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CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice PRINCIPLES

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1 CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice PRINCIPLES
Atilla ELÇİ Computer Engineering Department Eastern Mediterranean University updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

2 Introduction An understanding of underlying principles helps towards learning semantic Web. Consideration of present day applications sets examples and gives sense of limits of the semantic Web technology. Of those, URI and XML have very prominent roles in the success of semantic Web. Understanding the subject is eased through a proper model mimicking the mechanics of interaction and hierarchy of components in effecting semantic Web. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

3 Agenda Semantic Web principles Semantic Web practices Components
URI naming XML technologies updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

4 Semantic Web: Principles
TBL [TBL-2002]: Primitive Qualities : Device independence Software Independence Internationalization Multimedia Accessibility Rhyme and reason Quality Independence of Scale. An Overview of The Semantic Web, by Eric Miller. Introducing the Semantic Web, by Dan Brickley. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

5 Semantic Web: Practices
Examples from: Business issues and deployment examples in Introducing the Semantic Web, by Dan Brickley. Advanced development in An Overview of The Semantic Web, by Eric Miller. Deployment examples in Semantic Web, Phase 2: Developments and Deployment, by Eric Miller. Some early applications of Semantic Web by AIFB. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

6 Semantic Web: Components
TBL SW: “Pieces” from 50K doc. The Big Picture: missing. The Semantic Web: A Primer by Edd Dumbill. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

7 Semantic Web- Layers of Abstraction Machine-Understandable Information [Ref. TBL-98] ( Slide form Intro, p.8) The basic assertion model layer: Resource Description Framework: RDF for Assertions and quotations. The schema layer: RDF Schema for forms compliance. Conversion language for doc conversion from one RDF schema to another. The logical layer: expressing rules of processing. Language for proof: proof validation Inference rules language Query languages Digital signature Engines of the future. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

8 Semantic Web: Components (continues)
Eric Dumbill’s Model click-a-ref (Circa 2000?) Redland XML Protocols Redfoot xHTML Wraf SOAP APPLICATION PLATFORMS XSLT RDF, RDF SCHEMAS, ONTOLOGIES URI XML updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

9 Semantic Web: Components (continues) The Big Picture
Still missing! updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

10 Semantic Web: Components (continues) Ref. : [Schwartz] SW in Beardth.
Layers, bottom to top: URI XML XML Namespaces RDF RDF Schemas WebOnt Logic Proof Semantic Web Bus by TBL: updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

11 Semantic Web: Components (continues) Ref
Semantic Web: Components (continues) Ref. : [Schwartz] SW for Developers. Layers, bottom to top: URI HTTP RDF Semantic Web Services Aggregation Security Logic Proof The end-to-end big picture: The Semantic Web: An Introduction by Aaron Swartz. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

12 URI Naming URI- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI aka URL) are short strings that identify resources in the web The URI specification effectively defines a space, that is a mapping between identifiers (URIs) and resources. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax (RFC2396) URL- Uniform Resource Locator is a Web address. URL anatomy: breaking it down. The Official IANA Registry of URI Schemes. The Official IANA Registry of URN Namespaces. The living official Internet: The IANA Matrix: Protocol Number Assignment Services. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

13 XML Technologies XML- Extensible Markup Language is a simple, very flexible text format derived from SGML (ISO 8879). More: next chapter. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

14 Where to Get More Information
[TBL-2002] Tim Berners-Lee: The World Wide Web - Past Present and Future,  Commemorative Lecture 2002 Japan Prize, Eric Miller: Semantic Web, Phase 2: Developments and Deployment, presented at WWW2004 W3C Track on the Semantic Web, [W3C-2004] Semantic Web: WWW Consortium Semantic Web pages, 2004. [Schwartz] Aaron Schwartz: The Semantic Web in Breadth. [Schwartz] Aaron Schwartz: The Semantic Web for Developers. updated CmpE 583 Fall 2006

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