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Present continuos tense:

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1 Present continuos tense:
Past continuos tense: We use the present continous tense to talk about things that are happening now We use the past continuos tense to talk about things in progress at a specific time in the past. Grammar rules Grammar rules Affirmative form: Subject + was/were+ verb –ing+ complement. Examples: I was studying at the library last night. We were eating dinner when you called Affirmative form: subject +am/are/is + verb –ing+ complement. Examples: she is cooking fish I am eating rice Negative form: subject+ am/are/is + not + verb –ing + complement. Examples: I am not working now She is not doing her homework Interrogative form: Am/are/is + subject + verb –ing + complent. Examples: Is she sleeping ? Are you playing soccer? Negative form: subject+ was/were+ not+ verb –ing+complement. Examples: she was not playing volleyball yestarday I was not watching tv when you arrived Interrogative form: was/were+ subject+ verb –ing+ complement. Example: Was he speaking german? Was she reading the newspaper in the living room when you arrived?

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