Application- Calpurnia Paragraph
Syntax Form Example in the text Function: the purpose or effect Length of sentence: Find one particularly long sentence.  Find one particularly short sentence.  Type of sentence:  Find one sentence that uses an exclamation point or question mark. Punctuation: Find one sentence that uses a dash.  Find one sentence that uses a semicolon.  Find one sentence that uses a colon.  Sentence Pattern: Find one sentence that uses repetition. Find one sentence that uses parallelism (similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words or phrases).

7 Sentence Structure (Syntax) Application
Use the chart from the previous slide to break down the sentences in this paragraph: Calpurnia was something else again. She was all angles and bones; she was nearsighted; she squinted; her hand was wide as a bed slat and twice as hard. She was always ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn’t behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling me home when I wasn’t ready to come. Our battles were epic and one-sided. Calpurnia always won, mainly because Atticus always took her side. She had been with us ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember

8 Sentence Structure (Syntax) Application
Working with your group, look at the sentence structure in the first paragraph (and the rest of the text). Use the chart to help you document what “moves” Lee has used AND the effect.

9 This is just for fun . . . A primer for the lesson today.

10 This Sentence has 5 words
Use one of the characters we have met before and write a description of them using sentence with only 5 words. Example: Atticus is a man from Maycomb. He has two young children. As a lawyer, he listens. Patience is his greatest asset. Try a Frame: ________ is a ________ from ________. ________ has ________ ________ ________ . As a _______, ________ ________ . ________ is ________ ________ ________ .

11 This Sentence has 5 words
Now take it to the next level, write a super long sentence about your character and one with an exclamation point or a question mark. Example: Atticus has faced many challenges in his life, from the death of his wife, to the death of his first two clients, but he does not let that keep him from seeing the best in people. How does he do it? He thinks of others. Try a Frame: ________ has ________ many ________ in ________ , from the ________, to the ________ , but ________ . How ________ ? ________ .

12 This Sentence has 5 words
Hold on to your hats! Here comes another challenge. Write a two sentences using a dash, colon, or a semi-colon. Example: Atticus’ unique parenting style can be seen in many ways: when he advises Scout to walk in someone else's shoes, the way he speaks with his children, and the way he gently reprimands then for mocking Boo. Atticus has a unique parenting style; however, he is effective and is raising two respectful and kind children. Regardless of the person, Atticus treats all people with respect- he does this because he cares. Try a Frame: ________ can be seen ________ : when ________ , the ________ , and the way ________ . ________ has ________ ; however, ________. Regardless ________ , ________ with ________ - ________

13 Chapter 9 - Dialectical Journal
Selection from the Text Your Ideas/Response “When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow” (Lee 3). This is a strange way to start a book. I wonder what the purpose is? Maybe it is foreshadowing something that will be important in the text. Audio is 40 minutes 3-5 entries per chapter.

14 Formatives We have done: We will do:
Time you saw two sides to someone (to practice word choice and sentence structure) Time you met someone brave (to practice putting all of the lessons together) Summative is due October 25th and all late work is also due that same day. Personal Exposition (to practice elements of setting) Time you were misunderstood (to practice POV) Time you saw a flaw in others or watched someone grow up (to practice characterization, dialogue and blocking) Brave is also a work sample and that might be helpful to mention to folks.

15 Writing practice - late narratives are due Oct.25
Personal Exposition (setting practice) Time you were misunderstood (1st person POV practice, revised 3rd person POV paragraph) Time you saw a flaw in others or watched someone grow up (indirect characterization practice, revised to add dialogue and blocking) 4. Time you saw two sides to someone (sentence structure practice, revised for word choice) 5. Conclusion practice – revise a previous narrative ending,1paragraph 6. Work sample – in class timed write: Time you met someone brave (to practice putting all of the narrative elements together) Brave is also a work sample and that might be helpful to mention to folks.

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