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BMXP Operation Memo One Time Cutting.

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Presentation on theme: "BMXP Operation Memo One Time Cutting."— Presentation transcript:

1 BMXP Operation Memo One Time Cutting

2 Step 1, Draw a 12x12mm rectangle
Step 2, Click Menu “BMXP”, then “Create Path1” “Create Path1” is for cutting one time

3 Step 3, Parameters Setting
1/ Offset value = Wire Radius mm 2/ Left : along the cutting forward direction, wire stands at left side of drawing 3/ Right : along the cutting forward direction, wire stands at left side of drawing 4/ Pon: Pulse On time, means discharging time, us means micro seconds 5/ Poff: Multiple of Pon, If Pon is 30us, Poff is 7, mean Poff = 7 x 30us = 210us 6/ IP: Current 0-6A 7/ Voltage: High means V; Low means <= 80V Step 3, Parameters Setting All parameters in demo are base on Dia. 0.18mm Molybdenum wire Input Offset 0.105mm Choose “Left”, then “OK”

4 Step 4, Input Start Point. Click anywhere but not on drawings, to cut a Block click outside the dawning, cut a hole, click inside. Tips: we suggest choose start point below drawing lines So it’s easy for you choose left & Right in next step

5 Step 5 Input cut point 1./ Move mouse close to drawing, you can see a red line, the line between start point and cut point is guide line. 2./ Click any where on drawing lines to pick the cut point, we suggest pick middle or corner point.

6 1./ Green Arrow means cutting direction
2./ Move mouse to change Arrow color. Click mouse to confirm 3./ The direction must be same as you choose in Step 3 Step 6 Choose cutting direction

7 Now the path is created, Zoom in , you can see 2 color lines, the red line is the real wire path ,the green line is drawing lines. Cut a block, the red line must be outside, cut a hole the red line must be inside. It is suggested to check it before send path to wire cut

8 Step 7 Send Path to Wire Cut
1./ Menu “BMXP” >> “Send Path to Wire Cut” 2./ Click No.1 for real cutting Click Demo for stimulate 3./ Click red line or drag a rectangle to select path Then right click or Press “Enter”

9 Step 8 Thickness Settings
1./ Click Button “Settings” 2./ Click Label “Work” 3./ Input Thickness in last line Then Press “OK”

10 Step 9 Start Cutting 1./ Click “Wire” or Press F3 2./ Click “Pump” or Press F5 3./ Click “HF Power” or Press F7 4./ Manually move axis, let wire touch the work piece, when you see spark, adjust wire vertical first, then Click “Work Start” or Press F3 If you see yellow light on here, you can not move axis by manual, “Click Motor” or press F6 to turn off it

11 The red arrow means the wire position, the red line is finished cutting part


13 Congratulation! But Here are few Tips Please be patient go on

14 Extend Application: 1./ Save .TSK or .3B file TSK file can only read by BMXP ; 3B file can be understand as G code for wire cut, most wire cut software can read it

15 2./ Merge the selected path
Extend Application 2./ Merge the selected path This function mainly used for continuously cutting different shape, or repeat cutting same shape Example 1, Cutting with Merge Not Merge Will pause at red point during cutting Line between 2 drawing is gray , you must keep wire without electric. Merge No red point, will not pause during cutting Line between 2 drawing is yellow, you can keep discharging and cutting

16 Example 2, Cutting without Merge
If Cut holes in work piece as below, When you send path must keep the checkbox blank !!

17 When Finish cutting a drawing, stopped at red point, Press OK

18 Now Take off wire, choose “Start (Pulse Power Off)”, then Press OK

19 When Finish gray path without current , stopped again at red point, Press OK

20 Now Put on wire again , choose “Start (Pulse Power On)”, then Press OK
Repeat on/off until Finish all cutting

21 Thank you take time reading!!
This File is only for Memo Not Official Training !! Suzhou Baoma keep the final explanations!!

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