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Coronal Magnetic Fields What are we learning from CoMP observations

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Presentation on theme: "Coronal Magnetic Fields What are we learning from CoMP observations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coronal Magnetic Fields What are we learning from CoMP observations
Coronal Magnetic Fields What are we learning from CoMP observations? WHEN: Tuesday afternoon, July 12, 2011 Invited Speaker: Laurel Rachmeler Learning about coronal polarization through forward modeling Co-Conveners: Steve Tomczyk, Scott McIntosh, Joan Burkepile

2 So what? Who cares? The corona is a magnetically dominated system; solar activity derives its energy from coronal magnetic fields; no routine measurements How does the coronal field react to newly emerging flux through the photosphere? … to large scale motions such as meridional flow and differential rotation? How well do models reproduce the field? How does the heliosphere react to changes in the coronal magnetic field?

3 Session Abstracts A Radioastronomical Technique for Measuring Propagating Coronal Alfvenic Fluctuations Steven Spangler A Ring of Polarized Light: Evidence for Twisted Coronal Magnetism in Cavities Sarah Gibson Vector Tomography for the 3D Coronal Magnetic Field with CoMP Maxim Kramar Doppler Observations from CoMP Scott McIntosh Accessing CoMP Observations Leonard Sitongia, Don Kolinski

4 We strongly encourage you to bring a slide or two for discussion
Courtesy: Haosheng Lin, Jeff Kuhn IfA, University of Hawaii Courtesy: Predictive Science Inc. Courtesy: Bill Abbett University of California, Berkeley

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