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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO ADVISORY! 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:


2 DAY 1 SCHEDULE Advisory 9:00 – 9:10 A1 9:16 – 9:42 A2 9:48 – 10:14
Common Lunch with A4   11:18 – 12:01 B1   12:07 – 12:33 B2   12:39 – 1:05 B3   1:11 – 1:37 B4   1:43 – 2:09 Advisory / Assembly: 2:15 – 4:00 First Assembly 2:20 – 3:05 Second Assembly 3:15 – 4:00

3 ADVISORY OUTCOMES Students will be able to identify the purpose of Advisory. Students will know the necessary details of the first week of school. Students will have met their Advisory classmates and Advisory teacher.

4 Brainstorm together; returning students, share with the new students!
What is Advisory? What do we do in here? What purpose does it serve? Brainstorm together; returning students, share with the new students!

5 What is Advisory? Advisory functions as a homeroom, meeting every Monday- Thursday for 22 minutes between 1st and 2nd periods. All Advisories are divided by grade level. This allows us to specialize our lessons and discussions to your specific needs. Advisories are about support and community! With the support and accountability of their Advisory teacher, students consistently monitor their academic progress, hear and discuss announcements, and participate in other activities connected to what’s going on with our school, college preparation

6 Expectations Students are silent during announcements.
Students will be in assigned seats during advisory. Students will follow all UBPs. Students will complete grade checks every Monday/Tuesday. Students will participate in lessons on Wednesday/Thursday.

7 Advisories are at the heart of Herron’s Core Values
(Anyone remember any of our Core Values?!)

8 1. Herron believes that every student is a scholar.
Herron’s Core Values 1. Herron believes that every student is a scholar. The Advisory Teacher/student relationship is at the core of the message that all students have immeasurable value and greatness. 2. Herron engages in an urban community. Advisories inform and celebrate all that is going on in and around the Herron community. Announcements are a critical part of our culture!

9 3. Herron High School advances timeless ideas and content.
Herron’s Core Values 3. Herron High School advances timeless ideas and content. Advisories are host to meaningful dialogue about what it means to be a scholar and to be part of a community. 4. Herron builds a culture of respect and trust through relationships with people and ideas. The relationships fostered in Advisory are at the core of our school’s culture and mission.

10 5. Herron High School serves as a catalyst for renewal.
Herron’s Core Values 5. Herron High School serves as a catalyst for renewal. Advisories help us process what it means to be part of a school that is redefining how school is done. We hope that the support that students receive through Advisory will serve as a catalyst for renewal in their own lives, their family’s lives, and in their communities!


Wednesday, August 9th = 9:00 – 4:00 ‘C’ Day Thursday, August 10th = 9:00 – 4:00 ‘B’ Day Friday, August 11th = 10:00 – 4:00 ‘A’ Day **Fridays will alternate as 10:00 start ‘A’ or ‘B’ days. You will receive a full schedule. **Students may be on campus starting at 7:30 a.m. Enter through Fesler doors and proceed to the cafeteria. **Supervision is available in 5th Period after school until 5:00 p.m. Office Hours will officially start the week of August 14th.

13 A typical ‘A’ or ‘B’ Day Schedule
Period 1           9:00 – 10:20 Advisory           10:26 – 10:54 Period 2           11:00– 1:08             Lunch I            11:02 – 11:29 Lunch II           11:35 – 12:02             Lunch III         12:08 – 12:35             Lunch IV         12:41 – 1:08 Period 3           1:14 – 2:34 Period 4           2:40 – 4:00

14 Drop/Add Process for Schedule Change Requests
Drop/Add Runs from Wednesday, August 9th – Tuesday, August 15th at 5:00 p.m. (no requests will be accepted after this time) Green Drop/Add forms are available from Student Services or the Advising Office and must be returned only to the drop box by Student Services or the Advising Office. Students must have all appropriate signatures to be considered for a Drop/ Add. All students should follow their current schedules until changes are made. You will be notified if/when your schedule does change.

Course change requests cannot be granted based on teacher, peer, or class period preference. There are many factors necessary to balance the master schedule, and we cannot accommodate these requests. Students should only submit 1 Drop/Add form. One change to a schedule may change the order of all other classes. Schedules will not be changed back. Please consider all possibilities carefully before submitting your form. Not all requests can be accommodated – for a lot of reasons. Your schedule may not change if the master schedule doesn’t allow it, if classes are full, if you haven’t met all pre-requisite or other criteria, etc.

16 Finally – who are we? Introduce yourself: Name
One thing you’re looking forward to this school year

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