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SG-EEDC N 0102 2011-09-13 Title: Draft Presentation from the JTC 1 Study Group on Energy Efficiency of Data Centres (EEDC) to the November 2011 JTC 1 Plenary.

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Presentation on theme: "SG-EEDC N 0102 2011-09-13 Title: Draft Presentation from the JTC 1 Study Group on Energy Efficiency of Data Centres (EEDC) to the November 2011 JTC 1 Plenary."— Presentation transcript:

1 SG-EEDC N 0102 Title: Draft Presentation from the JTC 1 Study Group on Energy Efficiency of Data Centres (EEDC) to the November 2011 JTC 1 Plenary Requested Editorial corrections on the documents are due to the Convenor Action: by 23 September 2011. Pages: 7 JTC 1 SG on EEDC Secretariat ITI/INCITS 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005

2 Jennifer Garner, SG Secretariat
ISO/IEC JTC 1 SG-EEDC Ray Lloyd, SG Convener Jennifer Garner, SG Secretariat 2011 JTC 1 Plenary

3 Agenda Background / Terms of reference
Participants / Other stakeholders Summary Recommendations 2011 JTC 1 Plenary

4 SG-EEDC Background / ToR
Delivery of work item proposals addressing the following key items: a taxonomy providing terms and definitions which cover the topic of data centres and energy efficiency for use in subsequent standardisation activity; universally accepted KPIs, or algorithms that use the KPIs to create a figure of merit, that reflect the purpose and business model operated within the data centre; practices which holistically balance the use of the energy efficient standardised products/solutions with the needs and capabilities of the data centre to use them. In addition, the SG EEDC will undertake the necessary preparatory work to allow formal liaison with the policy-setting bodies and industrial consortia. 2011 JTC 1 Plenary

5 Participants National Bodies Other Stakeholders Canada France Germany
Ireland Japan Republic of Korea The Netherlands Singapore United Kingdom United States Other Stakeholders Ecma International 2011 JTC 1 Plenary

6 Summary of activities 1 Face to face meeting in AFNOR Paris
10 Teleconference/web conference meetings Short listing and initiation of discussion with organizations with significant traction related to the terms of reference. Introduction of JTC 1 PAS process to stakeholders. Preparation and completion of the final report 2011 JTC 1 Plenary

7 Recommendation The ISO/IEC JTC 1 Study Group on Energy Efficiency of Data Centres recommends the establishment of a Working Group with the following terms of reference: development of a data centre energy efficiency taxonomy and vocabulary development of a holistic suite of metrics supporting universally accepted standardized Key Performance Indicators development of best practices for energy efficient data centres development of an energy management system standard specifically tailored for data centres An objective in the development of these work items is harmonisation across geographies and sectorial domains with the major actors. 2011 JTC 1 Plenary

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