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Financial Analysis Of Electronic Health Records (EHR’s)

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Analysis Of Electronic Health Records (EHR’s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Analysis Of Electronic Health Records (EHR’s)
Areas Of Analysis: Private Practice Andrew Peek Government Eric Clark Hospitals Chris Lewis Health (HIE) Yves Antoine DSS & EBM Kevin Phipps

2 Financial Analysis Private Practice
Benefits Increased Efficiency Reduced Administrative Costs Increased Patient Volume HITECH Act Of 2009 Incentives Example Practice Single Physician Office Staff (4 Employees) Average Patients 25 Per Day

3 Financial Analysis Private Practice
Benefits HITECH Act Of 2009 Incentives Increased Patient Volume Decreased time with patient while still maintaining quality. Decreased time because of not having to pull patient charts. Year 1 $15,000 Year 2 $12,000 Year 3 $8,000 Year 4 $4,000 Year 5 $2,000

4 Financial Analysis Private Practice
Benefits “We found a 79% reduction in chart pulls 6 months after implementation of the EHR and a 96% reduction at 2 years. Previous internal time and motion studies estimated the average cost to be $0.86 per pull. On an annualized basis, assuming 50 work weeks per year, this reduction in chart pulls translates to an annual savings of $246,934 at 2 years.”

5 Financial Analysis Private Practice
Benefits Reduced Administrative Costs Decrease the # of employees Decrease # hours for employees Costs Initial Costs Software Training Support IT Staff

6 Financial Analysis Private Practice
Costs Initial Costs Workstations Tablet PC’s Server Wireless Networking Equipment Software Praxis EMR $6,000 VistA Public Domain Software $Free

7 Financial Analysis Private Practice
Costs Training Praxis provides initial training for physicians and office managers. IT Staff System Administrator Support /Chat

8 Government Analysis Costs Benefits
U.S. Government accounts for about 27% of all spending on healthcare expenditures. Medicare and Medicaid account largely for this large amount of spending. An estimated $500 Million dollars will be saved in the first 5 years as a result of the reform. U.S. healthcare is one of the most expensive in the world. Benefits U.S. Government has the most incentive to reform because of the large amount it will save. An increase in the quality of healthcare will result from implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR’s). With the help of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) we should see a significant decrease in the 250,000 deaths that occur each year because of medical errors.

9 Government Analysis Benefits
Workflow efficiency will drastically increase allowing physicians to see more patients and potentially make more money. Preventative medicine will provide healthier patients and will also reduce the amount of money the government spends on healthcare. Online pharmacies and E-Prescribing will lower the number of drug interactions and provide easier monitoring of prescription abuse/fraud. Although our Government cares about its citizens well-being, the primary cause for reform in healthcare is the amount of money that will be saved from doing so.

10 EHR’s In Hospitals Costs $5,000,000 - $100,000,000
The price greatly varies based on the size of the hospital being implemented. System Costs Induced Costs Decrease in provider productivity during and after the implementation. Hardware Implement Staff Conversion Training Software Support

11 EHR’s In Hospitals Benefits
Pulling charts will no longer exist or be time consuming. Should lower malpractice premiums. Reduce unnecessary tests. Eliminate duplicate procedures. Reduction of staff. Meeting requirements to get paid. Stimulus money. Reducing hospital infections.

12 Maybe…. EHR’s In Hospitals
Is It Worth It? Maybe…. More research is needed to accurately understand the financial impacts of EHR’s in hospitals.

13 Health Information Exchange
Standardization National interoperability Reduced efforts spending on compatibility issues. More efficient HIE systems. Funding State and Federal initiatives Future financial stability Benefits

14 Health Information Exchange
Benefits Reduced medical errors Decrease in duplicate tests Reduction in effort to locate charts

15 Decision Support Systems (DSS) & Electronic Medical Records (EMR’s)
Benefits Increase the quality of healthcare Increase efficiency Quicker visits Lower costs Reduce medical errors Patient satisfaction Criticism

16 Decision Support Systems (DSS) & Electronic Medical Records (EMR’s)
Costs DSS costs Example clinic – 12 provider family clinic EMR’s - $20,000 - $60,000 Training - $1,000 - $10,000 Hardware - $50,000 - $200,000 Support/Maintenance – Varies Total $ - $71,000 - $270,000

17 Since there are none, thanks everyone!!!
Questions??? Since there are none, thanks everyone!!!

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