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Please help me understand the tool

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1 Please help me understand the tool
Two–Year Tool (TYT) Please help me understand the tool All these numbers



4 ACC Vouchers Baseline PHA Baseline Current Year

5 FUNDING Current Year Annual Budget Authority (ABA) HUD Held Reserve (HHR) and PHA Excess HAP cash on hand (RNP)

6 Three years of Projection Funding
HVC Current Budget Authority Funding Set-Aside for Shortfall Funding received for new vouchers during the current year. (VASH, Relocation or Opt-out) Income Reported through VMS for fraud recovery and FSS) Sum of HUD Held Reserve (HHR) and PHA is holding (RNP)

7 HUD USE ONLY These fields are used by HUD to set the re-benchmark for the next two years funding. PHA can change the yellow fields by entering numbers, however it will affect the leasing and spending outcome. PHAs are advised not to enter anything in the yellow cells.

8 Success Rate Example: PHA issued 100 vouchers and 75 are leased up with 25 coming back to the PHA. The success rate is 75% How many issued vouchers successfully leased with a executed HAP contract

9 Annual Turnover Rate Determine the Annual Turnover Rates. PIC provides the number. PIC tracks the End of Participants (EOP).

10 Time from Issuance to HAP execution
The time from vouchers issuance to HAP contact. Example: 7 vouchers are lease-up 2 in 30 days, 1 in days and 4 in 60 to 90 days. 2 vouchers divided 7 vouchers = 29% 1 Voucher divided by 7 vouchers = 14% 4 Vouchers divided by 7 Vouchers = 57% It takes 2.28 months to lease the 7 vouchers from issuance to HAP contract.

11 Monthly Housing Assistant Payments (HAP) and Unit Month Leased(UML)
Vouchers on the street New vouchers only Monthly Actual HAP Expenses reported in VMS Monthly actual UMLs reported in VMS

12 Leasing Potential This part of the tool is used for leasing projecting
Any number entered in this column will affect the

13 Data for Proper Projection
Percentage of PHA monthly ABA funding usages what it cost to lease a Voucher monthly Per Unit Cost (PUC) Average Percentage of baseline vouchers leased for the year Monthly percentage of baseline voucher leased each month Projected Monthly HAP payment from VMS Average Percentage of funding utilized for the year PHA is using HHR PHA is using HHR PHA is using 100% of current year ABA. Anytime you look at the percentage and its over 100% the extra is coming out of HHR

14 PHA with a negative HAP Reserve
We looked at this part of the tool for future projections 1. Does the PHA have HAP Reserves in the current year? 2. Can we lease up more vouchers in the current year? 3. Are we projecting reserve for 2018? 4. When you are looking at this table, is the PHA in a shortfall?

15 PHA with a positive HAP Reserve
1. Does the PHA have HAP Reserves in the current year? 2. Is the PHA projecting a reserve for 2018? 3. Scenario: PHA has 115 ACC Baseline Vouchers 70 are leased. Do you think the PHA has the potential of leasing up? 4. How do we determine how many vouchers this PHA can lease up? a. ACC Baseline subtract leased vouchers. b. What is the highest PUC or the Average PUC? c. How many months remaining for the calendar year? 45 vouchers available x 6 months x PUC (614) =$165,780.00 Do we have enough money to cover 45 vouchers for the remainder of the year? The reserve for the remainder of the year is $162,516.00

16 HUD USE ONLY Financial Management Center (FMC) reconciled the HUD Held Reserve (HHR) FMC will review the PHA’s Restricted Net Position (NRP)reported in VMS and the HHR amount. After FMC reconciled the data and determined the HHR, it is entered in the yellow field. If the number in the yellow is changed, it will affect the leasing and spending outcome. If the PHA believes the reserve is incorrect they should contact the FMC – Financial Analyst.

17 VMS Data Collection Report
Voucher Management System (VMS) VMS Data Collection Report Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Rental Assistance Component 1 (RAD1) Rental Assistance Component 1 (RAD1 - HAP) Litigation Litigation HAP Homeownership 18 19 Homeownership HAP $5,327 $6,045 $5,947 $5,892      New This Month Moving To Work Moving To Work HAP Portable Vouchers Paid 54 58 60 59 Portable Voucher Paid HAP $41,991 $36,988 $44,069 $49,679 $50,089 HOPE VI 37 35 HOPE VI HAP $22,960 $20,905 $21,510 $20,964 $21,224 Tenant Protection 28 27 29 Tenant Protection HAP $15,398 $16,071 $15,788 $16,666 $16,921      Enhanced Vouchers Veterans Affair Supported Housing (VASH) Voucher 247 244 253 259 Veterans Affair Supported Housing (VASH) HAP $117,852 $120,116 $120,806 $123,579 $123,574 DHAP to HCV Vouchers Leased DHAP to HCV Voucher HAP All Other Vouchers 1,792 1,803 1,800 1,802 1,804 All Other Vouchers HAP $977,180 $1,005,527 $1,030,843 $1,025,524 $1,034,303 MTW - Family Unification 2008/Forward HAP expenses after the First of the Month FSS Escrow Deposits $5,919 $6,991 $7,255 $7,750 $7,931 All Voucher HAP Expenses After the First of Month $34,174 $20,441 $11,465 $18,895 $1,065 Total Vouchers 2,176 2,181 2,192 2,203 2,205 HAP Total $1,220,801 $1,232,366 $1,257,781 $1,269,004 $1,260,999 Number of Vouchers Under Lease (HAP Contract) on the last day of the Month 2,202 HA Owned Units Leased - included in the units leased above New vouchers issued but not under HAP contracts as of the last day of the month 91 103 123 139 104

18 Portable Vouchers Administered (Port In)
Total HAP for Portable Units Administered 5 Year Mainstream 5 Year Mainstream HAP Number of PBVs under AHAP and not under HAP Number of PBVs under HAP and leased 66 67 Number of PBVs under HAP and not leased 2 1 Number of PBVs under HAP and not leased with vacancy payment and associated vacancy HAP expense Number of PBVs under HAP and not leased with vacancy payment and associated vacancy HAP expense(HAP) Fraud Recovery Total Collected This Month $1,989 $562 $1,276 $873 Interest or other income earned this month from the investment of HAP funds and Net Restricted Assets $640 $597 $621 $615 $676 FSS Escrow Forfeitures This Month $1,814 $6,056 Number of Hard to House Families Leased 25 22 26 23 18 Number of LBP Initial Clearance Tests Number of LBP Risk Assessments Portable HAP Costs Billed and Unpaid - 90 Days or older FSS Coordinator Expenses Covered by FSS Grant FSS Coordinator Expenses Not Covered by FSS Grant Non - MTW Administrative Expenses $113,678 $111,608 $168,333 $119,617 $65,606 Audit $6,583 Unrestricted Net Position (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month $452,355 $460,278 $438,626 $480,521 $492,948 Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month $54,678 $80,307 $69,755 $50,476 $43,337 Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month - Voucher Program Only $517,834 $583,998 $575,428 $539,550 $547,629

19 Acronyms

20 Housing Choice Vouchers
Voucher Management System Public and Indian Housing One-Stop Tool (POST) for PHAs



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