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2D ART: Realistic Abstract Non-Objective

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Presentation on theme: "2D ART: Realistic Abstract Non-Objective"— Presentation transcript:

1 2D ART: Realistic Abstract Non-Objective

2 Realistic Art: What makes a work of art realistic?
Chuck Close Leslie 1973 Audubon Arctic Tern 1835 Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa Ralph Goings Still Life with Red Mat

3 Realistic Art: art that tries to show what something really looks like

4 Abstract Art: What makes a work of art abstract?
Picasso Three Musicians Georgia O’Keeffe Black Iris Piet Mondrian – Gray Tree

5 Abstract Art: art that starts with something real- but changes it – maybe through color, distortion, simplification…usually focuses on elements of art and principles of design and sometimes an expressive mood but you can still tell what it is

6 What makes a work of art non-objective? Non-Objective Art:

7 Paul Klee Static Dynamic Gradeation Mark Rothko Untitled Number 13 White, Red on Yellow

8 Non-Objective art: art that is not based on a realistic subject
Usually the content of the artwork is its color, shapes, brushstroke, size, scale, and in some cases- its process Some non-objective art can be very expressive.

9 Activity: Each table will receive an image
Activity: Each table will receive an image. Decide as a group how to best classify this image. (realistic, abstract, or non-objective) Write down your reason on the index card and be ready to present to the class.

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