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SuperB Detector Status-Cal Tech-Dec. 2010

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Presentation on theme: "SuperB Detector Status-Cal Tech-Dec. 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 SuperB Detector Status-Cal Tech-Dec. 2010
Geometry Task Forces System by System Updates Workshop Goals/Structure. Blair Ratcliff SLAC

2 Detector Geometry Selection Task Forces

3 SuperB Detector (with options)
Backward Task Force Forward Task Force

4 Detector Geometry Definition
Main Overall Geometry Choices Needed for TDR Bill Wisniewski Hassan Jawahery Task Force Meetings Wed. starting at 11:00 this week with Joint meeting followed by separate afternoon sessions 4

5 Task Force membership Forward Geometry Selection Task Force
Hassan Jawahery, Chair Matteo Rama Brian Meadows Pasquale Lubrano Chris Hearty Backward Geometry Selection Task Force Bill Wisniewski, Chair Achille Stocchi Steve Robertson Gianluigi Cibnetto Dave Aston 5

6 Forward PID Taskforce Activities and plans
Membership: C. Hearty, H. Jawahery, P. Lubrano, B. Meadows, M. Rama Meetings: September 30; taskforce members at the general meeting in Frascati October 19, phone meeting of TF with the detector proponents The overall plan: Three technologies are proposed for forward PID FARICH fTOF or DIRC-like TOF: Pixilated TOF Key questions under study: Physics gain – being studied by the Geometry working group Estimate of the adverse impact of a forward PID on FEMC and DCH Proof-of-Principal for each technology and its expected performance, including results of cosmic ray tests (initial results to be discussed at this meeting) & the impact of B field. Impact of background on the detector performance- need an accurate BKG model. Readout Integration Cost and schedule Intermediate review at this meeting, aiming for a recommendation in Spring.

7 Forward PID taskforce Agenda
Session 1: (Joint with BEMC) (Dec. 15 at 11:00- 12:30) Introductory remarks H. Jawahery (5’) Physics impact of Forward PID Matteo Rama (40’+10’) Test beam study of impact FPID on F-EMC Stefano Germani (20’) Session 2: (Dec. 15, 14:00- 15:30) Presentations on fTOF & responses to TF questions. 1) Introduction FTOF (+ Cost estimate) A. Stocchi/N. Arnaud ' 2) CRT Experiments i) set up/electronic D. Breton ’ ii) results of data analysis L. Burmistrov ’ iii} next step for this experiment A. Stocchi ’ Session 3: (Dec. 15, 16:00- 17:30) Presentation on FARICH & responses to TF questions - Evgeni Kravchenko (40’) Presentation on Pixelated TOF & responses to TF questions - Jerry Va’vra (30’)  Session 4: (Dec. 16, 9:00- 10:30) Closed meeting of TF Report to the Tech-board on Thurs by the Taskforce Chairs.

8 Detector Proto-Tech Board/Parallel Session Conveners
Detector Coordinators – B.Ratcliff, F. Forti Technical Coordinator – W.Wisniewski SVT – G. Rizzo DCH – G. Finocchiaro, M.Roney PID – N.Arnaud, J.Vavra EMC – F.Porter, C.Cecchi IFR – R.Calabrese Magnet – W.Wisniewski Electronics, Trigger, DAQ – D. Breton, U. Marconi Online/DAQ – S.Luitz Offline SW Simulation coordinator – D.Brown Fast simulation – M. Rama Full Simulation/Computing – F. Bianchi Background simulation – M.Boscolo, E.Paoloni Rad monitor – Lumi monitor – Machine Detector Interface – +DGWG – A. Stocchi, M. Rama +Geometry Selection Task Forces- H. Jawahery, W. Wisniewski

9 Detector Systems Status Reports
Advertisement for System Parallel Sessions. Highlight Detector Subsystem R&D Sorry that I must be so brief

10 Background Simulation/MDI-Eugenio Paoloni

11 Backgrounds simulation
Improvements of the SuperB Geant4 model Better model of the SVT (R.Cenci). Finally there are 8 realistic modules instead of a single unrealistic cilinder : ) Latest IR design from Mike & lattice parameters from Panta(Alejandro) Beam pipe modeled up to the first dipole ~12 m from the IP Better beam pipe model at the IP (R.Cenci)

12 Backgrounds simulation
Improvements of the Bruno software (Alejandro) Check of the correctness of the magnetic model (Alejandro): both the old IR model (P3) and the latest one are in good agreement with Mike simulations

13 SVT-Convener Rizzo

14 SVT Update: Main progress on pixel R&D
Details in the SVT Parallels Hybrid Pixel First results on Front-End chip bump-bonded to sensor matrix Prototype hybrid pixel module in preparation: Bump-bonding of 3 FE chips with sensor matrix Finalize Al bus design for prototype module New version of FE chip for hybrid pixel in preparation: With vertical integration (2 CMOS layers interconnected) New readout architecture (data push & triggered version implemented) Threshold tuning at pixel level

15 SVT Update: Main progress on pixel R&D
CMOS MAPS Radiation damage studies: charge collection after neutron irrad. up to ~ 7x1012n/cm2  ~3.5x1012n/cm2/yr expected in Layer0 After a long delay first MAPS with vertical integration process (Chartered 130 nm) finally getting ready. 2D wafer delivered- 3D wafers due in Feb 2011 Vertically integrated MAPS for the II 3D run (June 2011) in preparation: Simulation of the new readout architecture ready (data push & triggered version) Efficiency vs trigger latency studied Large matrix area (128x100 pixel): layout of the digital tier for matrix ready. Getting organized for 2011 Testbeam First Chartered 2D wafer delivered

16 DCH-Conveners Finnocchiaro & Roney


18 Activity @ LNF: R&D on Cluster Counting
Local derivative method BUFFER VTH DELAY (5-10 ns) DISCRIMINATOR AMPLIFIER VTH close to the system noise limit First tests on 2.5m long, 24mm side square tube in He-CH4 mixture threshold and delay still to be optimized



21 Update on DCH FullSim Studies at McGill
Addressing the issue of how to define "occupancy" in the absence of an actual detector response simulation. Requires study of how GEANT handles energy deposition in the context of low energy tracks and variable step size.   The total dE/dx energy deposit is the same regardless of step size, but for small step size the charge is deposited more uniformly along the track length whereas its much more "clumpy" for large step size (since only one energy deposit per step).  The latter “clumpy” case could result in underestimation of the occupancy, but small step size is prohibitive in terms of cpu time and file size. have validated that the physics is correct in either case (i.e. same number of tracks and average dE/dx ) in GEANT occupancy is dependent on GEANT’s step size choice - still working on algorithm for determining occupancy

22 PID-Conveners Vavra & Arnaud

23 Barrel PID  FBLOCK [SLAC]
 Raw block has been produced by Corning and is ready to be shipped.  Had to make a new quote request for the FBLOCK machining operation because a buyer made a silly mistake in the first round. The search has 10 companies involved.  FDIRC prototype studies in CRT [SLAC]  FDIRC prototype is now being used to study Cherenkov ring resolution & its tails.  BaBar DIRC:  Bar boxes removed from BaBar [SLAC + LAL + Saclay]  And safely stored. Bars look good to visual inspection.  Some PMT studies performed. m+ m- Matt is happy:

24 Barrel PID  Mechanics [Padova + SLAC]
 Ongoing work on the mechanical design for the CRT test.  MaPMTs [Maryland + SLAC]  Modified SLAC PC board for MaPMT amplifiers ready.  Electronics [LAL-Orsay + LPNHE-Paris]  Front-end chip architecture still being discussed  Need to match the background requirements and the TDC readout  SCAT (100 ps TDC) architecture completely defined (behavioral simulations done)  Layout of the chip from part almost done; readout design ongoing  Background [SLAC]  Simple rate estimates updated after a recent visit to Belle-II collaboration meeting.

25 Forward PID  FARICH [Novosibirsk]  Test beam in progress
 DIRC-like TOF [LAL-Orsay + SLAC]  Large data sample collected in CRT telescope.  Analysis in progress  A simple pixilated TOF using a LYSO crystal [SLAC]  Caltech provided a full size LYSO crystal. SLAC prepared a detector setup.  The prototype with 4x4 G-APD array readout is now being tested in CRT.  More simple version with single 3mm x 3mm G-APD will be tested in January.  Data taking in progress.  Electronics [ LAL-Orsay]  Ongoing work on ASICS and system sides  Design of a 16 channel board  One step further towards a demonstration that 10 ps precision can be achieved with 100+ channels

26 EMC-Conveners (Cecchi & Porter)

27 Test Beam at CERN October 11th – 31st
SETUP Data collected at energies of: 1GeV : ~ % e- 1.5GeV:  ~ % e- 2GeV: ~ % e- 3GeV:  ~ % e- 4GeV: ~ % e-

28 First look at the data…. MIP is under study, in particular the three components have to be understood: -first peak empty events not seen by Cherenkov, crystals and scintillator pad behind the matrix - Third peak is under investigation - Clean peaks from MIP’s and electrons

29 First look at the data…. Electron energy deposited in the central crystal (12) and in the 8 crystals around it MC is being tuned to add known effect present in the data. Some improvement is still needed. Description of the electronic noise, temperature corrections, simulation of the LYSO uniformity…

30 Detector Elements-IFR-Convener Calabrese

31 IFR Advances since last meeting
All needed SiPM received and characterized Prototype completed, tested with cosmic and shipped to FNAL Prototype tested (1-7 Dec 2010) at Fermilab Meson Area 9 layer configuration tested with different readout schemes (5 BiRO layers and 4 TDC layers) Pizza Box

32 IFR Goals for this meeting
Review advancements and achievements in all the development areas Particular focus on prototype beam test Analyze the TDR preparation process and prioritize the short and medium term activities

33 done done done done done Towards the TDR
finalize prototype design (mechanics and electronics) place orders for prototype construction prototype preparation prototype test with cosmics beam FNAL analyze/review test results done Fall 09 done December 09 done January 2010 done October 2010 LNF meeting situation done December 2010 Spring 2011

34 Electronics, Trigger and DAQ- Conveners,Breton, Luitz, & Marconi

35 What was done since Frascati workshop

36 What we expect from this workshop

37 FastSim-Dave Brown

38 FastSim work since October
• Top-of-arc problems addressed • Fix flaw in multiple scattering (log term) • Code cleanup • Improve measurement interface • Simplify edml (xml) config description • Refactorize hit merging and pat. rec. confusion • Plan for release of public FastSim package • New public svn repository in Padova (FastSim) • Renaming of classes and packages • Removal of BaBar, SuperB dependencies

39 Top-of-arc problems • FastSim models DC layers as cylinders
• Hits generated as particle crosses fixed radius • Material effects computed from 1st order calculation • Particle at top-of-arc goes transverse to layer • Multiple hits in a single layer • Gas material given by arc through layer • FastSim fixes • Compute gas path using 2nd order calculation • Generate # hits according to gas path • Nhits in layer ≅ pathlength/cellsize + 1

40 Top-of-arc

41 Multiple Scattering • PDG
• Describes Gaussian approximation to 98% core • 11% accurate for x/X0 > 10-3 • NB: 1cm Ar/Ethane has x/X0 ~ 10-5 • Cannot be added in quadrature due to tails! • FastSim was hardcoded to BaBar tuning • 2% 10X tails, x/X0 ~6% in log term • Used in both simulation and reconstruction • over-estimated SuperB scattering (no support tube) • Short-term fix: set x/X0 to ~2% in log term • Long-term fix: use full Moliere scattering model

42 DGWG- M. Rama and A. Stocchi

43 Detector geometry working group
Main goal at this meeting Review the studies concerning the physics case for the backward EM calorimeter and the forward PID detector The results will be further discussed in the detector geometry task forces sessions tomorrow Sessions today

44 Agenda

45 Detector Related Workshop Sessions

46 Focus of Workshop Global System and Integration Issues
Forward and Backward Task Forces Computing & Simulation Review substantial ongoing R&D Refine understanding needed towards final subsystem and general system design Complete Design R&D (Beam Tests & Milestones) Integration Organization Build Manpower, Add Institutions Deeper WBS Define Specific Resource (Manpower and Budget Needs) Specific TDR Production Plans Documents and Planning Now  Detailed Resource Planning & Requirements for TDR phase.  TDR (~ 1year). Hope that Godot is coming. 46

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