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waste plastics and scrap tires

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1 waste plastics and scrap tires
Pyrolysis: Production of fuels by co-pyrolysis of waste plastics and scrap tires Muhammad Imran Ahmad*, Syed Ali Shah, Hammad Ur Rahman, Muhammad Usama Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan Aim of the Project Process Flow Diagram Results To design process for pyrolysis of waste plastics and scrap tires. Table 2 Ultimate and proximate analysis of plastics Introduction Ultimate Analysis Proximate Analysis Feed Stocks C H O V FC A M HHV (MJ/Kg) PE 85.5 14.5 - 99.8 0.1 0.0 46.4 PP 85.8 14.2 82.6 17.2 37.6 PS 92.2 7.8 99.5 0.2 0.3 39.0 Plastic is composed of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects. Scrap tires are composed of synthetic and natural rubber, fabric, wire, carbon black, and other chemical compounds. Waste plastics and scrap tires in Pakistan According to a report on municipal waste of Pakistan 20,034,120 tons of waste is produced per year. In Peshawar 3.7wt.% of MSW are plastics (Year 2004 data). Table 3 ultimate and proximate analysis of scrap tires (Ahmad, 2013) Proximate Analysis Ultimate Analysis Fixed Carbon C Volatile Matter H Ash S Moisture N GCV (MJ/kg) Others Figure 1 Image of local waste tires and plastics before and after processing Figure 5 Flow chart for pyrolysis of plastics Methodology Literature Study Experimentation Material Balances Energy Balances Design Calculations Cost Estimation Instrumentation & Control HAZOP Study Table 4 Influence of the heating rate on the pyrolysis oil and solid products (Li et al. 2015) S. No Heating rate/K min Oil yield wt.% Oil heating value MJ/ kg Yield of solid wt.% Heating value of solid MJ/kg 1 15 23.43 32.47 42.42 19.08 25 37.42 39.05 43.70 17.93 2 33.77 39.93 39.50 21.64 42.22 40.19 43.18 18.18 Literature Review Figure 6 Schematic showing sequence of different steps for project Pyrolysis Condensation Shredding Pyrolysis unit Waste plastics Scrap tires Other waste Separation Storage Raw Materials Experimentation Work Schedule Figure 2 Effect of time on product yield (Filipe Paradela 2009) The process will be selected after further literature review (October 2016). After selection we will carry experimental work (November 2016). Material balances and energy balances will be carried out in December 2016. Design calculations will be carried out in January-February 2017. Cost estimation, and HAZOP study would be competed in March-April 2017. S. No Operating Parameter Value 1 Temperature C 2 Time (min) 15 min 3 Heating rate (C/min) 20 References Figure 3 Picture pyrolysis unit Table 1 Operating parameters Filipe Paradela, Filomena Pinto, Ana M. Ramos, I. Gulyurtlu, I. Cabrita. Study of the slow batch pyrolysis of mixtures of plastics, tyres and forestry biomass wastes 85 (2009) 392–398. Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao, Jianlong Nie, Baosheng Jin, Shanshan Shao, Guomin Xiao. Catalytic pyrolysis of black-liquor lignin by co-feeding with different plastics in a fluidized bed reactor 192 (2015) 68–74. Shahzad Ahmad*, Muhammad Imran Ahmad Desulfurization of Oils; Produced from Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires Vol. 6, No. 1, 2013, pp Houyang Li a, Xu Jiang a, Hairong Cui b, Fengyin Wang a, Xiuli Zhang c, Lin Yang, Cuiping Wang. Investigation on the co-pyrolysis of waste rubber/plastics blended with a stalk additive 115 (2015) 37–42. Figure 7 pyrolysis unit for experimental work (Zhang et al. 2015) Figure 4 Temperature effect on product yield (Filipe Paradela 2009) Sustainability in Process Industry (SPI’16), Chemical Engineering Department, UET Peshawar, Oct 19-20, 2016

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