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Register Account.

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Presentation on theme: "Register Account."— Presentation transcript:

1 Register Account

2 Move the scroll bar to end. check the html layout.

3 Phone no mandatory.Remove validation Validation message mismatch while scrolling the page. Otherwise include full message for clear understanding. Once registered it’s going to Edit account page(currently). But it should go to home page once registered. For other cases it should maintain the session. terms&conditions not validated. without selecting it’s allowing to register

4 Phone no mandatory. Remove validation Edit account page

5 Wishlist

6 Incorrect part number. Where its referred from??
Unit price is empty.

7 Alignment issue.

8 Delivery Address

9 Move the Scroll bar to the end as like in html layout.
Address “1” ? Remove “1” Area was not a input parameter while entering the address. But it appears while edit/ add address entries Remove this Move the Scroll bar to the end as like in html layout.

10 Need Edit/Delete for default address also.

11 “Pack of “ shows wrong data

12 Can u give better look for all the pop up messages, where ever applicable

13 If cart is empty, it’s allowing to checkout? Check the functionality??

14 Give color variation for “out of stock” (already discussed )
Out of stock products can be added to cart from wishlist page. then can able to checkout.? Check this scenario from cart items also Give color variation for wishlist if it’s already there in wishlist (already discussed).

15 Item can be removed from wish list only from the wish list page..
If the user try the add the same item again through the message “item already in wish list”

16 Can modify the pop up as like in “add to cart”
Adding wishlist without login leading to login page. After that it’s going to edit account page. Either it should lead to wishlist page/product page where we trying to add

17 If filter returns “Zero”, can we notify the message like “No products ,please refine your filter ”

18 Remove this If search not found through the message “No products,please refine your Search”

19 Send mails to “”
Need validation here before sending mail.

20 Send mails to which includes user details.
The images shall be changed by selection(SLA/FDM/SLS). By default no image. Send mails to which includes user details. User need to logged in to send mails (as like checkout functionality). All fields are mandatory

21 Logo is alignment issue. Alignment problem search icon

22 Forget password mail content -> change the logo image. remove the slogon from mail content and give as


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