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MSBIC Hadoop Series Processing Data with Pig

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1 MSBIC Hadoop Series Processing Data with Pig
Bryan Smith

2 MSBIC Hadoop Series
Learn the basics of Hadoop through a combination of demonstration and lecture. Session participants are invited to follow along leveraging emulation environments and Azure-based clusters, the setting up of which we will address in our first session. March – Getting Started August – Processing the Data with Pig April – Understanding the File System September – OOF May – Implementing MapReduce Jobs October – Hadoop & MS BI June – Querying the Data with Hive November – TBD July – On Vacation December – TBD

3 Today’s Session Objectives: Understand the basics of Pig
Demonstrate use of Pig with sample data set

4 Hadoop Ecosystem File System (HDFS, WASB, etc.) Job Execution
(MapReduce, Tez, etc.) Scripting (Pig) Query (Hive) Metadata Services (HCatlog) Management & Monitoring (Ambari, Zookeeper) Workflow & Scheduling (Oozie) Non-Relational Database (Hbase) Data Integration (Flume, Sqoop) What was described is a very, very high-level simplification of what takes place but hopefully it illustrates the basics of how Hadoop works and provides you a basis for understanding Hadoop as a distributed storage and processing platform In addition, what was describe was simply the core of Hadoop. Hadoop is a collection of projects, each of which adds functionality to the Hadoop ecosystem. Some of those projects are shown here but this is by no mean complete.

5 Pig Pig is a data flow engine for Hadoop Data flows scripted in Pig Latin

6 UFO Sightings Data Set DateObserved DateReported Location Shape Duration Description In this demo, we will process the ufo_awesome.tsv file to get a count of sightings by year and ufo type.

7 Data Flow Date Observed Date Report Location Shape Year Observed Shape
Duration Description Year Observed Year Observed Shape Observations Derive Year Observed Count by & Shape 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 Read Data File Export Data to File 2 6 1 3 5 7 4

8 Data Flow Date Observed Date Report Location Shape Duration
Description Year Observed Shape Observations Derive Year Observed Aggregate Around Year Observed & Shape Read Data File Export Data to 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 ufo = load '/demo/ufo/in/ufo_awesome.tsv' as (dateobs:chararray, daterpt:chararray, location:chararray, shape:chararray, duration:chararray, description:chararray); ufo2 = foreach ufo generate SUBSTRING(dateobs,0,4) as yearobs, TRIM(shape) as shape; ufo3 = group ufo2 by (yearobs, shape); ufo4 = foreach ufo3 generate group, COUNT(ufo2) as sightings; ufo5 = foreach ufo4 generate group.yearobs as yearobs, group.shape as shape, sightings; dump ufo5; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 Demo Script: Basic Data Flow
ufo = load '/demo/ufo/in/ufo_awesome.tsv' as (dateobs:chararray, daterpt:chararray, location:chararray, shape:chararray, duration:chararray, description:chararray); ufo2 = foreach ufo generate SUBSTRING(dateobs,0,4) as yearobs, TRIM(shape) as shape; ufo3 = group ufo2 by (yearobs, shape); ufo4 = foreach ufo3 generate group, COUNT(ufo2) as sightings; ufo5 = foreach ufo4 generate group.yearobs as yearobs, group.shape as shape, sightings; dump ufo5; Load assumes tab delimited by default; will load data to binary if no type provided Function names case sensitive

10 Statements Data Input/Output Projection Limit Extension
Load Foreach Store Filter Sample Dump Group Extension Schema/Workflow Cogroup Stream Order Describe Mapreduce Distinct Explain Join Illustrate Union Cross

11 Bags & Tuples Tuple – a data record with fields of various types Example: (yearobs, shape) Bag – a collection of tuples Example: {(yearobs, shape), (yearobs, shape), (yearobs, shape)} A field within a tuple can be a simple (scalar) data type or a complex type such as a bag

12 Group Statement ufo3 = group ufo2 by (yearobs, shape);
ufo4 = foreach ufo3 generate group, COUNT(ufo2) as sightings; ( (2001, egg), { (2001, egg), (2001, egg), (2001, egg) } ) ( (“group” tuple), { “ufo2” bag} ) a single tuple within ufo3 relation The group statement creates a bag of tuples Bag referenced as “group”, tuples referenced using name of relation from which they were derived ( (2010, rectangle) { (2010, rectangle), } )

13 vs. Hive Hive Pig Query language Accesses data in target folder Struct, array & map types supported Data flow (ETL) language Accesses data in target folder or file Tuple, map & bag types supported

14 Demo Script: Loading to HCatalog
ufo = load '/demo/ufo/in/ufo_awesome.tsv' as (dateobs:chararray, daterpt:chararray, location:chararray, shape:chararray, duration:chararray, description:chararray); store ufo into 'ufo.sightings_pig' using org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer(); NOTES Launch Pig with –useHCatalog option. If on HDI Emulator, HCAT_HOME error resolved here Be sure target table is empty

15 Resources

16 Today’s Session Objectives: Understand the basics of Pig
Demonstrate use of Pig with sample data set

17 For Next Session Topic: Requested Action(s): Integrating with MS BI
Come with working HDInsight Emulator or HDInsight Cluster Load sample data sets into HDFS on Emulator Define Hcatalog tables on sample data sets

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