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Vámonos Take out the vocabulary you have from this unit. Make sure you have a comprehensive vocabulary list including the words in the boxes, red font,

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Presentation on theme: "Vámonos Take out the vocabulary you have from this unit. Make sure you have a comprehensive vocabulary list including the words in the boxes, red font,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vámonos Take out the vocabulary you have from this unit. Make sure you have a comprehensive vocabulary list including the words in the boxes, red font, etc. You should have vocabulary from the following pages. p p p p

2 In-Class Assessment #2 22 de febrero

3 Project: Tuesday, 2/28 (less than a week!)
Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 2/26 Project: Tuesday, 2/28 (less than a week!)

4 In-Class Assessment #2 For this project, you are going to be creating a catalogue. Your catalogue will need to adhere to a series of requirements, be in color, and will be in Spanish.

5 Rubric Requirements Spanish Content Vocabulary Integration Layout
Excellent (25 points) Good (20 points) Okay (15 points) Poor (10 points) Requirements 20+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 15+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 10+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 5+ items in the catalogue with descriptions Spanish Content Descriptions are 2-3 sentences long, correct & well-written Descriptions are 2-3 sentences, mostly correct & well-written with some errors (<5) Descriptions are 2 sentences, somewhat correct & well-written with some errors (<10) Descriptions are mostly correct with many errors (15+) Vocabulary Integration Appropriate use of 40+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 30+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 20+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 10+ vocabulary terms Layout Organized; well thought-out; color; written neatly Vaguely organized & thought-out; some color Not well organized; some or no color; not very neat Poorly organized; no color; not neat

6 Requirements Your catalogue needs a theme and a name. Your catalogue can be a collection of jewelry, clothing, antiques, or some combination of the three. Your catalogue needs to be in color. You will need 20 items with descriptions in Spanish. You need to integrate 40 unique vocabulary terms into your item titles & descriptions. Every item needs an image!

7 2/22 Your catalogue needs a theme and a name. Decide the theme and name today- your theme can be broad (women’s wear) or specific (athletic apparel). You need to brainstorm 20 items to go in your catalogue. Today, make a list of 20 items with a brief description in English. Make a list of the 40 vocabulary words from this unit that you plan to use in your catalogue. (p , p , p , p )

8 Day 2 ICA #2 23 de febrero

9 Vámonos Label your passports as follows  22 de febrero, 23 de febrero, 27 de febrero, 28 de febrero, . PUT YOUR NAME ON BOTH SIDES! Take out the following from yesterday: Theme & name of your catalogue 20 items you will have in your catalogue 40 vocab words you will use in your catalogue

10 Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 2/26 Project: Tuesday, 2/28

11 Work Day #2 Today, you will:
Sketch a layout of what your catalogue is going to look like. It doesn’t have to be a full-size sketch. Think of how many items you’ll have on each page and how you’ll accommodate images & descriptions. Start composing the Spanish titles & descriptions for the 20 items you will feature in your catalogue. You should have at least ten by the end of class.

12 Day 3 ICA #2 27 de febrero

13 Vámonos Take out a half sheet of paper and put your name on it. Read the following: "If she can see it, she can be it." Our children's early experiences -- including the hours spent consuming media -- shape what they imagine to be possible for people who look like them, live where they live, or come from where they came from. Simply put, kids determine what they can be based on the examples around them. Our students know it. We should, too. Based on this, what do you think? Does representation matter? Why or why not? Be as specific as possible, and write 8-10 sentences in English.

14 Anuncios Project: Tuesday, 2/28 Duolingo: Sunday, 3/5

15 Project Submission My email address is: MSVCOIMBRA@GMAIL.COM
subject: Last Name Period x (Example: Coimbra Period 1) Projects must be ed prior to the beginning of your class period. Projects ed after the beginning of your class period will be considered late, no excuses. If your attachment is corrupted, your project will be considered late, no excuses.

16 Work Day #3 Last week, you should have completed: Theme & name Today
20 items in English List of 40 vocab words Layout of your catalogue 10 Spanish item names and descriptions Today By the end of class today, you should have a complete rough draft of the 20 items and their descriptions in Spanish.

17 Day 5 ICA #2 1 de marzo

18 Vámonos Take out your items & descriptions out and partner up with someone who has completed the same quantity of work as you. For example, if you finished all 20 descriptions and then work with someone else who did. If you did 10 descriptions, work with someone who finished around 10 as well. Once you have your partner sitting next to you, you’ll get your check.

19 Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 3/5 Project: Friday, 3/31

20 Today, 3/1 Your passport grades are going in today. By the end of class, your work should reflect a minimum of 8-10 peer edits/suggestions. They can be corrections or suggestions for improvement. I legitimately do not believe that anyone’s work is perfect yet!

21 Day 6 ICA #2 2 de marzo

22 Vámonos Make sure passports are labeled: 2 de marzo, 6 de marzo, de marzo, 7 de marzo, 8 de marzo, 9 de marzo Make sure your name is on both sides of your passport Take out the components of your catalogue so far (articles, etc.)

23 Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 3/5 Project: Friday, 3/31
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: Saturday School: 50 CW points Home Soccer Games: 30 CW points

24 Today, 3/2 You should consider what you have done so far to be your Rough Draft 1.0. Today, you are going to take the components and create Rough Draft 2.0. Rough Draft 2.0 needs: Same layout your final draft will have All 20 of your items and the descriptions with basic sketches All 40 vocab words highlighted or squared

25 Day 7 ICA #2 3 de marzo

26 Take out your Rough Draft 1.0 & 2.0 (if applicable).
Vámonos Take out your Rough Draft 1.0 & 2.0 (if applicable). Rough Draft 2.0 should be done by the end of class!

27 Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 3/5 Project: Friday, 3/31
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: Saturday School: 50 CW points Home Soccer Games: 30 CW points

28 Rubric Requirements Spanish Content Vocabulary Integration Layout
Excellent (25 points) Good (20 points) Okay (15 points) Poor (10 points) Requirements 20+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 15+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 10+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 5+ items in the catalogue with descriptions Spanish Content Descriptions are 2-3 sentences long, correct & well-written Descriptions are 2-3 sentences, mostly correct & well-written with some errors (<5) Descriptions are 2 sentences, somewhat correct & well-written with some errors (<10) Descriptions are mostly correct with many errors (15+) Vocabulary Integration Appropriate use of 40+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 30+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 20+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 10+ vocabulary terms Layout Organized; well thought-out; color; written neatly Vaguely organized & thought-out; some color Not well organized; some or no color; not very neat Poorly organized; no color; not neat

29 Today, 3/3 Rough Draft 2.0 needs: Same layout your final draft will have All 20 of your items and the descriptions with basic sketches All 40 vocab words highlighted or squared

30 Day 8 ICA #2 6 de marzo

31 Vámonos Take out your passport to get caught up on checks. Change your dates please: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 de marzo Fecha Vamonos Trabajo en Clase 2 de marzo Labeled passport Rough Draft 2.0 3 de marzo Rough Draft 1.0 completed (no late credit)

32 Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 3/12 Project: Friday, 3/31
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: Saturday School: 50 CW points Home Soccer Games: 30 CW points

33 Rubric Requirements Spanish Content Vocabulary Integration Layout
Excellent (25 points) Good (20 points) Okay (15 points) Poor (10 points) Requirements 20+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 15+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 10+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 5+ items in the catalogue with descriptions Spanish Content Descriptions are 2-3 sentences long, correct & well-written Descriptions are 2-3 sentences, mostly correct & well-written with some errors (<5) Descriptions are 2 sentences, somewhat correct & well-written with some errors (<10) Descriptions are mostly correct with many errors (15+) Vocabulary Integration Appropriate use of 40+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 30+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 20+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 10+ vocabulary terms Layout Organized; well thought-out; color; written neatly Vaguely organized & thought-out; some color Not well organized; some or no color; not very neat Poorly organized; no color; not neat

34 Today, 3/6 You have Rough Draft 2.0 back. By the end of class today, you need at least 5 of your 20 items in your Final Draft. Final Draft must be in pen. In your Final Draft, please underline and number your 40 vocabulary words. If you want to draw pictures instead of writing out 5 items or write out items instead of drawing pictures, that’s fine, but you should have the equivalent of five items worth of work done.

35 Day 9 ICA #2 7 de marzo

36 Vámonos Today we are going to compile an “index” of vocabulary terms. Using your planning notes & Rough Draft 2.0, write down the 40 distinct vocabulary terms you are using on the provided index card.

37 Anuncios Duolingo: Sunday, 3/12 Project: Friday, 3/31
EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: Saturday School: 50 CW points Home Soccer Games: 30 CW points

38 Rubric Requirements Spanish Content Vocabulary Integration Layout
Excellent (25 points) Good (20 points) Okay (15 points) Poor (10 points) Requirements 20+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 15+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 10+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 5+ items in the catalogue with descriptions Spanish Content Descriptions are 2-3 sentences long, correct & well-written Descriptions are 2-3 sentences, mostly correct & well-written with some errors (<5) Descriptions are 2 sentences, somewhat correct & well-written with some errors (<10) Descriptions are mostly correct with many errors (15+) Vocabulary Integration Appropriate use of 40+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 30+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 20+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 10+ vocabulary terms Layout Organized; well thought-out; color; written neatly Vaguely organized & thought-out; some color Not well organized; some or no color; not very neat Poorly organized; no color; not neat

39 Final Draft must be in pen.
Today, 3/6 Final Draft must be in pen. In your Final Draft, please underline and number your 40 vocabulary words. By the end of class today, you need either: 1) All items & descriptions written out for your catalogue OR 2) All of your drawings & cover page finalized

40 Day 10 ICA #2 8 de marzo

41 Take out your completed drawings and/or descriptions.
Vámonos Take out your completed drawings and/or descriptions.

42 Anuncios Saturday School: el 11 de marzo (50 XC pts) Duolingo: el 12 de marzo Próximo partido de fútbol: el 14 de marzo en Tara Stadium Proyecto 3: el 31 de marzo

43 Rubric Requirements Spanish Content Vocabulary Integration Layout
Excellent (25 points) Good (20 points) Okay (15 points) Poor (10 points) Requirements 20+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 15+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 10+ items in the catalogue with descriptions 5+ items in the catalogue with descriptions Spanish Content Descriptions are 2-3 sentences long, correct & well-written Descriptions are 2-3 sentences, mostly correct & well-written with some errors (<5) Descriptions are 2 sentences, somewhat correct & well-written with some errors (<10) Descriptions are mostly correct with many errors (15+) Vocabulary Integration Appropriate use of 40+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 30+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 20+ vocabulary terms Appropriate use of 10+ vocabulary terms Layout Organized; well thought-out; color; written neatly Vaguely organized & thought-out; some color Not well organized; some or no color; not very neat Poorly organized; no color; not neat

44 Final Draft must be in pen.
Today, 3/7 Final Draft must be in pen. In your Final Draft, please underline and number your 40 vocabulary words. By the end of class today, you need to hand in your completed final draft.

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