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Howard Class Newsletter

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1 Howard Class Newsletter
Literacy Children will be using “The Jolly Postman” to explore familiar and unfamiliar rhymes and stories and to make connections with their own lives. Throughout the unit reception children will be developing their writing skills and Year 1 and 2 will be retelling stories and writing their own letters. Journeys Our theme for the first half term will be journeys focusing on the local area. Our main text will be “The Jolly Postman” which will enable us to make links between many aspects of the curriculum. Please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Howard Class team if you have a question, we are always happy to help. In geography we will be developing our map making skills and vocabulary to refer to key human features. In Science we will be learning about keeping our bodies healthy through physical activity and diet. We will also be exploring materials for building houses for the fairytale characters! We will continue to investigate seasons and seasonal changes including UK weather. Numeracy Year 1 and 2 will be concentrating on place value, addition and subtraction. Reception children will be looking at numerals and counting forwards and backwards to at least 20. We have attached a copy of the nursery rhymes which feature in “The Jolly Postman” to share with your child and support their engagement with the story. We will send out specific information regarding spellings in homework books.

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