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Presentation on theme: "Remodelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remodelling

2 Remodelling

3 Remodelling

4 Remodelling

5 Straight - after eight

6 Type of pain relief during the MUA VAS average 2
Patients Type of pain relief during the MUA VAS average 2 Sedation with Midasolam IV 2.0 (0-4) 7 Haematoma block local anaesthetic 2.14 (0-9) 3 Enthanox gass 6.67 (5-8)

7 General Principals of plaster making

8 Put on your gloves and apron


10 The cast index (CI),

11 Padding index PI ≤ 0.3

12 Allowance of deformity
Reference Volar tilt / degrees Radial inclination / degrees Shortening / mm Radial height / mm Articular stepoff / mm Lateral displacement / mm Oxford textbook of Orthopaedics and trauma. Ch. Bulstrode. 3 Volumes. Not mentioned Postgraduate Orthopaedics. Second Edition Review of Orthopaedics. Mark D. Miller. Fifths edition ˂-5 15 5 Orthobullets web page <-5° ˃18 ˃8 <2 AAOS Textbook of Orthopaedics -5 12 AAOS Guideline on The Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures -10 3 2 Focus On Distal radius fracture: current concepts and management. Bone & Joint Journal. 2013 10 Average Allowance


14 Is it safe to do Exercises in a cast?

15 MUA results in our A&E Dorsal tilt / degrees
Radial inclination / degrees Shortening / mm Anatomical angulations 7 22 After the MUA -5.4 19 2 Theoretical allowance -5 15 5 Before MUA -19 15.5 4.5

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